
Jul 23, 2018
EDIT: latest table

Which version do you recommend? I mean, which one visualizes all the stuff the best? I bet there's some placeholders or other things like that so I just wonder what version will give me the most "content" to see.
Currently the most clothing is displayed by the appropriately named "Clothing Version".
Just a FYI in case: content (events, items) is the same across all versions (Danaume, Keriax, Wonderfuller, Porn, Strateg, Clothing) of given tier (public / beta / alpha). For a given tier, versions only change how the character is displayed.
Clothing is (was?) only available in alpha tiers, so it seemed to have more content but other versions in alpha tiers have the same content.
Depending on what you are looking for in the game Clothing version is not necessarily the most immersive one.
Devs are betting on it, considering their last patreon post about it, but Clothing version does not display body changes at all (only make-up and hair) and no predicament at all (cum on body, kneeling...) and given the tone of the post, it does not seem to be on the todo list of this version (hope I am mistaken).

Again it's subjective, but I've been more immersed in Keriax and Wonderfuller versions rather than in the Clothing one.
Besides the interface and displaying clothe in all versions right next to the body allows to easily build a mental image of what your character would look like, same cannot be said when you have clothing and clothing side to side and fixed body proportions (in Clothing version female characters have a permanent C/D cup).

Version choice is little intimidating at first (in fact, I've avoided the game because of it), but after your first run you get to see version choice with a new look: the game have a lot of replayability thanks to it, so: start with a given version and change for your next run !
If your time is precious, I've tried to sum-up the differences across versions but it's a work in progress, so feel free to point out errors and in doubt just try a version:

Version nameDanaumeKeriaxWonderfullerPornStrategClothing
Breasts/Hips changeyesyesyes?yesno
Belly changeyesyesyes?yes?
Lips change?yesyes??no
Apply makeup?yesyes??yes
Silly proportions??yes??no
Display shoesnoyesyes?noyes
Display piercings?face???no
Display corsetnoyesno?noyes
Display some TF?yesyes???
Display kneeling positionnoyesno??no
Display cum on body?yesyes??no
Diverse facial expressions?yesyes??meh

Mind that even if Keriax and Wonderfuller are my favorite versions (most immersive ones), I would advice against starting with them as it's hard to start with another version after that (and please do another version so you can fill the blanks in this chart :whistle:)
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Apr 2, 2019
Just a FYI in case: content (events, items) is the same across all versions (Danaume, Keriax, Wonderfuller, Porn, Strateg, Clothing) of given tier (public / beta / alpha). For a given tier, versions only change how the character is displayed.
Clothing is (was?) only available in alpha tiers, so it seemed to have more content but other versions in alpha tiers have the same content.
Depending on what you are looking for in the game Clothing version is not necessarily the most immersive one.
Devs are betting on it, considering their last patreon post about it, but Clothing version does not display body changes at all (only make-up and hair) and no predicament at all (cum on body, kneeling...) and given the tone of the post, it does not seem to be on the todo list of this version (hope I am mistaken).

Again it's subjective, but I've been more immersed in Keriax and Wonderfuller versions rather than in the Clothing one.
Besides the interface and displaying clothe in all versions right next to the body allows to easily build a mental image of what your character would look like, same cannot be said when you have clothing and clothing side to side and fixed body proportions (in Clothing version female characters have a permanent C/D cup).

Version choice is little intimidating at first (in fact, I've avoided the game because of it), but after your first run you get to see version choice with a new look: the game have a lot of replayability thanks to it, so: start with a given version and change for your next run !
If your time is precious, I've tried to sum-up the differences across versions but it's a work in progress, so feel free to point out errors and in doubt just try a version:

Version nameDanaumeKeriaxWonderfullerPornStrategClothing
Breasts/Hips changeyesyesyes?yesno
Belly changeyesyesyes?yes?
Lips change?yesyes??no
Apply makeup?yesyes??yes
Silly proportions??yes??no
Display shoesnoyesyes?noyes
Display piercings?face???no
Display corsetnoyesno?noyes
Display some TF?yesyes???
Display kneeling positionnoyesno??no
Display cum on body?yesyes??no
Diverse facial expressions?yesyes??meh

Mind that even if Keriax and Wonderfuller are my favorite versions (most immersive ones), I would advice against starting with them as it's hard to start with another version after that (and please do another version so you can fill the blanks in this chart :whistle:)
You're the most helpful person I have met here. Great thanks, mate, I couldn't ask for a better explanation. I just hope you copied this table from somewhere cuz I'd feel bad if you made it for me. xD


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2018
Just a FYI in case: content (events, items) is the same across all versions (Danaume, Keriax, Wonderfuller, Porn, Strateg, Clothing) of given tier (public / beta / alpha). For a given tier, versions only change how the character is displayed.
Clothing is (was?) only available in alpha tiers, so it seemed to have more content but other versions in alpha tiers have the same content.
Depending on what you are looking for in the game Clothing version is not necessarily the most immersive one.
Devs are betting on it, considering their last patreon post about it, but Clothing version does not display body changes at all (only make-up and hair) and no predicament at all (cum on body, kneeling...) and given the tone of the post, it does not seem to be on the todo list of this version (hope I am mistaken).

Again it's subjective, but I've been more immersed in Keriax and Wonderfuller versions rather than in the Clothing one.
Besides the interface and displaying clothe in all versions right next to the body allows to easily build a mental image of what your character would look like, same cannot be said when you have clothing and clothing side to side and fixed body proportions (in Clothing version female characters have a permanent C/D cup).

Version choice is little intimidating at first (in fact, I've avoided the game because of it), but after your first run you get to see version choice with a new look: the game have a lot of replayability thanks to it, so: start with a given version and change for your next run !
If your time is precious, I've tried to sum-up the differences across versions but it's a work in progress, so feel free to point out errors and in doubt just try a version:

Version nameDanaumeKeriaxWonderfullerPornStrategClothing
Breasts/Hips changeyesyesyes?yesno
Belly changeyesyesyes?yes?
Lips change?yesyes??no
Apply makeup?yesyes??yes
Silly proportions??yes??no
Display shoesnoyesyes?noyes
Display piercings?face???no
Display corsetnoyesno?noyes
Display some TF?yesyes???
Display kneeling positionnoyesno??no
Display cum on body?yesyes??no
Diverse facial expressions?yesyes??meh

Mind that even if Keriax and Wonderfuller are my favorite versions (most immersive ones), I would advice against starting with them as it's hard to start with another version after that (and please do another version so you can fill the blanks in this chart :whistle:)
Excellent chart, thank you very much. I have always played with Strateg and never bothered with the other ones, but now I'll try Keriax and Wonderfuller for sure.
I can confirm Strateg displays Lips, Makeup and Silly Proportions. It does NOT display Kneeling, Cum on Body and Facial Expressions. Not sure about the rest.

Proto Persona

Active Member
Jan 23, 2018
Just a FYI in case: content (events, items) is the same across all versions (Danaume, Keriax, Wonderfuller, Porn, Strateg, Clothing) of given tier (public / beta / alpha). For a given tier, versions only change how the character is displayed.
Clothing is (was?) only available in alpha tiers, so it seemed to have more content but other versions in alpha tiers have the same content.
Depending on what you are looking for in the game Clothing version is not necessarily the most immersive one.
Devs are betting on it, considering their last patreon post about it, but Clothing version does not display body changes at all (only make-up and hair) and no predicament at all (cum on body, kneeling...) and given the tone of the post, it does not seem to be on the todo list of this version (hope I am mistaken).

Again it's subjective, but I've been more immersed in Keriax and Wonderfuller versions rather than in the Clothing one.
Besides the interface and displaying clothe in all versions right next to the body allows to easily build a mental image of what your character would look like, same cannot be said when you have clothing and clothing side to side and fixed body proportions (in Clothing version female characters have a permanent C/D cup).

Version choice is little intimidating at first (in fact, I've avoided the game because of it), but after your first run you get to see version choice with a new look: the game have a lot of replayability thanks to it, so: start with a given version and change for your next run !
If your time is precious, I've tried to sum-up the differences across versions but it's a work in progress, so feel free to point out errors and in doubt just try a version:

Version nameDanaumeKeriaxWonderfullerPornStrategClothing
Breasts/Hips changeyesyesyes?yesno
Belly changeyesyesyes?yes?
Lips changenoyesyes??no
Apply makeupyesyesyes??yes
Silly proportionsyes?yes??no
Display shoesnoyesyes?noyes
Display piercingsnofaceno??no
Display corsetnoyesno?noyes
Display some TFyesyesyes???
Display kneeling positionnoyesno??no
Display cum on bodyyesyesyes??no
Diverse facial expressionsnoyesyes??meh

Mind that even if Keriax and Wonderfuller are my favorite versions (most immersive ones), I would advice against starting with them as it's hard to start with another version after that (and please do another version so you can fill the blanks in this chart :whistle:)
I updated Danaume and Wonderfuller in my quote of you with what I've experienced. Danaume was the window I liked the art style of the most, so it's what I used until Clothing came along.
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Jul 23, 2018
EDIT: latest table

You're the most helpful person I have met here. Great thanks, mate, I couldn't ask for a better explanation. I just hope you copied this table from somewhere cuz I'd feel bad if you made it for me. xD
You're welcome, I've posted this table a week ago, you asking for a better comprehension of the versions was a perfect occasion to post an update.
I did this chart since I've skipped over playing this game a lot of times, version picking was a part of it, I was really surprised by the depth of the game and how it hooked me. So, I started a version chart to make people curious about it rather than just version images, more players convinced by the game means more backers and a better game development :whistle:.
I can only be a mid tiers patreon, granting only access to beta version. This forum allowed me to discover the game and play alpha anyway, so it's my way to give back a little more, just a bit of altruism and guilty conscience nothing too noble here...
Excellent chart, thank you very much. I have always played with Strateg and never bothered with the other ones, but now I'll try Keriax and Wonderfuller for sure.
I can confirm Strateg displays Lips, Makeup and Silly Proportions. It does NOT display Kneeling, Cum on Body and Facial Expressions. Not sure about the rest.
Started with Strateg too, since it was the render I liked the most (or so I thought), chart was not started at the time so thanks for the tips it helps a lot ! I will update the chart at the end of this post.
Quick (maybe obvious) tip if you are doing multiple runs with different versions, do not hesitate to put your save files into folders with the name of the version (or the first letter), because you can't load a save file from one version to another (I don't know the way at least).
I updated Danaume and Wonderfuller in my quote of you with what I've experienced. Danaume was the window I liked the art style of the most, so it's what I used until Clothing came along.
Thanks used it as a base for this updated version !

here is an updated version added with feedback and a new line about "high heels posture" I'm quite sure some versions display a different posture if you're wearing high heels depending on a mix of "high heels equiped / high heels level / struts skill / is there liquid in the room"

Version nameDanaumeKeriaxWonderfullerPornStrategClothing
Breasts/Hips changeyesyesyes?yesno
Belly changeyesyesyes?yes?
Lips changenoyesyes?yesno
Apply makeupyesyesyes?yesyes
Silly proportionsyes?yes?yesno
Display shoesnoyesyes?noyes
Display piercingsnofaceno??no
Display corsetnoyesno?noyes
Display some TFyesyesyes???
Display kneeling positionnoyesno??no
Display cum on bodyyesyesyes??no
Diverse facial expressionsnoyesyes??meh
High heels posture?yes????

Again feedback, updates most welcome.
I will try to avoid spamming update posts but after 2, 3, 4 thread pages most people do not bother reading 60 thread pages (even the initial post sometimes :Kappa:) to find a specific piece of information they are looking for (as it may not exist)...
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Nov 18, 2019
You're welcome, I've posted this table a week ago, you asking for a better comprehension of the versions was a perfect occasion to post an update.
I did this chart since I've skipped over playing this game a lot of times, version picking was a part of it, I was really surprised by the depth of the game and how it hooked me. So, I started a version chart to make people curious about it rather than just version images, more players convinced by the game means more backers and a better game development :whistle:.
I can only be a mid tiers patreon granting only access to beta version, this forum allowed me to play alpha anyway, so it's my way to give back a little more, so a bit of altruism and guilty conscience nothing too noble here...

Started with Strateg too, since it was the render I liked the most (or so I thought), chart was not started at the time so thanks for the tips it helps a lot ! I will update the chart at the end of this post.
Quick (maybe obvious) tip if you are doing multiple runs with different versions, do not hesitate to put your save files into folders with the name of the version (or the first letter), because you can't load a save file from one version to another (I don't know the way at least).

Thanks used it as a base for this updated version !

here is an updated version added with feedback and a new line about "high heels posture" I'm quite sure some versions display a different posture if you're wearing high heels depending on a mix of "high heels equiped / high heels level / struts skill / is there liquid in the room"

Version nameDanaumeKeriaxWonderfullerPornStrategClothing
Breasts/Hips changeyesyesyes?yesno
Belly changeyesyesyes?yes?
Lips changenoyesyes?yesno
Apply makeupyesyesyes?yesyes
Silly proportionsyes?yes?yesno
Display shoesnoyesyes?noyes
Display piercingsnofaceno??no
Display corsetnoyesno?noyes
Display some TFyesyesyes???
Display kneeling positionnoyesno??no
Display cum on bodyyesyesyes??no
Diverse facial expressionsnoyesyes??meh
High heels posture?yes????

Again feedback, updates most welcome.
I will try to avoid spamming update posts but after 2, 3, 4 thread pages most people do not bother reading 60 thread pages (even the initial post sometimes :Kappa:) to find a specific piece of information they are looking for (as it may not exist)...
What do you define as "diverse facial expressions"? Danaume does have some expressions for different situations, but I don't know how many. Definitely no high heel representation, though.
Thanks to this chart, I'll be trying Keriax next time I DL.


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2019
Release 12 Version 2.0 Clothing Window
Thank you very much for this I am starting to like the clothing version very much, I do wish it had the facial and body sloppy mess textures, but the clothing pretty much changing out on the character image is very nice.

I also think she is very cute, and that helps a lot.


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2019
Is anyone else getting a shitload of the same error on start?
I saw that in some posts, but I my self have not encountered the error's yet, I wonder if it has to do with the choice as in male, futa or Girl when beginning the game ?

EDIT >> I always start as a Girl curvy, as I think a Girl should look proper.
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Active Member
Nov 18, 2018
Nope, that's happening regardless of set gender.

For reference, the error is:
***Couldn't read from entry 1 of a list which is empty***

***Run-time problems P50: Attempt to use list item which does not exist.

***Couldn't remove: the value nothing was not present in the list {}***
***Couldn't read from entry 1 of a list which is empty***

Last two lines repeat several dozen times. Tried it on all but the porn version, multiple gender settings, turned various start game settings on and off, even re-downloaded two of the builds and tried again. Same thing each start.
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Deleted member 690333

Active Member
Jun 18, 2018
Thank you very much for this I am starting to like the clothing version very much, I do wish it had the facial and body sloppy mess textures, but the clothing pretty much changing out on the character image is very nice.

I also think she is very cute, and that helps a lot.
I'd really like to see the bust and hips get bigger but I do agree the clothing is 10/10 otherwise, very nice to see
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Mar 2, 2018
Nope, that's happening regardless of set gender.

For reference, the error is:
***Couldn't read from entry 1 of a list which is empty***

***Run-time problems P50: Attempt to use list item which does not exist.

***Couldn't remove: the value nothing was not present in the list {}***
***Couldn't read from entry 1 of a list which is empty***

Last two lines repeat several dozen times. Tried it on all but the porn version, multiple gender settings, turned various start game settings on and off, even re-downloaded two of the builds and tried again. Same thing each start.
i got it too until i restart the game


Active Member
Jul 27, 2019
i remember seeing a pic displaying dresses and other clothes being made for the wonderfuller version but that was quite a few years back and there hasn't been anything else.
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