Better in every way than the previous game.
The art is a serious step up, the writing is better too. Most characters have a little more complexity than they did in The Author. They aren't just stereotypes. Some of them are, but there are enough interesting ones to cancel that out.
The central mystery is much more effective than the one in The Author, and as of episode 5, we are still uncovering elements of it. Another problem solved from The Author are that (so far) plot threads aren't dropped, which shows me that the dev had a much better plan this time, and so they haven't forgotten to pay things off. I still get the impression that there is a bit of pantsing going on with the creation, but this time around, payoffs have been good.
Animations are better than The Author, but it is not saying much. They are still much too simple, not enough inbetween frames and very few parts of the body actually given movement. I still think they are not high enough quality to warrant using them. If I was in the position of the developer, I might offer animations as a Patreon reward rather than putting them in the game. At least until I had the skill to release them as part of the product, but I am sure others might disagree.
Elspeth is one of the best characters in any AVN I have played, nuanced, complex, and really interesting. The whole "super-genius" thing turns me off as I've seen it in SO MANY GAMES! But there's a lot more to her than that. She kind of blows the other girls out of the water for me, which could be seen as a negative.
5 Stars means excellent, not perfect, so I have given it 5. It is definitely in the upper echelon of AVNs, in the same tier as BaD, Intertwined, Summer's Gone, Where It All Began, Pale Carnations, and Eternum (games that I feel are the best of the best, examples of the next rung would be Ripples, Chasing Sunsets and Projekt Passion, to give some context).