- Jan 17, 2021
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- 2,114
Yeah, i understand you.I disagree about Zara and Nadia. Nika is smart enough to realise that their revenge was caused by his actions. And he didn't have a problem with it except that they used Nami against him. So instead of escalating the situation further, he put a stop to it and let them know they crossed the line.
The only LIs for whom his dislike is justified are Bella and Vanessa. In Bella's case, it's just an excuse to quickly bring them together through a simulated conflict that is quickly resolved. In Vanessa's case... well, I've already said that I think about the possibility of turning them against each other if it doesn't block her path. I want it so much.![]()
I understand the revenge of Zara and Nadia, Nika piss them off and they deserve the posibility of revenge, but i think handcuff him, undress him and Zara putting her foot in his mouth is worse than play them like fools and rip Zara´s shirt (Zara exposed boob is serious too , even if was unintentionally).
So, what i want to say is: yes, i understand why Nika wants to stop their "battle" but for me the measures Zara and Nadia made in their revenge are a little too far, and knowing Nika is a guy who doesn´t give a fuck and doesn´t let people fuck with him i´not sure why he would be friendly with them, okay, i understand if he "relax the environment" a little but play with Nadia in the board game or have a basket match with Zara in the final chapter... If you are in their path okay but if not for me seems forced
This about Zara seems contradictory to me too, going back to Zara putting her foot in Nika´s mouth , she warns him that if he tries again to humilliate her she is going to punish him, okay, but i have played two times, one path being friendly with Zara and following her path and other path trying to humilliate her and confront her when the occasions appear and Zara is still being friendly with Nika and they continue to make plans like if nothing happened. How is she going to punish him if she isn´t bother with Nika´s behaviour? Maybe Zara isn´t so dangerous like she tried to look? Or is just that Ocean deleted the dark path and that´s why those options can´t happen? We will see more in the second season but i don´t know, seems contradictory to me.
About Bella yeah, i love her path and their connections but in my second path Nika went with Bella to Mario´s house for revenge for what he (and his friends) said about him when he was with Milla and you can´t still being mad with Bella, this event force you to be closer to her. About Vanessa yeah... I liker her because is a character who seems to have nasty fetishes, and i love that, i will try to turn them againts each other in one of my paths too
Yeah, very true, i can go with that, but like i said in my respond above i think is too much for let it slide.I think, in Zara's case this behaviour is acceptable, like the MC says, Noji's wellbeing is more important, then the revenge.
But yeah, i can´t discuss about that, Nika´s love for Noji and Nami can overcome any problem.
But Nadia has nothing to do with Noji or Nami directly so, why forgive her so easily. Or even Bella, Nami hates her, she said she is still planning a vengeanze for her, it would be a good moment for join her. I suppose we will see this in the second season.
Absolutely right. I forgave her for a favor, i hope this favors Nika is getting for people be usefull...I still will refuse to forgive Robin it's too early for me maybe I will later for Sasha content if I have too but as of right now nope she is not forgiven.
In other game i would say this favors are going to be sexual, but in SG i´m pretty sure are going to be more important than that.
Exactly what i thought in that moment, okay if Noji and Nami still in the house is logical do nothing, but if not... Come on Nika, put your fingers or mouth to work, he can do that...alright so i went into this knowing the game was not gonna have any real H scenes and had accepted my fate and so long as it was reasonable and it was actually mainly character building I could acknowledge and understand it but even if the MC is the most demi of demisexuals how does any human in the universe have a girl in your bed, you have contemplated the fact that you might be in love with her, you are both just in your underwear her with her bra off and she says to you "I'm horny" and your only response is to look awkward and apologise. Like literally what? How does that even happen and why did the scene not progress there? No human alive wouldn't have at least tried to help her out or something even if you arent gonna go all in but nah he just sits there like a stump in the woods. I was fine with it honestly when he had rejected stuff before that point because it was reasonable to believe, it being with girls he wasn't familiar with or uncomfortable situations but like this is your actual girlfriend MC are you a brick or what?
But i think Noji and Nami were in the house, i think that´s why he didn´t do nothing.
Shit dude, too much things!!!I know that, but on the list:
- Stefanie is an LI, so she will be bangedwhich also checks female professor gets banged by student, and probably impregnated. Coach Hill is probably lewdable, as I guess Ms Harrison is as well.
- Bella will get in a fight, probably more than once, likely with Kate.
- Given the lockeroom talk about cute emo boy having a giant schlong, and Ayua asking Bella for nudes, his dick pics'll flow around campus
- Police will probably arrest Bella, Nika or Mila at some point
-Multiple cheerleaders getting banged - the locker room scene with Nora, Miriam and Kate is super likely to be repeated as a lewder event.
- Getting drunk with the professors - Nika will likely find out what happens with Cindy in a RP session
- Witness two students doing it - I can't imagine Ocean will have rumours about what happens in locker rooms spreading and miss the opportunity for risky public sex.
- STD outbreak SHOULD be inevitable, but porn logic would mean there's a chance that no one ever catches anything. But the manwhore MC route will likely have lewds gallore with no romance.
- hookup with a student, probably while doing CPR on Nika, can imagine Claire will be lewdable, get in a fight with Bella, and Amber comes down to berate Claire, and Claire gets fired. Plausible.
- Cheating gossip will happen, as gossip spreads so quickly for any events on campus already.
- peeing pants in public? my money's on Ayua getting smashed on the opening of the bar.
- Professor gets breast augmentation - convenient excuse to render someone larger than Helen from WiaB, it WILL happen...
- Is Stahl the only male professor we've seen? I'm okay if that gets left off. Do Not Want.
Free the boobs, being sober, the yogurt or the used condom... well, those have humour potential. It's almost like Ocean has written a list of Steam achievements and is projecting them on Claire. I'm going to keep tabs on this over the next decade![]()
Definitely you did a good job here and in your other post.
I can´t answer practically nothing because i have the same doubts like you know, but there are some thing i find very interesting, for example:
-"Ayua asking Bella for nudes, his dick pics'll flow around campus": Who do you think would be capable to do that to Nika? I think if we are in Bella path we can skip her, and Ayua doesn´t seems like that type of girl
Maybe if Nika is antagonized with some girl and for whatever reason this girl has his nudes could happen but i find it very diffcult to happen. (But as always i love spicy things and problems in main characters plot so i´m in for that)
-"I can't imagine Ocean will have rumours about what happens in locker rooms spreading and miss the opportunity for risky public sex.": This needs to happen, is a college and all the people are horny as fuck (except Nika).
-Cheating gossip will happen: I´m in too, this fits perfect with a college, and i want even cheat on someone, just for see what happens and how the college reacts. Maybe even if we can do Nika cheat to someone and use it like a revenge (yes, i know, i´m obsessed with revenge
- peeing pants in public?: Wait, What? Why you think is someone going to pee in his/her pants?