Heres what i found,
-Basement code - 3984 found this if you wash the loli succubus really well.
-A good starting point is to read all the books in the loli succubus' room when she goes to the library, many items can be found after reading books.
-You can find a baby's bib at Nemea's room after 6:45 when she goes to sleep, it replaces the doll on her table. The bib allows you to turn into a baby when you use it in your room, which you can reach under the loli's bed to get the key for her drawers.
-When you visit the loli when she's in the library, offer to find her book and find it quickly in her room, she'll give her the front door key.
-Summon and kill an imp from the basement with holywater to receive succubus ash which supposedly nullify's the seal on the door.
-Holywater can be found in Nemea's room in her cupboard.
- Many catalysts can be found to summon imps or succubus in the basdement, different objects will summon succubus, Myusuka's dildo, doll from nemea etc.
- Milk can be found in the fridge, and the knife on the cutting board (still have no idea what the knife is for)
Im stuck at the point where i have the front door key and succubus ashes but still die if i try to gtfo. I've unlocked most of the cgs not including the different succubus you can summon and die after.
Timeline i found in another thread

Nemea: big sister, Myusuka: Black hair schoolgirl, Vinumu: Loli
9:20-28 - Nemea ambush outside your room, moves to her bedroom
10:06 - Nemea moves from her bedroom to dining room
10:19 - Vinumu sleeps
10:50 - Myusuka moves from her bedroom to your room, leaves house
11:12 - Nemea returns to her bedroom
11:55-56 - Nemea leaves the house through front door (bugged)
12:05-06 - Myusuka returns to her bedroom with a man, they fuk
13:05-06 Myusuka leaves her bedroom, moves to your room
13:07-59 - Myusuka bathes
13:10-11 - Nemea returns to her bedroom with a man, they fuk
13:59-14:00 - Myusuka moves from bathroom to her bedroom
14:00 - Myusuka sleeps
14:00 - Vinumu wakes up, moves to library
14:37 - Nemea leaves her bedroom, moves to bathroom
15:38 - Vinumu moves from library to basement
15:38 - Nemea leaves bathroom, moves to her bedroom
16:10 - Vinumu moves from basement to library
17:20 - Nemea moves from her bedroom to the basement
18:01 - Nemea moves from basement to her bedroom
18:30 - Myusuka wakes up
19:00 - Vinumu moves from library to bathroom
19:10 - Myusuka moves from her bedroom to your room
19:35 - Nemea sleeps
19:40 - Vinumu moves from bathroom to her bedroom
21:02 - Myusuka enters her mirror
21:30 - Vinumu moves from her bedroom to the library
22:20 - Myusuka moes from her bedroom to your room
23:00 - Vinumu moves from the library to her bedroom
00:00 - you die
Any other info is appreciated, Thanks!