I don't think Nika is on Stefan's radar (other than as a curiosity - does he/his family matter in the games of power).
I think Vanessa is the dangerous one (from a perception and observation POV).
I think any Nika/Bella time at Nick's house when Vanessa is able to observe them will give her insights into each of them and them as a couple - insights they don't necessarily want her to have.
For now, she is neither ally nor enemy, but I think Vanessa would like it if Nika owed her favors... and he might not enjoy paying them back...
There is the couple's situation... imagine Vanessa and Mario meeting Nika and Bella at Nick's house.
Or - for more fun picture - imagine Nika and Bella naked in the jacuzzi, just talking and catching up - when suddenly Mario and Vanessa, also naked, round the corner to get in the jacuzzi.
Nika - in a quiet who of dominance - just stands up and stretches, then greets Vanessa.
Mario jumps into the hot tub and damn near drowns himself trying to hide the fact that he's using a butt plug.
Once he's 'safely' under the water, he notices that Vanessa is still standing there, fully naked, and taking her time getting under the water.
Bella's face shows that she does not like the 'show' Vanessa is giving Nika and Mario does not either.
Nika is meeting her eyes and not looking at the rest of her body, while the same cannot be said of Vanessa and then Mario notices where Vanessa is looking and ....
Ocean could have a lot of fun with a certain dichotomy between Nika and Mario if he chooses to.
Once Amber's cabin visit therapy gets Nika 'firing on all cylinders' - this dichotomy will be Much more pronounced...
I love it!
I don't think nika and Nami will live at nick's house as they agreed with mila to rent a student house
I think they will (have to) stay at nick's house for at least a week and considering we only played 5 (?) days so far, it will probably be the whole second season? I think its great to switch the housing situations up from time to time. Now we can have a lot of Zara (yay) and Vanessa and see what kind of guy Nick is.
I really want Nick and Nika to have a great relationship, Nika really needs a experienced man he can asks questions and get guideance from.
Afterwards we can move in with Mila, Nami and Robin (which will lead to more sasha too) which will be great too.
so his ex isnt leia? or his ex had an affair with william?
Imo the whole description of her would never fit Leia and the women shown in the flashback doesnt look like her at all either. Leia would probably just have killed Nick instead of the accusations if she wanted to get rid of him *cough cough*
But the affair of his ex with willy is very possible, maybe leia just enjoys to gift all the Zane bastard daughters her jewelry to keep them connected to the clan and as a sign of untouchability lmao
Nah go for the wall of text, we all have plenty of time until the next update. Thoughtful points help us understand some of the more hidden easter eggs and red herrings as Ocean loves his cloak and dagger vaudville routines

I'll try to be concise myself though, and respond without spiraling out to the life, universe and everything
I suspect their admission to ZPR is either a form of scholarship or Noji pulling strings via the book club. I highly doubt Noji doesn't already know Elena Petrova. I also wonder if Charlie might not be the Dean. There is nothing saying that the dean has to be one of the families who own the college. Noji has 1 degree of separation at most from every power player it seems. Katie, Amber, Scarlet, Charlie, at least one degree via Katie or Sasha to Elena, the Frohns, if she knows Katie she probably knows Zoey... I'll be interested if we find out the meaning of her tattoo.
Ayua still knows Nami has an earring and she knows what that means even if we don't. She would have known Bella's prank and seens Nami with the earring. If she wasn't observant at college, she'd know it while drawing. 100% she knows what's going on, and gave Nika a free pass only because she knows what's going on.
Nice pickup about the id!
Yep. I also think that Coach hills actions with the handcuffs also bear keeping in mind. There is a chance that their plan from higher up via the Zane's involves Nika, and that's why he's there.
Along with that, there is the potential for Marla and Noji to know each other. Marla wanting to have therapy with Nika, while NOT having therapy with Vic is really quite interesting. Maybe Marla has some other thing with Nika's history via Summer that we don't know yet.
Yep, the bookclub is super interesting. I'd say Jenna, Emilia, Katie, Charlie and Adri at least know what's going on. Also, the fact that Robin calls Adrianna Adri at one point implies that she's well known even if she seems an odd fit to the club, so she's one to keep an eye on also. Someone mentioned that Willi had an aunt Jenna, so that could also be interesting.
The whole thing seems to be set up imo. Not only that Nika and Nami (have to) join the College, the whole ZPR himself seems to be designed as a education facility for the Zane (and adjacent lol) kids. Its conspicious how ZPR took over when all the kids of the known familys started to attend college.
Nojiko knows everyone (and everything about Nika and Nami's past) and i think they owe heir for taking them in. I furthermore think that Nojiko doesnt accept any money from the Zane's because she dont want to be involved with criminal stuff or money. And i think thats why she doesnt want them to connect again as she doesnt want Nika to become a drug selling criminal too lmao.
I mean this whole universe was originally called the zaneverse by ocean lol it wouldnt surprise me if Sasha, Nami, Nika, Vanessa, Aziz, dwight, (maybe robin), ayua & adrianna and her other siblings are all half or siblings and probably many more.
Good point about adrianna by the way esp as it was stated that it was her first visit of the bookclub (Katie dragged her along).
Its kinda sad that Noji never was at home when Ayua visited, i would have liked to see their reactions. I still could imagine Noji being related to Miru but at some point decided to steer away from all the criminal stuff.
I think coach hill his is kinda instructed/advised by Katie, we know they had a talk about the possiblity of becoming first team coaches.
Miss Marla wanting to have therapy with Nika is strange i agree, i always thought it was about the gun incident but it isnt there anymore, now im kinda clueless (maybe shes his real mom

im joking)
and what about aziz we know something anout his fater? seems to me very suspicious wear glasses at night and all the time,if you dont want to hide some shit like heterochromia
Yeah hes either willys son or its the biggest red herring, his whole body type looks very much like william too.
Nice analysis.
On the question of Summer's age when she disappeared...
Nika tells Nami that Summer's breasts were just starting to develop when he last knew her - so the onset of puberty.
I have assumed Ocean chose to use something approximating the US school system in SG - Elementary School (ages 5-10), Middle School (ages 11-13), and High School (ages 14-17). Assuming Nika's at least 18 by the start of the game, Summer's disappearance (five years prior) puts Nika's age when it happened around 13-14 years.
Not sure if it helps any and which education system ocean used for his world but just for information in germany its like this:
6-12 - elementary school
13-16 - grammar school (depending on your grades this is already graduation and end of school for most)
16-18/19 - Gymnasium (no clue how to call it in english)
If you completed all three youre able to attend a university afterwards.