VN - Ren'Py - Twisted Memories [v0.9b] [BaiBai]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Very well done, I play several times while waiting for the update.
    The interactions between characters are good, and the most prominent female character in my opinion is between Emily and Stephi, because they are the ones who relate best to MC. Then Alyvia goes and her relationship improves little by little, I hope she stops her obsession with having a boyfriend, because it is making her feel bad, but that happens many times in reality, it is something well added, we have to open the eyes of the older sister. The mom is also a good character, but not as prominent at the moment.

    I wish they show more of Viktoria and MC's past to have a better understanding, but I think it was entirely MC's fault, I hope they reconcile.

    The teacher is a horny character and among the most pleasant to look at besides Julia who is another hot character.

    The character I have the least impression of is Mya because she is the typical friend who instead of helping, she introduces ideas that could harm her friend, because she wants to lead her friend to promiscuity like her.

    Cathrine is a hard-working, adorable and kind character with the typical perspective of an ideal wife that even I fell in love with. If I don't have her as a favorite it's because she hasn't had enough time on screen, I guess she would be the one. carry the winning flag in the "harem".

    Lola seems to be the character who has difficulty having friends because of how sincere she is or how open she is in saying things. Well, where I live, sometimes people don't really like open sincerity or speaking very frankly like him. penis size issue he did to MC hahaha

    I hope MC gets along better with Cain and Cao, they seem funny and pleasant to me, especially Cain with his taste for chubby girls xd, it's something not so common to see xd.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Exceptionally well written and paced game. I was really worried the MC would be an unlikeable loser, and while he definitely has his shitty moments, he's good like 90-95% of the time and he comes off as introspective and willing to change himself at the chance of a better life. Models, animations, and sound are overall good as well, with the weakest part being the characters eyes as they seem blurry or out of focus.

    Some issues preventing a 5/5.
    1. I think the MC's and younger sister's character designs are bad. They look pre-pubescent and it's not at all attractive - for Emily especially it's very creepy and her face just looks so much worse than the other characters.
    2. I wish there were ways to 'drop' girls from your seduction list and just have a normal relationship with them. Call me a cuck or w/e, but I genuinely like the MC rekindling his relationship with his family and I wish I had the option of doing a run where I kept the relationships platonic and see how they develop into proper brother/sister bonds.
    3. I can't sympathize with the MC's obsession with Cathrine. She's boring, and given who the MC is, I think he's very unfair to Aden. I have no interest in being a bull, and I think it's kind of antithetical to the whole 'new me' idea the game is going for. This is also just a rhetorical device I don't like, since we can't relate to any previous feelings the MC developed 'off screen' for a character. Show don't tell, and all that.

    Again I want to stress, the writing is really very good, the MC's relationships with Alyvia, Stephanie, and Viktoria are all so good they could be their own VN - and you really do feel for the characters and want the best for them. Unfortunately, because some characters are so strong it makes other characters look weak by comparison (Emily, Catherine).
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is another love letter from me to an amazing game.

    First of all. The premise of getting another chance into childhood in a porn game is really intriguing. I fell in love with that and immediately tried it out (got baited by signature from another dev)
    And... HOLY SHIT.
    The visuals, the girls, the lewd scenes, the humor. The way you get to choose either corruption or seducing path is already tempting enough (im a sucker for corruption) but its also really interesting to see that the "plain" non corruption path is ALSO written really well.
    Its like one somewhat more realistic and the other one is pure plain corruption fantasy for everyones heart..
    BUT what amazes me even MORE is the dialogue writing. Holy freaking shit. It is written so damn well, I was freaking baffled by the amount of effort put into it. It touches ones heart really well and summarizes the heart and feelings of every person who s got a lot of regrets in their life not having done better in early life...
    Also the girls arent plain d*ck slaves. Every girl has their own characteristics, feelings, thoughts and ... personalities, that its really interesting to see how everything will develop.

    Im really rooting for this game to get more recognition. Its really amazing and great.
    Did I already mention that the writing of this game is done really damn well? Hahaha
    Yea.. so..
    7/5* for amazing writing. I love this game!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The creator knows how to bring up the "feels" in the player.
    I could not stop playing, wanted to see more of the emotional scenes, where music, dialogue and posing are in harmony together.

    Especially the relationship between the MC and Viktoria, was something which touched me personal.

    I never could resonate with friends dreaming of being a kid again, now I can.
    Thank you!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.6.1c

    Would you have expected a game about being a perverted ugly bastard who re-awakens back in time as his old teenage self to be filled with romance, competent writing, compelling characters and genuinely touching moments?

    I sure as hell didn't. I went in with very low expectations. I fully expected this to be a fuckfest filled with constant pervy dialogue and the usual one-note love interests. That's cool if you're into games like that, but I'm not and would have dropped this quickly if it was the case.

    The game starts with us seeing our ugly bastard self. Living in a dirty old apartment, working a dead end job for shit pay, and escaping your many sorrows any way you can. Queue sudden heart attack and time travel.

    The first thing that surprised me is that we get real introspection from the MC. As he sees his family again, he reflects on how so many things went wrong. How eventually, none of them wanted anything to do with him. Not in an incel "it's all their fault" type of way, but how he fucked up in life. He realizes this is his chance to do things over, way differently from before. A chance to live a genuine happy life. That was refreshing to read honestly. It would have been very easy to just have the character say "sweet I'm young again this is my chance to fuck my whole family!"

    I've found a lot of games with incest absolutely blow at handling the fetish. More often than not it just feels slapped in to gain attention. Again, not the case here. I can't remember the last time I played a game where the family characters were put together this well. They actually feel like a family to put it simply. Which is surprisingly not the case most times.

    The game is just actually very well written as a whole. I love the way the loving mom is portrayed. The sisters both have a lot of charm. The childhood friend, the girl you have a huge crush on, and the lewd friend turned girlfriend all are compelling and in depth characters in their own ways. It's easy to get attached to all of them. Even the side girls are fun, though with understandably less focus. It's just nice to play a competent game about the MC wanting to live a happier life and help his family and friends be happy along the way (which may just so happen to involve creating a harem to do so).

    I played the seduction paths, and couldn't speak to exactly how different it is from the corruption paths. But from the small bit of experimenting I did, it seems they actually do differ quite a bit. As you might expect it's essentially more romantic vs more lewd. I'm really enjoying the romance and general niceness of the seduction paths myself.

    Also, bonus points for good sound design/music overall. Wish more games tried harder with that.

    My criticisms are pretty small. The game could definitely use a couple proof reads as there was a good amount of noticeable typos and such, and probably even more I missed. Second, as someone playing the seduction paths, the side girls only having corruption paths makes it feel like the MC goes a bit out of character sometimes. They are side girls though, so I get it.

    TLDR - A surprisingly well written game, and a pretty well put together AVN in general. It's easy to see why so many people like it, as it does many things a lot better than the average. Well worth a play if it caught your interest.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    man, this is a high tier game, let me tell you, starting from the story, animation and amazing scenes, I really got carried away in the story of this game, you could say the MC in this game is looking for his mistakes in the past which ruined his life in the future.

    The animation in this game is also not inferior to the animation of other games and maybe better than most games, even in this game there is a squirting animation that looks real.

    I highly recommend you try playing this game, and support the dev on the official website, and for those of you who hate NTR, you don't need to worry, because as far as I've played this game, I haven't seen the NTR scene, and hopefully not in future updates either. BTW thanks to Dev for creating this masterpiece.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    dr who

    so good...great artwork, great animation, great little story and who doesn't "love" their sisters? latest update with emily is just what dirty old men ordered!
    nice that you are into proofing your work. thanks baibai, can't wait for the next major update.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is great, really good dialogues and really engaging story, above the average in this forum. The only negative points would be that there is a lot of text and the proportions of the models but tbh it's fine for me but I know it's not for everyone.

    What really has me hooked on this game is the way incest is handled, you don't know how rare it is to find a game where your mom behaves like your mom and your sisters like your sisters (kinda) the only one that has Incestous desires from the beginning is the mc and yet it is something that is justified by the mc being a completely degenerated ugly bastard who is transported to his old body of adolescence, so everything more or less makes sense.

    And the other characters are also quite well worked, it makes you want to know more about them, even the secondary ones, this game is really competent in that aspect

    Oh and a "negative" point that I forgot to mention is that there are hardly any sex scenes, although this may be a negative point for some, for me it hardly is, many of the LIs are your family, already have a boyfriend (don't worry about this there is no ntr and the LI who has a boyfriend is still a virgin, you are going to be the one who does netori) or they have some personal problem with you, so it seems good to me that there are not so many sex scenes, it is better to develop a really well relationship with those characters and have worthwhile sex instead of mindless sex, but if you want to fap fast then this game is not for you look elsewhere.

    In summary, great game and with a surprisingly great handling of fetishes like incest and it even seems that fetishes like netori are going to be well worked on, so kudos to the dev and looking forward to the new update.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Why so much thought? The number of text boxes of thoughts that could be described in one but it gives you five! I wasted hours reading texts that add nothing to the story, he becomes super annoying.
    The pace is too slow, I spent 12 hours reading to see 1 single scene that was ruined by the texts of thoughts and I only progressed 2 days in the game.
    The characters' personalities are fine.
    The physical appearance of the characters is cute but they are all the same, wide hips, wasp waists, thick legs, the only thing that varies are the breasts, almost all of them have monsters and one has little.
    The chosen paths make minimal difference to such an extent that it seems that you were choosing nothing.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    At first, I just enabled the Skip Unseen Scenes just to advance to whatever sex scene there is. This has a lot of things that usually sets me of in those games. For example, the unrealistic height of the characters. "grownups" and "teens" having about 40 cm height difference is silly. Moreover, I really hate those oversized boobs. They feel totally unnecessary. Finally, the renders made with this illusion tool are average at best with generic japanese models.

    I wondered why I would even try this. Would the ratings on F95 be lower, I wouldn't even have bothered.

    Anyways, after a time, the story just got me and I was no longer skipping dialogs. MC's thought usually make sense and the characters have deeper writing than other harem games.

    Just get past the oversized boobs and other unrealistic renders and just focus on the story. It's actually among the better ones of the hundreds here.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Surprisingly good, I was expecting a lot different just from reading the summary. The pacing is pretty slow in a good way. The writing is a step above the usual stuff, that is if you can look past the massive amount of typos. I'm guessing there's not a lot of proofreading done, at least not by a native English speaker.

    What little H scenes there are so far are hot and well written. The dev didn't fall into the pitfall many other harem games do where it just keeps constantly introducing a million new characters, so that's plus. Here's hoping it updates at a decent pace going forward.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This was quite a surprise.

    I'm not a fan of the giant cock type of MC, but here the plot doesn't exist around it as usual.
    And since I'm mentioning story, it really feels like there's something going on. You get glimpses of what could have been those 'twisted memories' the game is named after.

    HS games also get boring quickly to me, but this one, even with decent amount of content so far (0.6) felt like being so fast bcuz I actually wanted to know what would happen next.

    Animations and art is HS based so not much to talk about overall, but it is well done.

    Each character feels unique/with something particular.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    There is already a decent amount of content available.
    The characters are all very distinct and and likeable in my opinion.
    The story is interesting an iminvested to see were the min plot is going.
    The model are great and thescences as well.
    All in all definitely worth a try!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Good renders, good dialogue, decently interesting story. Other than needing more content, this game is great. The lewd scenes are animated and have audio as well. Definitely worth trying if you like games that build up for the pay off.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    An intriguing beginning, followed by an interesting time travel twist that represents the desire of many: what if we could go back, knowing what we know as an adult?

    Finds a good compromise between an all-powerful MC and a complete naif. Is much deeper and more satisfying than something like "what if Marty McFly banged his way through his 1950s family?"

    The writing takes its time; I skipped some at the beginning, but as I continued, I read more. A good sign, I think we can agree. Interiority is given to not only the MC but reasonable interiority is given to the rxnshp characters as well. There are spelling and grammar errors on nearly every page but, as another reviewer wrote, it really doesn't matter, because the writing is excellent.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Review as of v0.6:

    • interesting story
    • good animation, not choppy or generic Honey select animations
    • sound in hscenes and music
    • hot characters, lots of big titties
    • short as of now, it's only a couple of days in-game so far
    • no gallery
    • lots of spelling and grammar errors
    • few hscenes as of now

    Would recommend trying out
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    The renders are absolutely beautiful. my zwei cents that their tits especially the milfs too pointy? yeah too pointy for me.
    Story is quite predictable but i didn't see that MC and Leo still friends even after he knows about the relationship. i love that part.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Game Review v.0.6:
    The game is definitely very hot.
    Models are high quality, scenes are good and you even get some sound effects. Perfect.
    The story is alright, nothing special, but it does it job to be not boring.
    I hope it continues this way.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    review for version 0.6

    made me nut pretty hard.
    girls be cute, thicc milfs, adorable loli sis, story is pretty interesting, some funny dialogues, good animations, and pretty horny writing.
    gonna need more.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Best game i've played this year. The animations are amazing, the characters and the story is also pretty well so far, a few bumps here and there, but nothing major. It has a bit of everything and is really early yet, so hopefully it should only get better with each update, that's also another plus, so far updates every 2-3 months. So yeah... definitely 5/5 and one of my favorites atm