Ren'Py - Abandoned - Wizards Adventures [v0.1.36.0] [AdmiralPanda]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Reviewing v0.1.36

    Just a boring navigation nightmare with a lot of back and forth, full of events depending on each other and bound to a time of day. Sometimes you have to do something somewhere in the morning and then again same place next morning. You can pass time at the press of a button but cannot move to the next day without multiple extra ones.
    Bad design all over, plus the story and scenes aren't even worth the hours of time wasting. Whether a girl takes forever to woo or throws herself at you, it's always soul less and never feels good.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    The art leaad me to believe it could be decent but the story is boring and characters don't have more than one expression. played right through everything waiting for it to get a LITTLE interesting but just failed to deliver.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Review for Wizard's Adventures 0.1.31:

    I've waited a couple of updates to try again. The first post in the discussion says, "Old saves don't work." I still get tracebacks and can't complete quests because of it. Looking at the discussion thread, it's not clear if the bugs are fixed or not because players are still complaining about them. There's no way I'm going back and starting a new game if that's what's necessary to avoid the bugs and, based on the discussion, it wouldn't help because new bugs have been introduced that affect restarting from the beginning. [Edit: looks like v1.32 and newer have some built-in savegames where the player can start at the beginning of v1.31 or any newer update. However, between the slow progress and the constant influx of bugs, it's just not worth bothering.] I'm just going to wait until this game gets a [Completed] tag, assuming that ever happens.

    Previous review for 0.1.28

    Artwork: 4.5/5 - It's not the stereotypical anime artwork found in most adult games, and it also has more depth and complexity than a lot of 2d artwork. However, there are in inconsistencies, such as scenes in the kitchen at breakfast where Gwen's clothing completely changes multiple times between frames.

    Story: 3/5 - More of the typical stereotypes and cliches of adult incest games, but it's at least set in a relatively unique time and place.

    Writing: 3.0/5 - It's not riddled with spelling and grammar mistakes in every single line of dialogue, but it's not good. The translation quality definitly varies throughout the game and sometimes it's bad. The writing has some humor and some parody, but in general, it mostly gets lost in translation.

    Gameplay: 2.5/5. A bit too grindy. There are 4 times slots in a day and there are too many things that only happen at one time slot and it forces grind. The story and hints sometimes talk about times that aren't obvious, such as "noon". The story and hints also frequently say to "talk" to another character in the game (without specifying a time slot), and that character will refuse to talk to the MC except during a specific time slot. There are also cases where some story lines seem to get put on hold until other storylines progress, but the story and hints don't say anything about it. Earning money and the price of items players need to purchase in the game seems contrived to force... grind. There's a built-in cheat to get money which seems to be a good indicator that others felt the same way.

    Content: 3/5 - There's a decent amount of content available. However, this game is about 3.5 years old. At this point, the entire game should be 70-80% complete, but my guess is that it's in the 40-50% range, at best.

    Bugs: 1/5 - Every single update is riddled with bugs and what's worse is that new bugs frequently get introduced in older content, too.
    • I've encountered tracebacks in every release. Sometimes, I clicked "ignore" and it seemed to affect the game as if I had made a bad choice, so I'm not sure if I was able to play the game as it was meant to be played. There were some gameplay bugs, too.
    • Quests shown in the hints can't be completed because nothing happens when following the hints (e.g. quest related to Aunt in the basement). Not sure if it's a hint system bug, unknown dependency bug, or a quest-specific bug.
    • There were two "scenes" that played in the MC's bedroom where I clicked through the dialogue of a conversation and, instead of a scene, there was an empty room. The characters sprites, animations, etc. that should've been there were missing.
    • Updates have broking old saves multiple times. If it happens again, I won't bother playing until the game gets a [Completed] tag, it's just been too buggy to attempt to replay it.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Jogo é interessante, as cenas são ok, porem são “animadas”, a arte é bonitinha, não desagrada os olhos, as troas de ambiente são lentas, e tem alguns lugares com bugs, nada que não de para melhorar, as opções de troca também poderia ser mais bonitinhas.

    The game is interesting, the scenes are ok, but they are "lively", the art is cute, it doesn't bother the eyes, the atmosphere changes are slow, and there are some places with bugs, nothing that can't be improved, the exchange options could also be cuter.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    This game keeps on breaking old saves which makes it frankly unplayable. I am not going to redo all the grind.

    As people mentioned this game suffers from being a different game wearing the skin of its predecessor.
    The author massively and drastically rewrote the story, got a different artist to redo the art (changing both artstyle and also character build), redid the personality of the characters, and changed the fetishes of the game. So... it is a different completely different game.

    I don't particularly dislike the new game. If it had less grind and a the ability to keep saves between version I would have rated it a 4. But as it is I can only recommend people avoid this
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I loved the game !!!! , great renders and the female characters are beautiful, the lewd scenes are very hot . The story isn't very impressive but it has funny moments . I love Milena. Thanks , waiting for the next update happily .
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    AVOID, this game isn't worth the time I spent writing this review :/

    The basic concept is good, the list of tags looked great, I like the art style but the game pretty bad & is SOOOOOO broken! :/

    The writing leaves a lot to be desired & it's not just poor translation. Characters have none. There seems to be little plot/storyline & what there is doesn't make much sense . It's like the author has never interacted with real people before! The dialogue contradicts itself in several places, as if the writer has forgotten what the wrote 5 mins ago. Dialogue relating and/or referring directly to things that have yet to happen are pretty frequent.

    I only kept playing at this point in the hopes of seeing some of the action the screenshots promised but the real issues then appeared;
    1. My saves magically disappear, leaving only REALLY outdated ones & trying to load any of the autosaves just loads one of those outdated saves, like several days & many hours of gameplay outdated. Starting a new game, playing different versions didn't help.
    2. Error screens, so so many error screens!!! I have never seen so many in one game! (Most appear to refer to missing assets that I have previously seen, so can't be missing)
    Hopefully the dev(s) learn a lot from this attempt.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    The story and play of original was good, the new one just looks like another generic game... i pretty disappointed to where it's going. Even the relationship between characters looks a lot more generic.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3959277

    I was reluctant to try this sandbox game (v0.1.24.p5) because its reviews were particularly low and I don't like a sandbox game that is usually grinding and click-hogging. But the game 2D arts and models looked beautiful and attractive. And the story was interesting enough to follow. Initially, it's not clear about who to talk (e.g., Disar on barrel) and where to go. But I was able to finish the game without any walkthrough document, only based on character hints (the heart button on top-left corner of the screen). As for the story, it's basically about corrupting LI (your sister) along with the other female NPCs in a fantasy world. The corruption process was what I liked the most. The corruption was not too long to make you bored nor too easy to make you lose interest quickly. Of course, it required frequent clicking on locations and people, but I didn't feel it intolerable in comparison with other sandbox games. Other than that, I didn't feel grinding in the game with extra money from cheats (from table in your room) the game provided.

    Conclusion: I'd recommend this game if you want a properly-designed corruption game with beautiful 2D arts.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    I am really not sure why people are shitting on this game so much. I would say I'm usually on the more critical side when it comes to reviews, and I thought this game was fair. I am not familiar with its history, I am guessing most of these negative reviews are people upset about some past decision that was made, but I really don't understand all the whining today.

    Anyways, I'm rating the game, not the developer, and like I said I think that it's in a pretty good place today. It definitely has a lot of fleshing out to do, but I got multiple faps from it so how could I not recommend it? Some of the gameplay is a little grindy but the dev added in easy-to-access cheats to help you get around it so thats a null point in my book (great choice dev). The game also has a really good built-in guide, it tells you exactly what you need to do, and when a character's plot is tied into another's, it tells you exactly which character you need to progress with to unlock more content with the former.

    You can see the art, it's pretty good but it's custom so that gets bonus points from me. The animation is fluid. The dialog in the scenes is quite kinky. Incest, stealing a dick's woman, and fucking a sweet nun, hell yeah.

    What don't I like? Well, as I mentioned, it definitely needs more content with some of the characters. You can at least fuck most of them so that's good, but we need to go further (imo impregnation is where you have to go for all fuckable characters in all games). Also, I really hope that the dev doesn't lean to far into the furry content. MC has an ability to transform into a dog/werewolf, and there is at least 1 H-scene with him in that state, but it feels like dev has put his own f... furs... fursona *throws up in mouth a little* into the game. It's fine today but man he needs to be careful with it, imo.
  11. 1.00 star(s)



    Art is amazing
    Story showed potential

    Essentially 2 incomplete games due to boredom
    Character Progression is spread out and lacking on all fronts
    Content is limited to soft core stuff because of prior con.

    Overall, game could be better but it has to many red flags.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is beyond perfect. I don't understand why it got such low ratings. The game graphics are good, the game is not easy or difficult, it entertains you. I hope the updates keep coming. mom and sister can take it even further and of course the girl in the bar
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    I love the artwork and the characters. It definitely could be better, but I just love this game. It's like the son I never had. It's full of flaws and defects but I love it just the way it is. If I had to define it with just one word it would be: "Schwifty". But the way that story escalates from 1-100 for the side characters is just bad. If I had to define the story progression with one word it would be "Toby". It's just the worst.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Just awful, terrible, shit,( Insert any word that can sum up what this game is now, from what it was). I like the art, but thats it, there's nothing else to say about this. why change everything up for a lesser product?
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    1 star for bait and switch. If you are going to abandon game have some decency to say you are abandoning it and not make new one with same name.

    Went from fun and interesting game to bland, boring and grindy. Grats.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Good game overall. It has good art, the main waifu is good. But, the side characters are super rushed. And there is not a lot of content for being 3 years old. I will check back in in 3 more years, I guess.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + Story seems interesting.
    + Art style and animations looks good.

    Bad Points
    - General quality needs improve. We need more detailed renders and animations.
    - Sex scenes are not bad but we need more positions in sex scenes. Sex scenes have only one position and its pretty much boring.
    - We have pretty low amounth of content. We need more.
    - Ever update comes with annoying bugs and some of them even break whole game and don't let you process girls stories. 2-3 update ago (Before v0.1.26) i got bug with Milena and couldn't process her story at all and after reporting bug and not getting any fix i stopped and waited for new updates, i started fresh new game with update v0.1.26 and now i had bug with Amelia, in one shene she had to show panties to Merlin but instead they are invisible! Or there is bug with catwoman costume for Milena, which literaly makes her bald and armless... Or there is bug you got code error when you try get a scene with vampire lady... Basicaly this game totaly unplayable, because of these bugs i had to star over and over again 3-4 time and its still have some unfixed bugs from very begining of game! Seriously?!

    For The End
    Honestly its have potencial to being great game but low amount of content, lacking quality and being unplayable with annoying and constant bugs kills whole game...
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Basically, a huge bait and switch. Few versions ago there was an edgy F you Chad of a wizard with a beard and a desire to fuck everything he likes, hence, rape and slave tags were still a thing. I got interested. Invested even.
    Pics were somewhat trashy but you could play just for a feel of being god damn powerfull PC of a dude with a raging asshole sindrome.
    Now that the game got big creator decided to cuck out, get far away from any controversy and transform everything into another horny teen wanting to fuck his family, while also looking like a beta spinoff from Summertime Saga. All of the old edgy humor? Gone. Rape/enslavement themes gone. Asshole protagonist? Gone.
    If you wanted to start a new game, start a new game, but at least have the dicency to flag your old one as abandoned, instead of stuffing it's corpse and trying to resell it.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    The game somehow turned from an immersive, captivating game with numerous characters and scenes into a one dimensional game that mirrors 90 percent of the other lifeless games on this site. I'm not sure what the developer was thinking when he or she decided to do a major overhaul in stripping the essence of the game down to a boring grind that concentrates on one character, but I certainly hope he or she decides to go back to something similar to the previous game and that other developers take note of what not to do when you have a great game that people love. This game is a perfect example of why I hate it when people recommend creating a game involving one or two characters in order to do more updates. It stifles creativity and puts a huge burden on creating an absolutely amazing character and storyline which is nearly impossible to do in a way to please everyone.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    The game switched since the last time I played from an interesting game into a boring grindfest.

    Grinding money, collecting grass (really???) and grinding MC's sister with massages which are leading to nowhere. Or so endless slow that it is no fun to proceed.

    Where is all the story from the past? Why needing to grind for hours to see nothing, to get not further?

    The text in english was and still is terrible. Sometimes you can only guess what is meant, if at all. Even with the bad english, it WAS an interesting game. This is gone, sadly. :(