Unity - Completed - Train Capacity 300% 2 [All Aboard Version] [Beel ze bub]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Fun game, but I feel like there is a lot of missed potential here.

    I like the art and the VAs are great, but the controls are utter dogshit, the FOV is utter dogshit, the soundtrack is mediocre so I muted it (at least it allows you to) and I think the mechanics get really old really fast.

    Very RPG-esque in its gameplay, which I appreciate since it gives you progression, but after a while that progression just turns into a wall for you to smash your face through.

    The translation is utter fucking GARBAGE. Quite possibly one of the worst I have seen, and the text is all fucked up. You can't possibly ask the westerners for money with a translation job done this fucking poorly.

    Overall, this could have been a really fun game because the dev has some really good parts here (stalking women, talking to them on social media, learning which trains they board) which then turns to bad parts (constantly grinding their stats, SLUUUUUUGGISHLY changing the train cars, et cetera)

    The 3D models are the weakest part of the game. They look really bad, especially when in contrast to the really great art. I don't like the 2D animations though - the stretching and squashing is very low effort.

    The sequel's released and it looks like the dev is following the same pattern and asking insane money for it. That's not the right way, my man. Innovate. Do something new. AA2-like gameplay with chikan focus? That'd be something.

    4/5 for the attempt. Honestly not bad, but the potential missed makes me very sad.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    The art is nice, but the UI and terrible translation is horrific. Can not even play this game due to the UI and Translation, I would say what till a translator blesses this game. It is also cencered (Big surprise, I know)
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    My naok

    Game 2, which is the one I'm reviewing, had several RPG-style elements added, which made it much more interesting than the previous one. The girls in the game interact with the character in a dynamic way, according to their unique personalities, making each character interesting in a different way.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Alright, here's the review of Train Capacity 300% 2 [Final] by Beel ze bub.

    Before we get started, may I just point out that this game is on sale on Steam, and you can get it at the spectacular price for about €50. Is this game worth the price? No, not even remotely so.

    Aside from its ludicrous asking price, the game is alright if a bit repetitive. I ended up at 4 stars because it alright for about 2-3 hours of gameplay. Probably more if you're really into the setting.

    Here's the structure for the review:
    • Game play
    • Porn content

    The Game Play
    The game revolves around you being a molester. Each morning you will get to the station and wait for the train. You can spot different girls at the station, and more will board as the journey to work proceeds.

    While on the train you can move between the different train compartments where other girls may have boarded.

    During the journey you can approach the girl that you want for this trip. You can then start to molest her by fondling her, groping her ass etc, while trying to avoid the grids - that is other people seeing you and may want to intervene. You will fairly quickly be able to go full penetration while on the train still.

    If the girl reaches a climax she will immediately get off the train at the next station. You can follow her which will lead to a scene.
    Unfortunately everything is censored, which makes the scenes kinda uninteresting. This also severely degrades the porn content.

    It is also missed opportunity to animate the scenes. Instead its still pictures which seems misplaced in a game where everything else is animated.

    There are all sorts of things to upgrade. Everything from your skill in a particular direction to your clothes and various types of equipment. Despite that, the core game play loop will quickly start to feel old. I played the game for about 2 hours, and then I was also very bored of it.

    That's it for a review, here's the break down:

    The Good
    • Fully developed unity game
    • Many upgrades with various equipment
    • Decent game play and fairly balanced

    The In-between
    • Not particularly attractive models

    The Bad
    • Censored content
    • The main game play loop quickly becomes old
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Train Capacity 300% 2 [Final] [Beel ze bub]
    I honestly found it worse than the first chapter.

    The second chapter has improved in certain aspects (such as freedom of movement even after getting off the train, better skill management, once the underwear has been removed it is possible to carry out additional actions), but worsened in other aspects (such as for example the aesthetics of the protagonist, in the first he seems like a real molester, or in the scenes, in this second chapter the second scenes have an art that I really didn't like, or the selection of actions, too messed up as far as I'm concerned).

    Overall slightly worse than the first, but I still recommend it.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    This games concept has me enthralled, it is executed beautifully and you can immerse yourself in the world the developer has built for you.

    truthfully this game is 3 stars, and i imagine unless you are like me, you will have a 3 star experience, i personally refuse to bomb this games rating down bc it just needs a little more love and effort for it to be amazing for everyone

    proper pre-made translations, literate story (which could already exist but is buried in the untranslated mess), dlc coming with the game (it literally contains bugfixes and reworks for half of the game), uncensorship options, these are a few minor setbacks that can be improved in a few weeks from a small team because this game is simple and straight to it, i want to believe a community can come together and patch up this game, bc it is close to greatness.

    And lastly, the part that i really have to write carefully: the molesting nature of the game, i'd urge you to give it a try regardless, the developer has a strange and disturbing ability to create a world and environment where you are rewarded and punished for your actions, it is not based on reality at all and the easy mode is even called "dream" mode, the developer definitely could've made a different choice in the subjects of their games, but this is what a large section of japanese adult entertainment is, it is definitely a much more light hearted eroge with the unfortunate fetish of being a molester.

    all in all, good game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Immersive game where you move around in a 3D environment, but when it comes to interacting with the girls, we see good animated drawings in 2D. The voice acting is very good and he has a strong strategizing component. The only problem is that in the 3D part the models of the girls are very simple and the sex scenes are usually static drawings. If they were animations the game would be much better.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Fun game with interesting mechanics, but with some annoying restrictions and poor MTL.

    Graphics - 4/5
    A combination of 3D models in an open environment and 2D animations playing per action. 3D models look anywhere between average to good. Animations add to the eroticism. 2D portraits are beautiful. Environment, scenery, and extra people models are basic but set the scenes well enough.

    Story - 1/5
    The MTL takes a while to load in some translated lines. Many lines are difficult to decipher. There is a story, but it is difficult to follow at times.

    Gameplay - 2/5
    The mechanics are interesting - from the groping minigame to the Titter app response choice. Despite the freedom to move anywhere, the time and speed restrictions can sometimes cross from challenging to frustrating (a lot of waiting). Furthermore, the MTL leaves upgrades and the response choices to be deciphered with little context.

    Music - 5/5
    Does what needs to be done and fits the mood/atmosphere well. Sounds

    Eroticism - 2/5
    The groping is fun and I find it easy to immerse myself into the world with the amount of freedom allowed to me. However, the constant waiting and slow walking speed keeps me at half chub throughout most of the game.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    it was good before and same true for new part
    technically its almost same thing with almost same problems, but its actually a nice game, with replay value although a tedious one. It has nice graphics, solid gameplay and no dumb ultra sensetive "awake" meter like in some games, where you move mouse i bit more faster than developer wanted and its a game over and at thte same time you can just assault someone and expect to reach a sex scene, cause you will need a few tries to understand what is needed from you
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    IMO this game is mediocre and not even as good as some of the predecessor of Japanese molesting games.

    1. No animated scenes. The "grabbing boobs out" cut scene you see on introduction is already the best one in the game. When the girl is being molested, the changes in her posture, voice, emotions are minimal. There are changes in the voice and script, but difficult to notice without subtitles. Other games turned the skin of the woman shiny and covered with sperm after a penetration!

    2. No "broken" or "lewd" mode after finishing a female character. Even you maxxed up sensitivity of all regions, the women will not change her speech / attitude a bit. In other games a lewd character will raise her skirt for you to touch her.

    3. Poor moving mechanics. In freeplay mode you can't even turn the girl to directly facing you! In the story mode, the slightest push from a last-minute passenger can separate you and your target and you waste a station. The moving speed is quite slow unless you learn a skill, and generally the moving and chasing just bring trouble to the player without any benefits. Also, the other passengers obstruct me to get a good view of the girl.

    4. Bad post-end game bonus mode. Only the skill level and clothes can be brought to the next round, and you need to train the women again and steal their sns account (and other information if you care about) again.

    5. Very few choices of sex positions. The sex in the molesting mode is quite boring after a few repetitions as there are no change in attitude and personalities. The sex in the station (and even in the ending!) is only one position for a time and one or two CGs. There are some changes in the conversation for when the same sex position is chosen the second and third time, but the process is two cumbersome - remember you can't bring the process of getting your girl to the next round, so you need to get all the scenes (3*4 = 12 sessions) in one gameplay. Also, there are no animations in the sex scenes!

    6. The skills are mainly for removing obstacles that are imposed on players rather than bringing new benefits. Also, getting the girl specific skills requires you to choose options that leads to bad ending. i.e. You need to play 3-4 runs on a girl just to get skills without seeing an ending if you want the skills.

    Most of these problems do not exist in the era of 2000s (you may check other old train molesting games on this site) and I really want to know why the gaming industry is moving backwards.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    An interesting successor to the original this new game gives more bonuses, incentives and powerups. its gameplay isnt too difficult but it does require you to take your time and get better gear before taking on some of the waifus.

    The extra scenes are nice and fun, I love the animations.

    The mtl is rough but the community dropped a better autotranslator in the discussion making it much better.

    Im excited to see if there will be more dlc characters added like its predecessor but for now it has enough content to last you about a week or two of constant play.

    its fun and I recommend it, I will be playing it even more in the future. Its got a bunch of endings like its predecessor.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    I feel like the gameplay would be considered simple if I could understand half of what was going on, but I slowly figured it out, only for the game to end and give me a bad(?) ending.

    Art is about what I expected. Gifs looked nice, mini scenes looked good (could be better if I didn't have to squint to see em), and the post-train/hunt/follow scenes weren't too bad (though, I wish they weren't just stills with a flood of text and over-acted voice-lines).

    Movement felt a little stiff and seemed to switch up 3 times. Before going on the train, and while on it, you could move the camera all around with the mouse (even though that has Y inversion); after you follow the girl/exit the train, you can only move and look with WASD; and when you're running away, it suddenly switches to 3rd-person, and faces you towards the train, with your character usually hidden by an NPC.

    tl;dr it's alright, but a little too grindy, and the text barely makes sense, which makes me wish I could actually read the native text.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    the Gameplay can be enjoyable for a while, but the machine transaltion suddenly stops and you don't know what you are doing, becoming a random clicking game
    For the gamplay it could have been a 5stars but I don't like playing randomly so I had to drop it to 3 only
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    I see more and more flash-game-like games.

    -Story, Originality
    Go get 6 girls in a train.

    Likable 2d art (big booba + big ass).

    I think I heard some background music.

    I played 10-15 minutes.

    It works.

    Didn't see any.

    Jucy h-animations.

    -Voice Acting
    Some voices.

    Didn't see any mistakes.

    -Amount of content
    Cool game.
    Good ammount of content.
    But it feels like a flash game...
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    The most complete, diverse, vivid game about perverts on the train. HOWEVER! Need FULL translation. With all inventory objects. and "skill".
    And normal control during the "escape" from the train when they caught...
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Beelzebub has the best molesting interactive games. This one is interesting, because has a complete system of inventory, skills and clothing to the character. You can follow the girls before they leave the train and do things. Girls are 100% voiced, has a funny narrator and very interesting scenes. Leth the women met real love.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    The game requires strategic thinking. It's very entertaining, variable and exciting. There were no bugs by me. Basically story, it tells about how train travel could be more fun.

    It may be a bit desperate at first, but that's what this game is all about.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    It does not matter how well a game is made if it is unplayable then its simply not fit for purpose. Partial English translation is unhelpful with key mechanics left untranslated.

    After molestation you are presented with a huge cut away, blocking vision and making pursuing your quary problematic. I found no way of removing or minimising said cutaway.

    As presented, the game mechanics are too opaque to recomend, if the game received a proper English translation/patch then I will happily revisit this review.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    • Multiple intricate systems
    • Well Made 3D Models
    • Superb 3D Animation
    • Has Gallery
    • 1st Person WASD Gameplay
    • Partial English UI Translation
    • MTL Kind of Works
    It's a damn well made game but requires a full english translation patch