This is really nice to hear. But it raises 2 questions.
Why is there someone starting to work on RIC/RIA, if this part is going to be implemented with DLC into SA?
How do you plan to deal with Pa...on? As far as I can see, they can be huge pain in the ass. Sure, DLC is not a part of the game, but they can argue that game was developed having restricted content in mind. I am not sure they will risk a slightest chance of being accused of providing services to developer, and how exactly they will act trying to prove not being involved in this.
tbh I don't really care anymore. I personally have seen similar pattern from few pa...on financed developers: they are happy with what they get while not crossing some guidlines, and some storylines are completely abandoned just to be compliant. RIC will neither be first, nor last game to do that. But there still are other developers, for weirdos like me
A couple things.
1. BA Games has nothing to do with RiC.
That game had to be abandoned almost 3 years ago for reasons that we already mentioned plenty of times.
After that it got picked up by multiple developers and it's now their project (but I believe it hasn't seen an update in quite a while)
Sweet Affection has nothing to do with RIC, period.
2. There is no RiA and SA. They are the same.
We simply changed the name from Research Into Affection into Sweet Affection because of reasons we also mentioned a
couple times now already.
3. Patreon has nothing to do with this change at all, they didn't force us neither was it a reason for us.
Not for the content that is currently in the game, nor for the content we have planned for the future.
4. I think anyone who plays this game knows that we don't restrict a thing, nor are we holding anything back.
If we were, we wouldn't be making pretty substantial updates every single months and keep on adding more and more
5. We are not happy with what we have.
Now, let me explain that for a second.
Yes, we are happy with what we are doing currently in this project.
We are proud of the events we create each month, the characters that we bring to life, and every single letter that we write.
And even more, we are extremely proud that there are so many people that support us, and enjoy our project for what it is.
But we are not satisfied until the game is 100% done.
We are not hanging back and just think "Meh, it's good like this... let's just go with the flow"
We push ourselves each month to give you guys as much as possible, and we will continue to do that until the game is done and we implemented everything that we've promised.
Now, is that something we are able to do in a week or a month's time... of course not.
You have to be realistic and see that it's going to take some time.
But you have to realize that there is one person creating all these events and writing them, so... there is only so much progress we can have.
But nothing is going to be abandoned, nothing.
Not the game, not the story-lines or any characters.
But I don't expect you to believe me by my words, because I also know that this industry is filled with empty promises.
Hopefully we as a team can show you, and everyone else for that matter that isn't sure, that we mean it