You ever notice in the movie "Logan" how most of the baddies hunting them down have prosthetic arms?You do realise if someone tried that with Laura, she'd slice off their hand and then spay or neuter that person, right?
This works for me, but then the side bar remains hidden during free roam. Is there a different new screen that needs to be enabled instead?This bug is associated with an old screen variant present in old saves. The fix is to use the console to hide the screen, which will fix the save. The console command is:
renpy.hide_screen("belt_screen", layer = "interface")
And she stabbed them with her foot claws instead.You ever notice in the movie "Logan" how most of the baddies hunting them down have prosthetic arms?
Question basically was - why not give him a predetermined name - "John Doe" or something?Hey, everyone gets a name, why not Null? Why should he be the only one referred to by his pseudonym?
There is a lot of mediums without customizable characters - movies, books, comics. I can't say that characters depicted in them are less relatable by design. Isn't having all possible decision making in your hands as player not enough? And naming your personal instance of character "James" or "Peter" won't change the plot at all.To me a customizable character helps me feel more ownership and relation to the main character. I tend to be more concerned about what happens to a MC I have personalized versus one that is premade and fixed in place.
Plus I'm a proponent of more choices in games. If you simply don't want to customize a name for a character or feel no need to the option is there for you to just use the default name and start the game. But for those that want to customize and have a bit more of a personal connection to the protagonist they are able to.
Still looking for help with this one.Any workaround for "This program requires Windows 10 or greater to run" error? Still rocking Win 7 and never encountered this problem before.
Am I missing something critical to this question. Cuz like...Question basically was - why not give him a predetermined name - "John Doe" or something?
You bring up examples of media that has no interactive element to it. Games have always had a different level of connection for me to characters in it then any movie/book I have seen because their struggles become my struggles. Being able to name them myself adds even more of a connection.Question basically was - why not give him a predetermined name - "John Doe" or something?
There is a lot of mediums without customizable characters - movies, books, comics. I can't say that characters depicted in them are less relatable by design. Isn't having all possible decision making in your hands as player not enough? And naming your personal instance of character "James" or "Peter" won't change the plot at all.
Choices are actually presenting interesting dilemma from perspective of design and writing. There is 2 approaches that can be applied player chooses something:
1. You have to take all possible outcomes of this choice into consideration. That means keeping number of possible options if not bare minimum than at least reasonably small. Additional option added to list - extra work at the spot and at 10 more spot down the line. More often this approach taken - more complex project becomes and overall workload increases. That is sensitive point even for large fancy AAAA-developers, for small team like Ron's - tenfold so.
2. You can make it purely cosmetical or ignore it altogether. You can name Null "Philippus Hohenheim", "Baron Samedi" or "George Washington" and not a single character will bat an eye after hearing that. This approach allows a lot of "customization" but at the price of significance of choice. Too much of this - and protagonist becomes some strange shoe-in figure in comparison to other character. Luckily, that's not our case. And won't be such a case, I hope.
I personally appreciate it for the tiny factor of immersion it provides me, as I enjoy being able to properly - and genuinely - imprint onto what is intended to be a self-insert billboard protag at the end of the day. This is especially true since porn games, and honestly games at large, still tend to not have characters that look like myself. Hell, even asking for a black male protag in and of itself is like pulling teeth in so many instances, god forbid they also be one that isn't a muscle-bound """thug""" type designed purely to enable some red hat'sI'm not entirely sure what the devs plan on doing with it. I was vetoed when I suggested locking character customization.
"letting the player name their character endangers the integrity of the game!"
Just for absolute clarity here - you can *change the name here*. You just need to click on the fields and update them. That is easy to miss if you're skipping the text in the intro.Am I missing something critical to this question. Cuz like...
View attachment 4286157
And if you don't mean that, and you actually are trying to say something crazy like "letting the player name their character endangers the integrity of the game!"
Like... what are you even on about?
Thanks that did the trick.It´s maybe a render configuration. you need to run the exe file and keep the "shift" key presed untill the next window apear
View attachment 4286856
press the red option and if that doesn´t work, press the option above. Some pc are not compatible with the ooption that comes select as default.
Not as bad as developers that think names don't need to be more then seven characters long.There are people who believe this, actually. Many are developers.
I find them confusing and irritating.
That's oversimplification. But yes, that's the general gist."letting the player name their character endangers the integrity of the game!"