You know that Hebishima is a Sinons sex slave/porn actress right? The blonde girl participating in a foursome on the DVD Cover in the understreet this update was Hebishima.
And given her facial expression, I don't think she can be a threat to anyone anymore.
Guy clearly lost the sense of the plot if he not only missed what happened to Hebishima but confused "Shadow Fox" with him, especially given he keeps reducing Suguha and Sinon to "Sluts" XD If anything, unlike the girls in the so-called main story, both of them have proved to be above it...Suguha literally can't enjoy sex if it isn't with Kirito or at least his image anymore and she's still able to retain her sanity during sex enough to prove she loves him more than big dicks, as the time with Silica's Dad having that illusion over him to make him look like Kirito showed, and Sinon herself seemed shocked when having actual sex with Kirito that it was her most pleasant and 'perfect' sexual experience despite him being 'small and with much less stamina' (Granted Sinon's is a lot more superficial and less set in stone that Suguha, but it's still something XP). Unlike Kyouko, Liz, and Asuna who turn into whores immediately as soon as Inoda sticks it in (Or just seeing him doing so with someone else), they actually have shown to be shockingly above the usual NTR plots since their storyline changed.
Mind you, as I always say, Fujino could still throw it all away into the trash and have them fall to some Council BS plot anyway, but so far in the story right now both, Suguha especially, are anything but 'just whores', LOL