Mar 23, 2022
i got a elf.
Avee, Yvee, farm are catch alls for raising children. All children can be raised by them. However Avee is broken and won't accept any children you are carrying more then one of. So two pups won't work but one pup will. In saying that Loski actually accepts any elf child, specifically elf. The southern cliff and the mines are places to get rid of unwanted children.
Mar 23, 2022
not sure how this slave obedience thing works.
If I remember correctly, you use the slave and their obedience goes up along with the skill of the organ used. for example if you use their mouth then their mouth skill and their obedience goes up. Reaching max obedience is what really matters as at 100% obedience a female slave won't have the child die when giving birth and their price is raised slightly.

Solid Snekk

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 5, 2017
I got pregnancy working along with some of the starting curses/boons.

I need to finish up some checks with the lizards having hemipenes and filling both holes if you have them since most things on the Dragon Isles have two cocks.


What powers should a womb rune give? I'm thinking of locking your exact fertility stats behind feelings. As of the game start the default pregnancy time is 90 days but that can be changed by magic/other factors.

For example, the other powers are:
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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
I got pregnancy working along with some of the starting curses/boons.

I need to finish up some checks with the lizards having hemipenes and filling both holes if you have them since most things on the Dragon Isles have two cocks.


What powers should a womb rune give? I'm thinking of locking your exact fertility stats behind feelings. As of the game start the default pregnancy time is 90 days but that can be changed by magic/other factors.

For example, the other powers are:
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Here are a few rambling thoughts:
A womb rune/tat can be lots of fun and doesn't always have to be something useful, debilitating, or serious.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2017
I mean, giving the option of booty babies would probably help in the 'how the hell does x character get spawned' if there's only males about.

...Unsure about delivery, though. Maybe it's an egg or has a protective shell, so you're effectively passing a bowling ball through the rump? *winces slightly*

Most of those options are things the player could mostly set in their ledger, but like, nothing wrong with that. Especially if it's something they gamer wants to see an effect of.

Frivolous is fine, but silly mechanics are also neat, especially if it helps tweak a build or something, possibly in ways other skills or feats do not. Maybe a mix of both?


The irresistible effect... may be more fun if it works both ways. Everything is more suggestible in your proximity, very much including yourself. Effectively relaxes requirements for lewding others or being lewded.

Increases the rate of advances, attention based by appearance, positive or negative.

Lore wise the player already had something akin to this going, but not crazy powerful.

...Perhaps it could be further empowered, to the point where it would behave much like Bibto suggests at later stages.

...Though I'm not a fan of body writing. Maybe leave that optional?


Semi related, but what about some sort of house / family mark on the body? Not limited to blood relations, the mark (essentially a small symbol or tattoo) that has a very minor boost to stats or ability, that grows in potency the more souls that choose to wear it. The location could vary, as does the size, but it could be a way to tie friends, lovers, and family together.

Maybe it resonates when others marked with this are nearby, letting you know they are close, (this could be useful in tracking down those that are kidnapped and such, mechanically) or perhaps it just aids in surviving some of the nastier magic that would outright kill normal beings, such as being in the environments that would normally cause the nose to start bleeding.

For a visual example, consider the manga / anime of Fairy Tale, that sort of vibe.

Or amusingly, maybe this manifests once you've reached x amount of favor with a given character, regardless of intent.
Perhaps an ability that is learned at later point, is an ability to embolden the bond or mark. With select few you may give them your blessing, further bolstering the marks effects.


This is probably more of a just a racial kit or perk, but no reason the others couldn't gain it from marks or enchantment- stretchiness. For Ratkin, small Farie and Goblins this is essential. No porn logic, no survival. Especially since there's all sorts of horse sized encounters (and more) out there. As to why it works, well, it's magic. Where there's a will, there's a magical way and all that.

Or to quote the great doge: If I sits, it fits.

Although this may just be better lampshaded and moving on. Most of the lewd art and proportions are quite unrealistic anyway.


Here's a fun one, though it's probably a bit too similar to come concepts I was planning to plug with the Monastery update stuff. Mana circuits.

You draw additional strength from the patterns on your body which draws from the spirts, elements, and magic in the land. This operates on the principal of bikini armor or anything else with high exposure, for it to work, essentially you are stronger the more of you is exposed to the world.

While useful, anything that has medium armor or higher, or conceals the body would nullify this effect. If needed for balancing, perhaps the body being covered in this way actually makes the PC feel uncomfortable or lethargic, leading to a stat penalty.

For extra fun and flavor, maybe these circuits can grow stronger the more primary elementals or spirits you bond with.

And by bond, of course I mean fuck.

Secret of Mana style, huzzah.

But in all seriousness, this could totally be a thing for a 'magic' based race that is Fey or Faerie, potentially. Magic or contact with the spirits is the same for them as needing light and air for most others, that sort of yarn.

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Apr 2, 2017

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Unrelated: Are there 'slang' terms for races or sexes that are commonly used? Such as Saytrs or animal types (Ratfolk, Houlstar, etc.) lizardkin, or goblins?

Along the same lines, what about the futa types? Is there a fancy word for their condition or a slang beyond it being likened to a certain demon?

Mostly asking for extra narrative oomph options in situations where you'd be dealing with guards or typical folk, good or bad.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
I do like the concept of a womb rune just overriding the other triggers for attraction. Red from the Frog being unreasonably upset that she likes you despite you having a dick is going to be fun to write.

Anal pregnancy was another concept I was working on but I don't want to tie that into a womb rune, I want that to be a separate curse just like fuckable nipples and turning into a zombie/dullahan. I also do not want to code in the gradual elasticity loss of an anus right now.

Should the player's sex stats be blocked by a curse? The base lore for the game is that the main character is an immaculate notetaker.
And that is why I suggested it. It is also why I tried to suggest that it could be applied to males or females.
The concept being that you (the player) should be careful what you wish for, it might not turn out like you expect. Because, you know, you just activated the 'unavoidable content' trap card.

I forgot all about Red, although the same could probably be said for Bill as well. If I remember correctly he 'don't do dudes'.

I don't see why a player's stats shouldn't be blocked or at least crippled some by a curse. Its a curse, nothing good comes from those things.
Having 'a way out' of a curse is fine, but make it something that can't be easily/instantly removed, such as a remove curse potion or spell scroll that the player can stock up on. It can be a bit of a bitch to deal with, but, protecting yourself or just being more aware isn't a horrible thing, if you get cursed. Perhaps there are races or gear that can provide resistance to or eventually break a curse on its own.
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Mar 23, 2022
Its a curse, nothing good comes from those things.
That's debatable, quite a few games have it, so that curses aren't actually a negative, they are just a permanent/semi-permanent thing that usually slightly hinders or even buffs the player. An example that I can think of that makes curses not the worse is Abyssal Divers Interactive. Quite a few of the curses in that game are quite positive if you look through the right lens. There is a curse that reduces the players' age by a set amount, for example. So, if a child or a younger person (20-25) were to take the curse that reduces their age by ten years, yeah, of course that would suck. But if an elderly person were to take it, it'd actually be a blessing in disguise. The same goes for a few of the other curses in that game. Also, curses in that game make it, so the followers have unique dialog and can even deepen the relationship with the player if they take the right curses.

I don't think having unwanted content forcefully enabled when having a curse is a good idea. Not too many people like to see content they've actively disabled. I figure it wouldn't go down very well when they figure it out, which would be rather quick. I can already see the backlash that would happen if this was to happen. In saying that, Snekk's gonna do what Snekk's gonna do, he clearly doesn't care about my opinions. If he wants to add something, he'll add it, even if I recommend against it.

As for having the curse affect stats, I'm neither here nor there on that. It could be nice to have some variation on punishments for just taking the curse; at the same time, if it's too much of a hindrance and too difficult to remove, then no, I'd be against it. Permanent or psudo permanent debuffs shouldn't be handed out lightly, same thing with large buffs really.
Mar 23, 2022
I doubt my idea will be listened too but I'd still throw it in, because "fuck it". It's not like there wasn't already much better ideas lol. How about making it so the womb tatoo/curse thing doesn't stop pregnanceis or anything. Make it so that it while pregnant the player is getting buffed. After the pregnancy abort the child/don't have the child. Basically the player is leeching off the unborn childs life force instead of the other way around was the idea.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2017
...Cannibalizing your own kid? I knew we'd get here eventually topic wise, but magic or otherwise, hard pass. I mean no malice when I say that's a step too far for me, optional or otherwise. For a baddy or a plot thing that's been going on, or something to thwart, or whatever, yeah, super dark, and fits the setting. It could work. For the player?

Sorry, not sorry. For whatever it's worth, that's a nope from me.

As to the curse thing overriding player actions or being a heavy debuff...

I'm honestly confused. There's been a number of times the answer to a thing going on, or effect manifesting is essentially 'no, because I don't want to take away the players agency'. But this is doing pretty much that.

Curse bad, I get it.

Consequences for actions, plot movement, and such, I also get.

But something that alters everything you do, without scratching down on your ledger, with no way to moderate or removes the effects seems... dicey. I'm not saying it's not hot, but... the game seemed to have a decent swath of action and reaction in terms of content. Moreover, I get that the womb tats is supposed to be an affliction, but this is also a power fantasy, and for entertainment. So I guess I'm trying to say keep the players fun factor in mind, if you can.

If the player has opted for it, or there are reasonable ways to deal with it, that's another kettle of fish and all that.


That said, if we're tossing out ideas, largely due to above, here's one from me, using a few of the ideas bandied back and forth, and some themes we've chatted about prior:

Sin Eater / Curse Eater.

By the power vested in banging (or ritual touch, or drinking fluids if it's an ick situation or not a combo the player is all in for) the PC absorbs the curse afflicting another being by drawing it into themselves. The curse is fully (or partially) active, but has a limited shelf life (days, weeks) before it is dissolved entirely, the magic rendered inert and consumed by the protagonist.

This ability makes the user highly resistant or able to devour curses afflicted on themselves much the same way.

However, it does not affect what the body considers it's 'natural' state of afflictions chosen at the start of the game, or rendered by the gods themselves. So a Last of the Line wouldn't change their body back before their loss at the hands of
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, Unlucky remains a 'mere' Goblinoid and Futamorph, etc. Or if it does, it's temporary at best before being reset.

Not that such things cannot ultimately be changed or altered, but they'd need more oomph than this ability alone to do so.


Of course, you could always just say fuck it and have a far more simple Paladin style Lay on Hands that straight up nukes curses, but that doesn't seem to be your style at the moment.

Solid Snekk

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 5, 2017
I have 0.2 up on .

Keep in mind that this is nowhere near an actual release for the game, just a test build as I said I would get one out.

The game assumes you're a woman, I'll add male scenes in the next few updates and write the gangbang scene as I seem to have forgotten about it.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
That's debatable, quite a few games have it, so that curses aren't actually a negative, they are just a permanent/semi-permanent thing that usually slightly hinders or even buffs the player. An example that I can think of that makes curses not the worse is Abyssal Divers Interactive. Quite a few of the curses in that game are quite positive if you look through the right lens. There is a curse that reduces the players' age by a set amount, for example. So, if a child or a younger person (20-25) were to take the curse that reduces their age by ten years, yeah, of course that would suck. But if an elderly person were to take it, it'd actually be a blessing in disguise. The same goes for a few of the other curses in that game. Also, curses in that game make it, so the followers have unique dialog and can even deepen the relationship with the player if they take the right curses.

I don't think having unwanted content forcefully enabled when having a curse is a good idea. Not too many people like to see content they've actively disabled. I figure it wouldn't go down very well when they figure it out, which would be rather quick. I can already see the backlash that would happen if this was to happen. In saying that, Snekk's gonna do what Snekk's gonna do, he clearly doesn't care about my opinions. If he wants to add something, he'll add it, even if I recommend against it.

As for having the curse affect stats, I'm neither here nor there on that. It could be nice to have some variation on punishments for just taking the curse; at the same time, if it's too much of a hindrance and too difficult to remove, then no, I'd be against it. Permanent or psudo permanent debuffs shouldn't be handed out lightly, same thing with large buffs really.
Agree to disagree. Apparently, you and I have completely different ideas as to what a curse is.

If you absolutely detest every suggestion I made to Snekk, you are welcome to come up with your own suggestions for what a womb rune should do or be and present them to him.

Snekk posted a message about putting a womb rune into the game and was asking people what they think it should do. You had every opportunity to respond to him with your ideas about what the womb rune he proposed should do and instead you decided to argue with me about what a curse is.

Snekk then posted another message in response to my suggestions and in that he asked another question, which was whether the womb rune should override a players sex stats. I responded that, yes I think the womb rune should override the players sex stats, due to the fact that the player would have made the choice to accept that womb rune and all the repercussions associated with it.
Once again, you had every opportunity to respond to Snekk and tell him what you thought about the idea of a womb rune overriding the players sex stats and you again decided that you needed to complain at me about my suggestions.

Here are the comments by Snekk, so you can respond to his questions directly instead of pointing fingers at me:


Active Member
Feb 10, 2018
I have 0.2 up on .

Keep in mind that this is nowhere near an actual release for the game, just a test build as I said I would get one out.

The game assumes you're a woman, I'll add male scenes in the next few updates and write the gangbang scene as I seem to have forgotten about it.
Uh major bug. In case it matters, female human chosen one (holstaur did it too), just black screens on clicking to visit the graveyard.
Mar 23, 2022
Agree to disagree. Apparently, you and I have completely different ideas as to what a curse is.

If you absolutely detest every suggestion I made to Snekk, you are welcome to come up with your own suggestions for what a womb rune should do or be and present them to him.

Snekk posted a message about putting a womb rune into the game and was asking people what they think it should do. You had every opportunity to respond to him with your ideas about what the womb rune he proposed should do and instead you decided to argue with me about what a curse is.

Snekk then posted another message in response to my suggestions and in that he asked another question, which was whether the womb rune should override a players sex stats. I responded that, yes I think the womb rune should override the players sex stats, due to the fact that the player would have made the choice to accept that womb rune and all the repercussions associated with it.
Once again, you had every opportunity to respond to Snekk and tell him what you thought about the idea of a womb rune overriding the players sex stats and you again decided that you needed to complain at me about my suggestions.

Here are the comments by Snekk, so you can respond to his questions directly instead of pointing fingers at me:
If all curses were true 100% negatives then what would be the point to opt into them? Meh, we agree to disagree on this one.

As for detesting your suggestions, I don't. I disliked a small part of the idea, that was all. Which was explicitly forcing the player to do something they specifically didn't want. After all, I was mainly focusing on the forcing beastialty or gay/lesbian content onto the player when they have the option to disable it in the ledger part. The other parts/ideas I do actually like. I just didn't comment on them because I didn't see a need to praise something that I thought was good. I guess that was on me for not being clear enough, my apologies.

As for making my own suggestion, I did. It was in a separate post as I didn't feel like it was warranted in my reply to you. It was however immediately shot down by LaughingFox, a secondary writer to Snekk, so it'll never make it in anyway. It also wouldn't surprise me if Snekk couldn't see anything I wrote lol.

And about Snekks messages. I didn't feel the need to respond to them because, from the way I felt they were worded, it didn't feel like they would have any direct impact on whether they were forcing the player to do something they didn't want. I think the only part that could be misconstrued like that would be this; "I do like the concept of a womb rune just overriding the other triggers for attraction. Red from the Frog being unreasonably upset that she likes you despite you having a dick is going to be fun to write.". But in this situation, it doesn't break the whole "it's disabled so why am I seeing it", as the player still gets a choice to see the content sort of.

I also don't recall pointing fingers at only you. I don't recall pointing fingers at anyone. I jumped into a public conversation with my comment, which was on topic to my knowledge. It was about curses and womb tattoos and how they'd affect the player. I stated what my stance on curses was and how they could affect the player in other games. I then stated how I thought that forcing content onto a player which they've opted out of is a bad idea. Then I stated that curses shouldn't be something to consider lightly. None of which I felt like I was being hostile towards you.
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Solid Snekk

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 5, 2017
Uh major bug. In case it matters, female human chosen one (holstaur did it too), just black screens on clicking to visit the graveyard.
That's pretty much the end. I'll work on the mainland soon, I just needed to get the various systems like pregnancy and people working.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2017
Mostly a proof of concept then, yeah?

Odd question: do halflings / kender exist here? Dwarves tentatively do (and it'll be fun expanding on that later), but halflings/gnomes are in kind of an odd place with the other shortstacks (Gob/Ratkin/Lewdbold/Farie(maybe)) being roughly their height and filling much the same niche.

...At the very least I don't see them being needed as a player race, as much as I love Dwarves. ~Diggy Diggy Hole!


Regarding curses, I don't see why they have to be set one way or another (totally negative versus mixed blessings). A great deal of the game is about transformation and change, choices and consequences.

I.e. things can always get worse... or better.

Case in point is the futa curse bit was a big power move way back by Maceasy the demon, and it's a natural, if rare, state in the present game timeline. And near as I can tell aside from the heightened libido, it's mostly fine. So things can certainly shift.

I mean, to me, the 'womb' curse in manga and anime is mostly just about making the bod crazy sensitive and those afflicted a bit spunk/ baby crazed, but it's also something that could be endured with a lot of willpower and water to replace the lost fluids. Usually it's used in the cliche fallen heroine sort of set up, but occasionally (VERY occasionally) they pull through, or at least adapt.

So yeah, different strokes for different folks, as usual.


And of course, with the introduction of impressive curses will also be the means to break them. Loksi's entire storyline revolves around achieving this, for example. Though it'll certainly take more than a scroll or a clearly overworked priest chanting a few runes.
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