- Jun 10, 2017
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- 17,593
[Globally speaking, since everyone is unique in a way or another]Maybe it's because I'm not a guy, or maybe I just play these games weird, but I don't really find that working out what to do next takes me out of the situation? If anything, it makes the situation more immersive for me as a player, depending on what the situation is, I guess.
Women are more prone to need a whole context to their arousal, while men tend to focus on the action. It doesn't mean that men don't fantasize but, why the girl is here and why they are having sex, matters less than the fact that they have sex.
Therefore, for women yes, having to think about the next move deter them less from their final goal. At the opposite it tend to enforce their pleasure. Whatever they are fantasizing about (romance, submission, dominance, etc), they feel more like it's their actions that put them in this situation ; precisely because they did those actions in the game.
For men it tend to be the opposite. Of course, we can be romantic, but we wouldn't care, and sometimes would prefer, if we could just jump into the action. Therefore, having to think too much is more often a diversion than something interesting. As I said, the journey through the game help raise the arousal, but once we are effectively aroused, we prefer to act, not to slowly continue until the moment we can't take it anymore.
The clichés regarding masturbation are relatively accurate.
Women are seating, slowly caressing they body, and only after some time starts to effectively focus more on their sex. And they continue like this until the moment they can't get it anymore and start effectively being serious. For men, things are serious the instant they are erected. And of course, once you have it in hand, you'll not stop until you finished.
It doesn't reflect my own thoughts but, unlike women who can pause for an instant to touch another part of their body, for many men the idea to, at this time, touch another parts of their body that their dick would be "soooo gay". They can like the feeling when they are having sex, but when they are fapping it's not the feeling that is in their mind, it's the fact that they hand is touching a man, and that they are touched by a man.
It's why, whatever the game, there's always someone to complain because there's too much dialog. It pause them in their action, and they don't like that, because they never do that when they usually fap.
But, as I said, this is globally speaking. There men who like it slow, like there's women who prefer it fast. They tend to be the exception, but they exist. And it can also vary depend of the mood.
When it come to the game design, yes it matter.I guess the question is, does it matter whether the developer's intent is to get you off? Like, what does it even mean to say a game is 'designed' to get you off, when what situations, fetishes, etc get people off differs so wildly, and some people aren't even playing with that intent?
In the 90's, and at least in Europe since it seem that it was rare in the US, each porn studios where releasing a new game almost every week. At this time the difference in game design was really obvious. Just looking at the preview you could tell if the game was intended for pure release, or if it was entertainment with a plus. What doesn't mean that you couldn't fap on the second ; they were porn studios, they expected you to fap on their games.
Nowadays, there's no more such professionals on the scene. There's studios dedicated to adult games, but in terms of money, and therefore capacities, they are nothing compared to the porn studios at this time. What mean that effective porn games are really exceptional. When you release a game/week, and have the incomes from your movies, you can afford to have some games that have bad sells, because it will address a fetish that is too much a niche, because he got unnoticed, or whatever reason. But you can't afford this when you need to cover at least your expenses in order to avoid bankruptcy. Therefore games tend to now address a larger public.
The closest to what was pure porn games at this time is probably Illusion games. Yet, with their scene building mechanisms, and their studio, they already target a larger audience.
It's a public forum, you aren't overstepping at all.Sorry if I'm overstepping there, [...]