I related to Hutch (not with his exact 1st hand experiences, but close enough...lol).
I was right there in his head, until the end of the current story...
The way he pulled away, went quiet, thinking what to do. Yep.
But then, WTH... "Being a man" isn't putting up with that level of BS...
I gave mine a choice, stop, or leave. Thankfully, she left, because I would have absolutely ended up in prison, and my wife knew it...

Not her, but the dude. Probably the only thing that saved him, he ended up in prison 1st... And oh boy, was that fucking hilarious...

Our marriage counselor even struggled to hide her smirk and laughing...
The funny thing, I would be ok with the wife and story, if she had just confessed...
Vivian still has feelings, likes Hutch. She just doesn't respect him at all.
It's the lying that pisses me off. Yes, personal experiences bias me.
Like come on, I'm a freaking criminal investigator, stop thinking I'm stupid; it's disrespectful, and that's what pisses me off the most.
Vivian's whole thing, no, I love you, only want you, blah, blah, blah...

Geez woman, he saw and heard you... Why keep lying?
Any way.
In terms of "porn" & NTR stories, yeah, they're pretty good.
They just piss me off (hit a little too close to home...lol).
I just want to Godfather the MCs like Vito did to Johnny... Be a man, stop crying/acting like a woman...