Hi everybody. I thought about not writing my vision, but after reading the comments, I couldn't resist)
In my opinion, the update is cool. The shower scene is good. The scene behind the monitor is also great! (I haven't reached the others yet. I'll finish playing today or tomorrow). I think I'll like the anal scene too. Yes, I would like to change a lot to suit my taste, but this does not make the update or the game as a whole bad.
About the scenes in the IRL. Let's be honest – if you put a girl who wildly wants sex and a guy who wildly wants this girl in a private room, and take into account that they have already had sex (I'm talking about real sex now, we don't consider sex in the game at all), from which the stars flew out of the girl's eyes (let this happened a couple of months ago), then these two will fuck on the second night (maximum on the third) without getting out of bed! And they will not need any additional conditions in the form of sexy outfits, porn, adjusting situations, or frustration from partner neglect. So the author is delaying this moment as much as he can. It's not clear why, but that's it. Well, it gives us good seduction scenes. For example, I completely agree with MOS555 again – the blowjob scene should have been made complete in the room of memories (on behalf of Asuna or Inoda, it doesn't matter). The intensity of the scene is good, though somewhat ridiculous. A day ago, Asuna tells Inoda that they shouldn't do obscene things, and now she pounces on sucking his cock.… What kind of split personality is this?!
Disappointment in her boyfriend because he didn't watch the series with her... (I haven't reached that point myself yet, but it kind of comes from your comments). Funny stuff! And if he had watched a TV series with her, then wouldn't Asuna have engaged in debauchery with Inoda? She had already started sucking his cock herself.… Therefore, this is just another nonsense. Although I myself wrote that this should happen after the update with Kirito and Asuna's date, after which Kirito ran into the game and Asuna was told to go home. Back then, she should have given up on him and gone to fuck with Inoda in the next apartment)
This brings us back to the relationship of these two in this game. (Since the game is almost over, it's already pretty stupid to write about their relationship, so for the last time)))). It's really unclear to me whether the author did this on purpose or because he can't spell out the logical behavior of the characters well. Please note that the author took many of the traits of a positive character and gave them to a negative character, whereas a positive character, on the contrary, has all the traits of a bad guy. We're not talking about sex at all right now. Kirito is absolutely unable to communicate with anyone in this game. From the very beginning, he has eternal quarrels with Liz and Suguha, and only through Asuna's advice and efforts does he begin to communicate with them normally. Kirito is really stupid in this game. Plus, he is completely unsuited to living alone – Asuna and Suguha cook and clean for him. If they don't, Kirito will turn into a kind of Inoda in a month. Well, the icing on the cake is the absolute disregard for everything his girlfriend wants and is interested in. To spend time together on a holiday – fuck it, let's play. Watch a movie, fuck it, let's play. Okay, let's go to the movies, but I'll sleep there. Shall we go to karaoke together? You sing, and I'll go outside.… And so on. So if you think about it, we get a guy who is usually the one who steals the girl away from a good character in NTR. He doesn't give a damn about her feelings or interests. He just wants to fuck her and that's it. On the other hand, Inode, who supports Asuna in everything. Yes, he does it in order to have sex with her later. But! A lot of people do exactly the same thing in their daily lives – you can't say it's something bad. If you want to watch a movie, come on! If you want to sing karaoke, let's go together! You're in a bad mood – let me try to cheer you up and cheer you up! Yes, he fucks her after that. So what? There's nothing strange about that. Plus– Asuna herself likes it!
And now the main thing of all this is to answer the question) Why does this Asuna need this Kirito in principle? And what would she lose in her life if she completely replaced Kirito with Inoda? For me personally, the answers are: Asuna doesn't need this Kirito at all, and her life with Inode will be better than her life with Kirito. We're not even talking about sex. Kirito doesn't give Asuna anything. Even in terms of the family's future financial security, Asuna is in the first place – she will clearly earn more. So what difference does it make to her if she keeps the nerd Kirito, who always sits in the game, or if Asuna contains Inoda, who worships her (albeit in his own way))).
And the conclusion follows from this. This game doesn't really match the NTR for me specifically. For me, the NTR here would be (and I was very upset when the author "deleted" this character) if Asuna started fucking with Hebeshima. She constantly tells everyone how she doesn't like him, how disgusted she is with him. But then he would fuck her and she couldn't live without his cock, as is happening with Inoda now. And there would be a situation where she expresses her disdain for Hebeshima in public, and for her he is an asshole and a scumbag, but at night she goes to the neighboring house and fucks with him there. That would be a good NTR. Asuna always treated Inoda well. And it turns out that an ordinary girl spent time with one guy, but met a man she likes more and left the first one. There's also a funny thing here – it seems to me that if Kirito had had the kind of behavior and character that Fujino provided us with, then Asuna wouldn't have had any personal relations with him in SAO. That's how, in my opinion, the author distorted this pair)))
As for the other characters. Well, you shouldn't be mad at Alice. In this game, she moves the plot. She's responsible for all of Kirito's major problems. Yes, it would be possible to try to beat Kirito's quests in some other way, in which he could not / did not want to participate with Asuna, but the author decided to do so. The decision is clear and logical. Alice also has a lot of fans, so they should definitely enjoy the content with her. It's just that her arch isn't particularly interesting to me either. Well, we have what we have. The idea is clear and good in itself, it's just not really implemented to my taste.
I expected slow debauchery and becoming a whore. By slow, I mean the same thing as how Inoda corrupted Asuna throughout the game. And then hypnosis and Alice is already a whore. Moreover, almost all the girls of the game are already sitting in the same brothel... Well, so-so...
All this does not spoil the game at all. It's just something that I don't like specifically and that I personally would like to see differently. Regarding the lack of content ... Some people wrote correctly here – if you start playing the game from the very beginning, then there will be a lot of content! Not every game can boast of such a volume. Moreover, all this was done by one person, not a studio. Moreover, it was made in a very beautiful way and of very good quality. My respect to Fujino! Here you can also add my personal vision of why the content itself has not been very popular with people lately (it seems to me that this is partly the reason). When in update 3 (or somewhere in there) When I saw the scene in the treehouse, my first thought was – holy shit! If the author gives us this in this update, then what will happen next?! The answer is it won't be better))). That scene was pretty top-notch in my opinion. The rest are already sagging against her background. So it turns out that there are a couple of very hot scenes, and the others are not so good against their background. Plus, Asuna's sex with Inoda is a bit boring, so it's much more interesting for us to follow the development of the Suguha branch now. Something like this… Again, this is purely my vision. Things may not be the same for you at all.
The text turned out to be somewhat confusing and inconsistent, but I hope the idea is clear) Good luck to all! And so that new updates bring you only satisfaction)))
Oh, and I forgot one more thing) Can someone explain to me why Asuna needs Yui at all right now? She only comes into the game to have sex with Inoda)