Unreal Engine - Completed - Subverse [v1.02] [Studio Fow]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    The first thing i have to mention is that the voice acting in this game dwarfs even AAA games nowadays. Really kudos to the VAs.
    The animations are also top notch. One of the best scene animations I've seen in this site.
    That being said, there is a very big issue with the game. It has two versions in how the characters act. It seems to me that the devs didn't want to bother with developing the characters and just had them act in whatever way the story needed.

    The models are great. All of them are beautiful and have diverse personalities. Some are cute and lovable, others killing machines and psychopaths.
    But there are two versions of the girls on how they act. In one version the girls act like complete sluts and will fuck anyone and anything. And the
    other version has them talk with the MC about their feelings and how much they love and care for him.

    Honestly, the MC was the worst part of the game for me.
    Again the game wants to tell two different versions of the MC that are complete opposite of each other.
    One, he is a complete loser with destructive tendencies. He doesn't care about anything else other than getting high/drunk and fucking. Most of the time he has to be told what to do and is saved by the girls or hiding behind them.
    Although the above is in 90% of the game, there are times when the game presents the MC as a heroic man who will rush into battle and
    will do anything to win.
    Now i wish this was a character development for the MC, but the game inserts the heroic man version whenever it is needed. Once that scene ends the MC returns to being a loser once again.

    The other thing that has two versions is the relationship the MC has with the girls.
    There are times when he calls them his "waifus" and others that he calls them his "fuckbuddies".
    Most of the game the MC is a cuck who doesn't care or even enjoys it when others are fucking the girls. In the ship, aside from the MC and the girls, there are also the alien monsters who fuck the girls all the time. The MC has
    no issue with that and sometimes he watches them on the cameras while he masturbates. There is even a mission in the game where you have to protect people that you know that they are going to fuck one of the girls.

    Then there are times when the MC acts like he is in love with the girls. There is also one scene when he learns that one girl fucked someone in her past and gets angry. Then he gets sad and calls himself a cuck. This scene was very confusing.

    In the end, the MC is a sad and pathetic character that anyone with even a little bit of self respect will have a difficult time playing him.

    The story is one of the things i enjoyed in the game. The plot twists (if you want to call them that) are obvious to anyone with half a working brain shell, but it was enjoyable nevertheless. The world building was great as well. The tone of the game, as others has said, is hypersexualised with "comic" elements. Although there are times when the tone gets a 180' and becomes serious.
    There are only two things i didn't like in the story:
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    There are not many sex scenes in the story of the game. 2 with each girl. One when you recruit them and one at the end of the game on their personal
    quest. But all of them are well animated.
    But, there is a mode in the game called "pandora" where it has many short sex scenes there.

    Now i know that that the game has an NTR tag and even in the description it says that it has "monster gangrapes". Although i am not an enjoyer of such things, i will not complain about them. I would not walk into a vegan restaurant and complain that they didn't have stake. That being said, the fucking alien monsters have more scenes than the MC. It is such a shame really.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Subverse definetely has a high production value, it looks great, it's fully voice acted and it's got a large map filled with content, but it's ultimately a boring game.

    Most of the gameplay is space or ground combat missions which gets very boring fast because there is no variety, it's the same type of missions over and over. You have a lot of variety in units, abilities and enemy types, but the ground battles are over too quickly and the space combat always feels the same.

    The world of subverse is fleshed out and interesting, but a big problem is the tone of the game which is hypersexual and vulgar in a humorous way, which some players might enjoy, but I don't like a game that doesn't take itself seriously.

    The game doesn't have classic sex scenes, where short scenes are part of the plot, instead you have 1 long high quality animation with each waifu that you can only get at the end of the game, and very short animations you can unlock throughout the game. The long animations are great, but it's disappointing the game doesn't have classic sex scenes.

    Overall it's a 4/10 game, it looks great but it's very boring
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Shallow gameplay and even shallower porn, would be tolerable if the GRIND didn't meant you were forced to play the same boring minigame for hours just to get seconds worth of porn. I got so bored I eventually just looked up the events, only to learn that some major characters have porn events.... in a porn game. Did I miss the sign that says this game is catered solely towards grind fetishist?
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I seen and played when first come out yes if that build still exist and they done same thin i think indeed this game worth like 2.5 star thats not a lie but right now ? thats insult this game have less budget than many top games here and yes i am not jokin even this game got million like 2 mil or less they cant use everything on game as kickstarter thing like you need to give back what you promised to fans.

    So with less budget than Scam games on this site let me say this no not bad game sure its boring in some way some reason why they even tried to do this ? no idea even as just visual novel i think this game can be %1000 better yet they choose extra things ruined gameplay here yes this is big no no for many and for me.

    Sex scenes amazing they improved even added sex cutscenes really highquality with DLC you can watch 4k plus many gifs like movies in PANDORA and yes yes yes i know its sucks right ? to not fuck girls any way you want or do things here especially with STUDİO FOW quality ? i dont have single idea why we dont have free sex scenes where we choose to what we want thats a BİG SHAME thats one minus here especially big minus.

    Really graphics amazing girls amazing sex scenes amazing after seeing this completed i played again damn man why ? why they didnt made game with less game play and more visual novel style ? with free roam sex scenes ? shame really shame but even with all completed game deserves 4 STAR they done good work its not trash many people putting bad reivews for some reason but no other than grind its solid good game.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed the game, the story is quite entretaining and most of the grinding is semi optional. the main story if you dont skip it is quite long so your will be in for 30h+ of game 40+ if you do close to all of the star sistems
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Yeah, so I'm conflicted on this. Well to be honest, I'm not. This i s a really bad game. It gets boring so fast. So there's basically two game-play loops. Spacebattles and land battles. Both are pretty cool, the first 10, 20 times you do them? But then you have to do them like 480 times over? And there is not much changing. You're doing the same thing over and over again. For what? For discovering stuff to "level up" your waifus and see them nude and do naughty things OUTSIDE of the game in some in-game studio.

    So yeah, the porn part is also separated from the gameplay loop. And this combined makes the game feel like such a waste of time.

    You are basically a hamster in a hamster wheel clicking to get points to unlock videos of 3dcg porn without any connection to the story.

    I paid for the game because I wanted to contribute to a serious attempt to make an AAA game. The voice acting, graphics, everything is AAA, except for the game itself which is such a bore. I can't bring myself to finish it. And I have tried twice...
    Likes: ryxp
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Let's get the obviously bad out of the way :

    - Everyone has already said it : too much grind, the available galaxy map is filled with arround 500 planets. 1/3 of the planets is just an "assign a waifu and get instant reward" mission. The rest are shmups and tactical turn-based mission that get repetitive really quickly.

    - Also a common criticism : Sex scenes not included in the gameplay or story outside of some exceptions (recruitement and devotion quests). Scenes are in a separate mode where you can buy and watch them with resources. That's not how you do porn game, it feels artificial.

    - Too few skins for the waifus, and most of them you unlock at the end of the game. Would have been better to give customisation options more progressively.
    I heard that they will add skins in futur updates so maybe it's an issue that will be solved.
    Also give us a skin for the Huntress without her helmet for christ's sake, she's such a cutie it's criminal to hide it !

    - Sometimes they try to get creative with the missions but end up being more tedious than anything else. But hey there's a skip mission option if you fail twice so whatever.

    Now the good :
    - Animation quality is top notch. Shame that there isn't more camera control during scenes.

    - Chara design good and varied.

    - Writing isn't really that bad. Yeah there is a lot of corny jokes about sex and dicks but what did you expect. You get used to the self-reference 4th wall breaking jokes fairly quickly as well.
    I think what saves it is the voice acting which is REALLY good.
    Story is about gathering a crew to fight a totalitarian prude state, nothing groundbreaking, get the game moving forward.

    Overall imperfect but still somewhat good game. Still giving a good grade despite all the flaws because it's better quality than most porn games getting released...
    If they listen to criticism, they might do really good games in the futur, if they keep creating games that is.
    Likes: ryxp
  8. 3.00 star(s)

    Mark Foxanard

    I could write a detailed, elaborate review for this game. I could. Unfortunately, this damn game has SO much grind, nonsense fillers, and exhausting activities, that I do not find myself capable of going into much detail. For this reason, I am going to write a long, yet general overview of my experience with this game. Enjoy.

    Let us just start with the positive sides. Animations? Great. Wonderful, even. Writing? The developers are consistently trying into making it Deadpool-esque, fourth-wall-breaking parody. Did they succeed? Well, it's not fantastic, but it didn't make me cringe or anything, so the dialogues themselves are decently okay.

    The overall plot is well-thought, with the characters being sympathetic, the main villain charismatic, and you do want to know what happens next, or spend more time with the girls. Which there are eight, each with her own side quest, dialogues, reactions to the main plot events, stuff like that. Mass Effect if it was porn.

    The girls are… well, I cannot say that they are written badly. It's just that all of them, except for a few, have personality archetypes based on varying degrees of whoreness. Milf whore who likes big monster dicks, demon pirate whore, porn actress whore, dwarf-esque warrior whore, big mommy warrior whore, catgirl lesbian whore, etc. There is a singular nice girl, who begins as a villain, then joins the team, and a somewhat nice hacker girl. So, if you're into whorish character whose entire personality is to fuck, fuck, fuck, then great! If not, then you are going to feel grossed out, uncomfortable, and regret wasting your time. But they are all pretty hot, at least. Didn't make it better for me.

    Animation are great. Voice acting is top-notch, actually took me aback to hear such quality. Sexual scenes are… well, some of them are great. Some are meh. A lot of them involve disgusting xenoporn, futas, comedically large cocks, whatever. Really, some scenes here are so damn gross that urgh. If your tastes are more on the vanilla side of things, then immediate skip. Seriously, believe me. Most of the scenes aren't part of the plot, as they are just a collection of scenes you can grind for, but the ones that are a part of the story can be pleasant. Anyway, nothing to complain about here.

    And that's it. Yup, that's all. Gameplay is so atrocious that it should be outlawed on Earth and Moon. And I mean LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF IT. Space battles? Games from the literal eighties did it better. X-Com wannabe ground battles? Ban whoever designed this. No, no, the developers even made such simple things like giving gifts to the girls, or buying collectibles in a shop, or moving around the map, or anything else, unbearable. Not kidding. Whoever was responsible for gameplay aspects, or game design as a whole, should be thrown to the big dicked monsters. Permanently.

    With that said, you will spend dozens of hours of your precious life repeating the same tiresome two gameplay loops over, and over, and over again. Now, of course, there is an option to skip it, called “Victory Protocol”. But surprise-surprise, you have to die three times to activate it. Think it's going to help? In space battles, you will have to waste about three minutes on a single level. And ground battles can't really be skipped this way, because dying there takes a million years, about as much as to win them. Ugh.

    The ending is abrupt and with a hint for sequel, I imagine. So, is it worth playing? If you have a lot of time to waste, and don't mind grinding for many, many hours, to see a bit of a decent plot and nice female characters? Yeah, go ahead. Personally, I regret the time I wasted on this, and would've been very angry if I valued my time in any way or capacity. Why am I writing this? God, I am so tired…

    5/10 on a good day.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Brilliant in so many ways. Well written characters, great stories, fun world building, hilarious dialogue. Its like the characters are a love letter to all the horny comedies from the 2000's. I miss that era.

    Game play is well fleshed out too. jumping between stick shooter and isometric turn based team battles.
    I enjoy asteroid like shooters and the challenge level on this is pretty well balanced as the game wont let you upgrade until you get through parts of the story and the battler mode give an easier but fun challenge too.

    Biggest thing in this game besides the visuals of course is the voice acting. you can tell the actors all had a bit of fun with this one.
    Well done Studio FOW. Im picking this up on steam to support the developers.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    What can I say? It's ass. Humour is dimwitted and abrasive and feels forced like three day constipation. I get it that it's a pee-pee game but chill.. not everything has to be a dick joke. Space combat eats a fat dick but that grid jumping combat felt natural, even fun at times without overstaying it's welcome. Considering where this game came from number of animations was oddly low and static. Like the whole game they're technically pretty and functional but man.. the constant dick jokes.

    Would've definitely refunded if I had to.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Smut game with actual gameplay. You can actually explore the universe and progress through it instead of visiting the same 5 places over and over to try and unlock new "scenes". The voice acting is amazing and these are waifus you could actually classify as waifus.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    I'mma gonna say it. I like this game a lot, but MAN did the story suck dick worse than any of the porn scenes in the game. For transparency I was a backer and played almost every version of the game as it was coming out up to Sova part 2 (save structure got changed and I really couldn't be bothered to replay it at the time).

    The Visuals and the audio - bundled together because there is nothing to say about it besides it looks and sounds stellar. They nailed the look and sound they wanted for this game and I greatly enjoyed both.

    Overall World Building and Lore - I enjoyed it more than the story and gameplay. Why I say that I will continue in later segements. But suffice to say that it it vibrant, interesting and fleshes out the galaxy very well.

    The Jokes - some land and some don't. And some are the planet "Fuck That". NGL that one got me.

    Gameplay - Space combat is great full stop. Ground combat is kinda ass. It got a LOT better over the years of updates, but its really monotonous and boring. I legit didn't need to use any mantics besides the first 3 you unlock even when swapping girls for the exp.

    Devotion - Fuck me sideways. Felt like I was grinding PoE again. And for what you might ask? Close to nada. Sure you get an outfit for Pandora and one long scene and pinup photos... which kinda just exist in a seperate system that is kinda arbitrary overall. Also by maxing the characters you will have damn near double the amount of PP needed to unlock every scene in Pandora making that even more useless.

    The Dialogue - I kinda started speed reading halfway though because a) there is much more of it than necessary to get the point across especially in the sidequests, b) its garbage. Don't get me wrong there are standout scenes and the VAs killed it. But you can only pretty up garbage only so much before people start to smell the odor of it again.

    The Story - they were cooking something in the early parts and then someone must have lit a fire under their asses and it went from a decently paced story to a breakneck clusterfuck. No spoilers on this one. That comes later and hoooooooo boy do I have something to say about that.

    The Empress - now we get into spoilers.
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    Its really unfortunate since this game could have had more, deserved more in terms of story telling and got a Road Runner ending. Funnily enough I remember them making fun of Mass Effect 3 and that game's ending, and then pulled an Andromeda. Hope we get some DLC to fix it down the line, because it was heavily underwhelming
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 8417320

    A lot of fun. Voice acting, character design and great voice acting are what carry this game. Love the Devotion Quests too, I only wish the game had more content like that. Solid writing too, I love the outfit system, it adds a lot of replay value to the gallery and Pandora.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    It was disappointing. It wasn't truly awful or anything, just disappointing. Have some bullet points:
    • The dialogue was terrible, it was essentially veilguard level of bad. It was bad even by the standards of porn.
    • The gameplay was meh, it was sorta just in the way, the whole point of this was supposed to be a real game with porn in it, but what it turned out to be was porn with a mediocre game as filler material to drag out the playtime. It wasn't bad, it was just meh.
    • The characters were all meh, some of them had good aesthetic design, none of them had good personality, probably because of the cringe dialogue first and foremost, and the uninspired story.
    • The sex scenes are fairly abundant, the animations are good, the base models are good...
    • But the overall quality is really bad because the textures on the models seem to be super low res (like 256-512px wouldn't surprise me, that's how lq it is) and certain details, like pubic hair, are just part of that low res texture; which is such an absolute minimum effort kind of thing, it was ultimately just undetailed models.
    • Despite the sex scenes being animated realtime 3D scenes, you cannot meaningfully move the camera around to view it from different angles... Basically the whole realtime 3D scene thing was a wasted effort, might as well have just been a cinematic replayer, it would probably have been higher quality since they could make it pre-rendered...
    Basically, the only thing of value in this game is the sex scenes, but even then they were disappointing because of the minimum effort the developer put into them (besides the actual animations themselves, those are still good). If you're interested in this game, try it, but be ready to just download a complete save file and watch the sex scenes from there to save yourself the trouble of playing through this unsatisfying game.

    If you were at any point a fan of studio fow before they made this game, you might be surprised at how bland all the sex scenes are. They used to make hardcore monster rape vids and such. but the vast majority of the sexual content on offer here is just vanilla stuff, besides the 100% consensual and relatively softcore xeno sex scenes. Again, it's not truly bad, it's just... Generic is how I'd describe it.

    Overall it's not terrible, just underwhelming, they spent how many years making this? And the best they could come up with was low quality everything except animations?
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    I don't understand why this gets so much hate. I really enjoyed it.
    The combat becomes repetitive and maybe they should've cut back on it a bit.
    The story is a parody of 300 other games and media, MC is a deadpool knockoff.

    Story 2/5
    Art and Animation 10/5
    Gameplay 4/5
    Amount of content 4/5

    This game is heavily carried by it's animations. StudioFOW used to be on top of the NSFW animation scene but as of now their stuff is outdated both in quality and originality. Still, they're one of the best in the current Adult game landscape imo.

    Give it a try.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    The AAA of erotic games. Excellent technical realization, long and fun plot. Over 20 hours of total gameplay. Basically it is an arcade that winks at the old R-Type, Salamander, Galaga, with the addition of a turn-based strategy section. These two points are the best and worst aspects of Subverse: better because they are very well done, worse because they are excessively repetitive. What is missing is the interaction with the characters, multiple choice dialogues and different endings would have helped to make the product more complete. Overall however it is excellent.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Funniest thing is that I remember playing/watching/interacting with FOW's Ahri Huntress of Soul first. Taron resembles very much her, besides the furry paws and other stuff. After some time (back in march of2019) I found out about Subverse through wallpaper engine... That's right ehh... Then I waited for early access to come to the Steam so I could finally play it (yup I bought it). The fuck scenes are OK, not the best in the industry and not the worst, but what disappointed me was gameplay overall. Guys at FOW said that they're gonna remake it a bit when 1.0 releases, but for me it felt the same when I bought it through early access and played it. Some parts of the story were funny, some were sad, some were shitty (few of side-quest characters stories were good). I expected more from guys that had biggest financial support from kickstarter campaign *sigh*.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice mix of mini games with pretty good gameplay, story is funny and very good animations, lacking in some customizations but there are enough.
    Music during gameplay is also pretty good.
    Can be a bit repetetive afther some time but not too much.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    I played this game a year and a half ago in about version 0.8.

    Now version 1.0 is out, do you think anything has changed? Almost nothing.

    They added an ending to the story, but it was as sudden as if they ran out of budget. They added pretty lame customisation and personally in my opinion none of the costumes are hotter than the vanilla ones, the credit for vanilla outfits goes to the outsourcers.

    Also added devotion quests, some person in the reviews below wrote that for the sake of them worth enduring the whole game, I believed and thought they added the same interactive animations for all the characters that we were shown with taron on the ship when you flew out of the fortress in version 0.8. And it would have been a great opportunity to add these interactive scenes and fit them into the game but they fucked even that up. Not only that but they cut out single interactive animation. Devotion quests in terms of content is only a pre-rendered cut-scene with pretty bad angles which i dont find hot.

    Let's talk about pros and cons:

    +++ Great memorable character design, professionally made by some Indonesian or korean outsourcers(probably) according to the credits

    +++ Kinda professional voice acting


    --- Repetitive gameplay and missions. Although the game design is neat and i like it, it lacks variety and is not intended for game this long

    --- If there was an award for the cringiest humour in games, this game would win it.

    --- A lot of grind for devotion quests and customisation.

    --- If im not mistaken, in version 0.8 there was a button to quickly skip enemy moves in turn-based mode, I don't understand why they cut it out.

    --- They advertise this game as having 239 scenes. 90% of those scenes are purely animation loops, I don't see what the point of those animations having no ending. So if you only consider animations with orgasm progression, there are like 20 of them which is quite low.

    --- Scenes are stuffed into a pandora system where you have to pick 5 pieces of animations and run them, I don't understand this either, why not let us run any animation without this pandora system which does nothing but make us press more buttons??

    --- Also all these scenes have a fixed camera angle probably because of the rather flat animation style as animators do not animate those body parts that are not visible in the frame, so even if you install the plugin on a free camera, any other angle than the set one will look bad. Which in my opinion is also quite a strange decision, you make a 3d game why not animate in all angles? With the same success they could have stupidly done it with pre-rendered cutscenes

    --- They foreshadowed intercourse with celestina the whole game, but they never added scenes with her. It's very rude to add sexy characters and never do scenes with them. And it looks like they do not plan to, although there is one empty slot for the character left, but it looks like it is for some fow-chan

    --- I saw they promised in steam devlogs to add scenes for Taron and bring her scene count up to the level of the rest of the characters. 2 fucking scenes with progression... As I mentioned earlier they also cut out her interactive scene. Whereas for Sova they made highest number of scenes with progression, but I don't believe most people like shortstack women more. The author probably just does scenes with what he likes best and doesn't listen what community wants. They had to set a standard for the number of scenes and stick to it evenly for each character.

    I don't recommend wasting your time on this game because it's a disappointment no matter from which way you look at it. If you're interested in H content, to be honest, you don't even need to download it. Just watch all the scenes in the form of video somewhere on the Internet, these scenes have fixed camera angle anyway.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    All that money just for the sex scenes to be from pandora. how fucking lazy is that. Seems like they wanted to be deadpool 2.0 but realized that they have to make a porn game in the middle of development and just slapped pandora in. Hopefully they go back to making animations since this is not it.