- Jan 15, 2017
- 2,967
- 4,129
With all due respect, most people who are leaving low star reviews assess the game for what it is. A lot of the complaints are similar to what I said a few years ago, not sure if it was 2020 or 2021. The lines are way too repetitive and don't resemble anything close to a real slow burn romance. Not even a fictive one. I love the Bronte sisters, and they wrote massive romantic tomes. No one with any sense of narrative ability complains about the length of their novels because they are well written and the narrative pacing is pretty much as close to perfect as you can get. I also complained about the fact that you use a massive number of renders for slight changes in facial expressions, and recommended that you learn use masks if you really need to have that many minute changes in facial expression. Now the game has unnecessarily ballooned to over 26GB.I 100% agree.
Some people simply can't understand that people have different tastes.
That just because a game is not to someone's taste, that it doesn't make for a bad game.
Me for example, I don't like fighting or shooter games.
Doesn't mean that I have to rate every Call of Duty with a 1 or Tekken with a 2.
No, I accept that those type of games are simply not for me and I move on to something that I might enjoy a bit more.
Rating something a 1 or bashing on a game simply because it's not for you is the same as a child throwing a tantrum when
something doesn't go their way.
A while ago I went through some profiles of the people reviewing Sweet Affection.
- Like, there are reviews from people that love Corruption games on here the most and then bash Sweet Affection because it's too sweet...
- There are people that went on other thread stating that they like Adult Games because of the porn, that they are not interested in any build up... that they just want the good stuff.
And then bash Sweet Affection because it a slow burner.
- You have those that call me a milker while they are supporting developers that produce 1 update every 12 months (if you are lucky).
People should do whatever they want to do.
If you like NTR, have fun somewhere else.
If you like Corruption, have fun somewhere else.
If you like Romance and slow burners? Welcome.
I said this a while ago.
This websites suffers from a very toxic combination.
You have
- The usual toxic social media kind of people that you see on Reddit, Facebook, Twitter.
The people that think their opinion is fact and everyone else is wrong.
And you have
- Hormones + Frustration.
People (Kids) come here to get a quick fix and get frustrated when it doesn't happen, or happy when it does happen.
When those 2 combine you end up with you see a lot on this website.
People spewing nonsense, gamethreads being bombarded by unfair reviews (Positive or Negative).
And at this stage, you can't even blame the staff/mods anymore.
7.7 million members with about 15 staff/mods. (I first came here when it was about 100.000 people, damn...)
The site has become too big for them to control properly.
The only reason why we as a team are still here is because of the kind people on here. (You know who you are.)
At this stag though , I wish they would give us developers a little bit more control.
Either to choose to lock the review section down, and/or to "Mod" their thread themself and delete nonsense messages.
(With abuse of that power, those privileges would be removed.)
I already said this to BloodyFace
The month away from this website really helped me in terms of my mood.
The week that I've been back, my headache already has come back.
As last words because this post is turning out way too long. (Which will unfortunately mean nothing to some people.)
Live and let live, People.
A lot of reviews have similar critiques, and they have nothing to do with the game being a "slow burn". Frankly most people just feel you're disrespecting their time by loading up on redundant dialogue and images. I'm sure many of us have gotten through voluminous classics like Les Miserables, War and Peace, and The Count of Monte Cristo. If you think we're all just horny kids looking for a quick fap, you're just telling yourself happy lies.