4.10 star(s) 25 Votes


Sep 19, 2024
Controls are ass, and not in the good way. This could easily be a 1-handed game for those of us with regular sized hands. As it is, they split the controls between the left and right sides of the keyboard. The grapple escape is the arrows keys which can also be used for movement, but the regular movement controls cannot be used to escape grappling. Plus, the game starts off by deleting your mouse cursor - you have to navigate to the settings and re-enable the cursor, which for a windowed-only game at less than 1080p resolution is absolutely retarded.

So here's some suggestions, if they see it:
  1. Control scheme for 1 left hand as follows -
    • A for left, D for right, W for jump, Space or S for attack, Space, S or Shift for block.
    • For right-handed users, a scheme using only the numpad can work also. For those with compact keyboards, simply mirror the left side of the keyboard to similar layouts on the right. Shift is still available in this case.
    • All horizontal movement keys ought to be available for escaping grapples
  2. Leave mouse enabled, provide option to disable it. Better yet, enable button selection with the mouse in addition to the keyboard. Not hard to do as you can already advance dialogue with the left mouse button.
  3. Animations are a bit jank. 2D physics-based movement is smooth but looks off. Tweaking is necessary. It does save time with manual frame keying, but it needs to be better.
  4. There is no gun yet. Remove the ammo or grey out the purchase option instead of letting players spend money on it.


New Member
Oct 7, 2021
Hi, I'm just here to tell to the creator that the game is fucking wonderful, despite the other people that like or not the main protagonist, i see that your game is doing very good job! Despite being an Alpha, yet thankful that it's not complete. I will give you some ideas for your future updates on the game.

1.Main Protagonists: I see that you created a place where you can change the MP clothing, but also i see that you put a character changer. For now you don't focus on that, so you can better work in the most important things like better controls, enemies, animations, performance, among others. Also, it will be preferable that there will be only two more selectable characters, like one female and also a futa. But this will be used on a new game + or implemented as the story progresses.

2. Better perfomance on lower engine: This is more my problem, so you better don't worry about it. I love that this game was made in Unity, letting me play it despite on a low perfomance, yet a pretty good gameplay and all. But as i said, you're doing great and hope you can launch the full content one day :)

3. Enemies and sections: I liked the locker puzzle, and also the only 3 enemies on the game, speciale the common ones with 2 animations, so i give you on put just 2 animations in very common enemies, and, if the thing get better, 2 anim on boss ones. This will help on a better variety but also a comfy way on the work.

4. Control setting: I read that some people want to force you to change the controls for their preference as an excuse, so the best answer for this is to make a control configuration as you said on the game ;)

5. Pretty good History and plot of the game itself: I really like when a porn game, don't matter the genre, makes a more rought and perfecly on the plot of the game instead of the typical vanilla, sitcom, cuckold think.
Your history is very notable among others, and the style also makes the magic with that dark touch of dystopian future. This also tells me that you will explore more further for the games plot and scenes with the pass of the time. You doing great man, or woman, idk :p

And, this one for everyone.

6. This still is an Alpha: As both sides should already understand, this is still in a very early stage of development. So the ones on this comment sections, rember to be polite with the developer, because this type of games In almost all cases, only one person does it.
So, instead of compaining for the MP or the Controls, we can help will giving some good recommendations and ideas to the creator.
The majority don't know how to use Unity, or RPGM and Ren'py or as you say. Also to have in mind that the one who makes the games have a personal life. So, as some complain that they have a busy and personal life, We also better have in mind that the developer has its own life.

Hope this help for everyone. I don't want the same fate that Garden of Sin had for this game, so I only ask everyone to understand and help the creator to improve the interesting and great game that is creating.

With that in mind, good look for every one. And also a happy holidays! :)
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New Member
May 16, 2024
>be me
>in the notes section, looking at controls
"H - Masturbate"
"oh sweet, there's a button for masturbation!" -me
>exits menu and presses H
>nothing happens
why is there deception in my porn???

if you don't acknowledge the lying, it's a 5.5/10 in the current state

+ hell yeah on the fetishes
+ the scenes and animations that do exist are well done and hot as hell
~ way over-complicated """puzzle"""
- VERY little content (its a demo, i guess)
UI is clunky and unintuitive (only like two menus work with mouse, despite it being an option) ((also come on. F to interact? really??))
- no pistol. (why even show it in the screenshots and have ammo buyable if it isn't something the average player can use?)

i shall be watching this closely, but for now its a waste of ~200mb

Damien Rocks

Active Member
Sep 8, 2018
>be me
>in the notes section, looking at controls
"H - Masturbate"
"oh sweet, there's a button for masturbation!" -me
>exits menu and presses H
>nothing happens
why is there deception in my porn???

if you don't acknowledge the lying, it's a 5.5/10 in the current state

+ hell yeah on the fetishes
+ the scenes and animations that do exist are well done and hot as hell
~ way over-complicated """puzzle"""
- VERY little content (its a demo, i guess)
UI is clunky and unintuitive (only like two menus work with mouse, despite it being an option) ((also come on. F to interact? really??))
- no pistol. (why even show it in the screenshots and have ammo buyable if it isn't something the average player can use?)

i shall be watching this closely, but for now its a waste of ~200mb
Calm down, it's under construction.
Whenever you see that the game says it includes X or Y it means that it WILL or MAY include X or Y in the future.
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Reactions: HomelessJesus


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2018


Apr 22, 2021
Calm down, it's under construction.
Whenever you see that the game says it includes X or Y it means that it WILL or MAY include X or Y in the future.
Quick reminder that a 0.1(.0) game is literally the very first version of a game that could exist unless the dev wants to call it a 1.0, which would be correct but most people wouldn't get that a 1.0 beta is still a beta.
4.10 star(s) 25 Votes