Well thats impressive and It worked even better than I thought it would.
In just my last post before this one and me pointing out how stupid hate poster's are in this thread.
And how utterly wrong most of their claims about this game are.
I actually managed to add atleast 9 more moronic posters to my Ignore list I'm sure they will be more there always is.
But lets face it not like they were ever really gonna post anything either intelligent, Important or even remotely interesting.
For me to read anyway so I'm now saving literally seconds of scratching my head wondering if the moron I'm reading has a brain.
Let alone if their even playing the same game I am before moving on to a poster that actually makes sence.
I mean I know it wont stop them from posting their misinformation and nonsensical bullshit but hey atleast I wont be reading it.
Well thats my good knews out the way now for the bad news for many people that have yet to realise it.
It was made kind of odvious early on after all the complaints of how Debs bossed the MC about and mildly belittled him that she was more of an MC than the actual MC was people wanted to get rid of her. (me included)
And after It started to look like she might get more pussy than the MC would that people wanted to get rid of her.
And how after the betrayal was uncovered people wanted to get rid of her.
That despite that the Dev wants Deb as a major supporting charcter in the game.
Further proven by the fact that even after giving us the option to tell her to fuck off (Which I for one picked).
Mommy comes along and makes sure she stay's with us anyway.
It's also aparent by now that the Dev wants this to not only be an Incest game that has the odd side fuck.
But also despite many complaints It's a game about forgiveness turning the other cheek. (so someone can smack that side too)
So as much as anyone might not want Debs around let alone with the MC bun in her oven were getting it anyway like it or not.
This Dev may make minor concessions but they are doing this game their way and if you don't or can't like that move on.
Personally I have moaned about much in this game especially Deb's, and I find the whole forgivness thing fe-kin anoying.
I would happily of put his friend in hospital before telling him to fuck off out my life for his part in the betrayal.
But I already knew he would be forgiven

If I wasn't already caught up in the intrigue story inside the Incest story of this game I would of moved on by now.
But as much as this game annoys me it's also got me hooked so I have to put up with it.
(annoying as it is to admit I actually like Debs now it's just his fe-kin Mom I can't stand.)
And if given the choice (I'm not touching that with the Dev's barge pole).
Just Sayin.