Porn Game Tropes: The good, the bad, and the fugly

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Dec 24, 2017
The Loving Younger/Hateful Older Sister

It is a universal law that in any game containing a younger sister, she will always have a special relationship/secretly lust after her older brother. The MC is always the family member they come running to with any problems and thus the MC has to put in only minimal effort to start the ball rolling as he corrupts her. The MC in the beginning will often express remorse at lusting after his "innocent little sister" but swiftly gives in to the urge to stick her with his horse dick.

Opposite the loving younger sister, the elder sister almost always treats the MC like crap. No specific reason is given, but the older sister starts the game believing the MC is a sex offender and leaps to the worst conclusion in almost every situation involving the MC. This is usually revealed to be a facade masking either A) the elder sisters secret love for the MC or B) her submissive personality which just needs a firm hand to have her begging for her brothers cock. A firm hand the MC is more than happy to provide, safe in the belief that they totally deserve it.

Examples: Big Brother, Dreams of Desire, Man of the House.
And don't forget, the hateful older sister will have no aspirations of her own other than making the MC's life miserable. Despite considering her brother a pathetic loser, she most times doesn't have a job (if she does, her boss will be a creep trying to fuck her), has terrible grades in college (if she hasn't dropped out already) or high school (she got held back a few years), barely has any friends besides the one or two of the Slutty Friend variety who will jump on the edge of the MC's dick the first chance they get, and if she happens to have a boyfriend, he'll either be an abusive asshole, a spineless cuck, a much older man, or an actual criminal. It's the MC's job, nay, his duty to set her back into the right path with the power of cock, because what else?

At the same time, the loving younger sister will be hopelessly naive about all things sexual. To her, straddling her brother's face is perfectly acceptable as a prank, getting her breasts gropped while learning how to swim is nothing to worry about at all, and if her brother/his friend from school/whoever else has a booboo on their peepee, the only solution is to get on her knees and kiss it better. But don't worry. Despite having the emotional and psychological maturity of a grade schooler, she is 100% a consenting 18 year old. Although, so is the MC, and they never mention being twins or not. Eh, just try not to think too hard about it, it's probably fine.

More examples: Dark Neighbourhood, My New Life: Revamp, The Spellbook, The Tyrant, Where It All Began.
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Knockout Master
May 11, 2017
Unless your wheelchair character is named "Charles Xavier', it will not be a man, but a hot female instead.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2018
A Few More

1) There are only two ways to seduce women: Be a 100% white knight or a 100% obnoxious asshole. There is no middle ground.

2) Every woman must not only be fuckable, but must be fucked, no matter what the player wants (worst offender: Summertime Saga and Rozz).

3) Your female boss is always Ginghas Kunt, no exceptions... which really says something about the relationship that game devs have with their female bosses. You are not allowed to have a female boss who is nice, reasonable, or even posses a human soul.

4) The "pregnancy" tag will always be added at least six months before any actual pregnancy content is added.

5) For a female MC, pregnancy is just a thing that happens and children vanish into ether after they're born and you're ready to get knocked up again five minutes later (postpartum isn't a thing).

6) For a male MC, pregnancy is either nothing more than tally marks on a score card, free of any form of consequence, a Bad Game Over (if Western) or a Good Game Over (if Japanese). Exception: All Illusion Games, in which there is no such thing as pregnancy or it's a Bad Game Over.

7) There are only two types of furry games: Breeding and Gay.

8) Any RenPy game in a fantasy or scifi setting will have its plot devolve into complete spaghetti before hitting the 0.5 development mark and become abandoned soon after. They're also just glorified kinetic novels. Only exception: Long Live the Princess.

9) Any RenPy game in which the MC has a mother, sister or daughter will revolve entirely around fucking all of them. You are not allowed to have any family members whom you don't fuck at some point.

10) F95 games that feature any black female characters will either give them Dafuq Sized breasts and asses or turn them into muscle-bound brown orcs. Realistic, normal proportions aren't allowed.

11) Lesbians can always be converted, but only by the MC.

12) Any RenPy game that involves the supernatural or time travel will never make it past the first three minor updates... which is probably a good thing because holy shit they're terrible.

13) The more you play Japanese games, read the inane dialog, laugh at the absurd plots and the absolute brainlessness of their female characters the more Japan's steady population decline makes perfect sense... because holy shit these guys couldn't get laid in the death row wing of a women's prison.

14) That one game that's been under development for five thousand years, yet looks and plays like crap, and still refuses to just die already.

15) That super hi-rez, GPU melting game with graphics that will bring tears of joy to your eyes... and has absolutely zero functional gameplay. Naturally will become abandoned once the graphics designers masquerading at developers hit the point where they would have to actually add any real content to it.

16) The Oddly Specific Fetish Game that revolves entirely around that one fetish and nothing else. Will have a Patreon on page up before they even release 0.1 version and vanish a month later (thank goodness). Like, say, a school where all the girls have goat horns but are otherwise completely normal humans or some shit like that.

17) NEW Brothel Management Game #657,304,733. Number of brothel management games that have ever been finished? Zero.

18) Developer Starting a New Game Before the Old One is Finished. See a trend here?

19) Japanese "adventuress" game with 8-bit graphics that revolves around the heroine getting raped every ten seconds #657,304,733.

20) Total number of Japanese voice actresses in all of human history that don't sound like they suck down an entire helium balloon before every line of dialog: Zero.


Jul 23, 2017
The F95 Porn Game Trope List

  1. Incest isn't optional, it's mandatory.
  2. NTR starts off mandatory, then quickly gets beat back into optional in no time.
  3. 0.1 pre-alpha tech demo that looks like it was made with crayons? Time to launch that PATREON page!​
  4. Developer immediately abandons game when 0.1 pre-alpha tech demo fails to rake in more than $10K a month on Patreon.​
  5. Copyright? What's that? Oh you mean all the porn videos that I stole for my shitty HTML "real porn" game? Oh.​
  6. Game-within-a-Game, aka the cheap, shitty RenPy harem "game" that is made entirely from Honey Select screenshots. Will invariably take place in a school, the girls will all wear ugly-ass cosplay gear 24/7, the story is on rails, the plot non-existent and the dialog completely incomprehensible because JAPAN.​
  7. Oh look, another RenPy game about some douchebag beer-bro guy who fucks his entire neighborhood and his own family in some alternate universe where all the women are brainless bimbos and other men simply don't exist.​
  8. Yet another "Last Male on Earth" story. How original!​
  9. The furry breeder game that makes a million dollars a year from Patreon and then people wonder why development stops after six months. It's called "Retiring at age 25" and you idiots made it possible by falling for this scam yet again.​
  10. The bizarre attempt at making a game with actual depth, if by depth one means "incomprehensible complexity and grind with zero instructions."​
  11. That totally amazing concept that never gets past 0.1 alpha (see above).​
  12. The game that gets abandoned for six months to a year, then finally poops out a tiny update once the developer runs out of cocaine money and realizes that people are no longer giving him money on Patreon.​

And finally... #13: The month of development that produces an update that probably took less than two hours.
Gonna be honest with you chief, this is the best description of how it actually is that i've ever seen.... kudos


Sep 23, 2018
A Few More

1) There are only two ways to seduce women: Be a 100% white knight or a 100% obnoxious asshole. There is no middle ground.

2) Every woman must not only be fuckable, but must be fucked, no matter what the player wants (worst offender: Summertime Saga and Rozz).

3) Your female boss is always Ginghas Kunt, no exceptions... which really says something about the relationship that game devs have with their female bosses. You are not allowed to have a female boss who is nice, reasonable, or even posses a human soul.

4) The "pregnancy" tag will always be added at least six months before any actual pregnancy content is added.

5) For a female MC, pregnancy is just a thing that happens and children vanish into ether after they're born and you're ready to get knocked up again five minutes later (postpartum isn't a thing).

6) For a male MC, pregnancy is either nothing more than tally marks on a score card, free of any form of consequence, a Bad Game Over (if Western) or a Good Game Over (if Japanese). Exception: All Illusion Games, in which there is no such thing as pregnancy or it's a Bad Game Over.

7) There are only two types of furry games: Breeding and Gay.

8) Any RenPy game in a fantasy or scifi setting will have its plot devolve into complete spaghetti before hitting the 0.5 development mark and become abandoned soon after. They're also just glorified kinetic novels. Only exception: Long Live the Princess.

9) Any RenPy game in which the MC has a mother, sister or daughter will revolve entirely around fucking all of them. You are not allowed to have any family members whom you don't fuck at some point.

10) F95 games that feature any black female characters will either give them Dafuq Sized breasts and asses or turn them into muscle-bound brown orcs. Realistic, normal proportions aren't allowed.

11) Lesbians can always be converted, but only by the MC.

12) Any RenPy game that involves the supernatural or time travel will never make it past the first three minor updates... which is probably a good thing because holy shit they're terrible.

13) The more you play Japanese games, read the inane dialog, laugh at the absurd plots and the absolute brainlessness of their female characters the more Japan's steady population decline makes perfect sense... because holy shit these guys couldn't get laid in the death row wing of a women's prison.

14) That one game that's been under development for five thousand years, yet looks and plays like crap, and still refuses to just die already.

15) That super hi-rez, GPU melting game with graphics that will bring tears of joy to your eyes... and has absolutely zero functional gameplay. Naturally will become abandoned once the graphics designers masquerading at developers hit the point where they would have to actually add any real content to it.

16) The Oddly Specific Fetish Game that revolves entirely around that one fetish and nothing else. Will have a Patreon on page up before they even release 0.1 version and vanish a month later (thank goodness). Like, say, a school where all the girls have goat horns but are otherwise completely normal humans or some shit like that.

17) NEW Brothel Management Game #657,304,733. Number of brothel management games that have ever been finished? Zero.

18) Developer Starting a New Game Before the Old One is Finished. See a trend here?

19) Japanese "adventuress" game with 8-bit graphics that revolves around the heroine getting raped every ten seconds #657,304,733.

20) Total number of Japanese voice actresses in all of human history that don't sound like they suck down an entire helium balloon before every line of dialog: Zero.
The next finished game would probably take......hmmmmmmm...........probably next 1,000 years. If we are lucky enough to get an update between that timeframe. :unsure:


Jun 29, 2019
A Few More

1) There are only two ways to seduce women: Be a 100% white knight or a 100% obnoxious asshole. There is no middle ground.

2) Every woman must not only be fuckable, but must be fucked, no matter what the player wants (worst offender: Summertime Saga and Rozz).

3) Your female boss is always Ginghas Kunt, no exceptions... which really says something about the relationship that game devs have with their female bosses. You are not allowed to have a female boss who is nice, reasonable, or even posses a human soul.

4) The "pregnancy" tag will always be added at least six months before any actual pregnancy content is added.

5) For a female MC, pregnancy is just a thing that happens and children vanish into ether after they're born and you're ready to get knocked up again five minutes later (postpartum isn't a thing).

6) For a male MC, pregnancy is either nothing more than tally marks on a score card, free of any form of consequence, a Bad Game Over (if Western) or a Good Game Over (if Japanese). Exception: All Illusion Games, in which there is no such thing as pregnancy or it's a Bad Game Over.

7) There are only two types of furry games: Breeding and Gay.

8) Any RenPy game in a fantasy or scifi setting will have its plot devolve into complete spaghetti before hitting the 0.5 development mark and become abandoned soon after. They're also just glorified kinetic novels. Only exception: Long Live the Princess.

9) Any RenPy game in which the MC has a mother, sister or daughter will revolve entirely around fucking all of them. You are not allowed to have any family members whom you don't fuck at some point.

10) F95 games that feature any black female characters will either give them Dafuq Sized breasts and asses or turn them into muscle-bound brown orcs. Realistic, normal proportions aren't allowed.

11) Lesbians can always be converted, but only by the MC.

12) Any RenPy game that involves the supernatural or time travel will never make it past the first three minor updates... which is probably a good thing because holy shit they're terrible.

13) The more you play Japanese games, read the inane dialog, laugh at the absurd plots and the absolute brainlessness of their female characters the more Japan's steady population decline makes perfect sense... because holy shit these guys couldn't get laid in the death row wing of a women's prison.

14) That one game that's been under development for five thousand years, yet looks and plays like crap, and still refuses to just die already.

15) That super hi-rez, GPU melting game with graphics that will bring tears of joy to your eyes... and has absolutely zero functional gameplay. Naturally will become abandoned once the graphics designers masquerading at developers hit the point where they would have to actually add any real content to it.

16) The Oddly Specific Fetish Game that revolves entirely around that one fetish and nothing else. Will have a Patreon on page up before they even release 0.1 version and vanish a month later (thank goodness). Like, say, a school where all the girls have goat horns but are otherwise completely normal humans or some shit like that.

17) NEW Brothel Management Game #657,304,733. Number of brothel management games that have ever been finished? Zero.

18) Developer Starting a New Game Before the Old One is Finished. See a trend here?

19) Japanese "adventuress" game with 8-bit graphics that revolves around the heroine getting raped every ten seconds #657,304,733.

20) Total number of Japanese voice actresses in all of human history that don't sound like they suck down an entire helium balloon before every line of dialog: Zero.

ROFL to soooo many points! Truth Bro'

3, 5, 6, 11, 17, 18 Holly!!!! soooo annoying, 19 and 20!

Almost every points!

For me, the worst trope is about horse dick cock... i can't relate at all, sometimes that's even ugly to look and OMG you are gonna look a lot at a cock in any game outhere... And i feel sorry for the women in those games, they don't feel normal in their head to like being destroyed. A real woman for 90% of them will freak out to see this type of cock not being aroused and slutty about it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
House of Cards
The main character effectively has cultivated a "harem" of women...but the whole thing is built on lies and if discovered will collapse almost immediately(or it should, logically). The game developer(s) in their infinite wisdom, allow the player the opportunity to more or less seduce/pursue every love/sex interest in the game...and effectively lie to them about being the "one and only". So the MC son in an incest game, for example, is able to fuck Mom, Older Sister, Middle Sister, Younger Sister, Auntie, Cousin and maybe even Grandma on the regular, with each believing they have a special, exclusive secret relationship with the MC, when in fact he's been lying his ass off and "cheating" on all of them with each other.
Subverted by the Open Harem trope, where the MC is either honest from the jump or eventually comes clean and things miraculously don't collapse as a result of the revelation.
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May 30, 2017
There is 2 type of Femdom character allowed in this site:

The "I like girl in latex but hate femdom" these character are very attractive and claim to be dominant in bed and make the mc her bitch but in reality the only thing she does is be an easier sex scene where she only moans and scream how big the mc dick is.

and the "I hate femdom but I want people who like it to support my game" this character are always the ugliest of the entire cast and they usually are: Old, Extremely Muscular, Ugly and Shitty personality. The player will encounter these character because he need something and is forced to submit to them. The sex scenes are always humiliating the mc for no reason or doing thing that are funnier than sexy.

IF, IF you commit the crime of making a attractive female with dominant personality, the entire thread will be people complaining about "ThE GaMe LoOkS gOoD bUt Is RuInEd bY "X" cHaRaCtEr" and the dev fearing these guys that doesn't actually contribute to the game will make that in the next update the character will have a great revelation!!!! Actually, you see, she is extremely submissive but in the past she had very shitty relationship with some small dick loser and made her like this and now she needs a good dicking and she will become "Empty Head Bimbo Nº842" of the MC Harem
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 26, 2019
There is 2 type of Femdom character allowed in this site:

The "I like girl in latex but hate femdom" these character are very attractive and claim to be dominant in bed and make the mc her bitch but in reality the only thing she does is be an easier sex scene where she only moans and scream how big the mc dick is.

and the "I hate femdom but I want people who like it to support my game" this character are always the ugliest of the entire cast and they usually are: Old, Extremely Muscular, Ugly and Shitty personality. The player will encounter these character because he need something and is forced to submit to them. The sex scenes are always humiliating the mc for no reason or doing thing that are funnier than sexy.

IF, IF you commit the crime of making a attractive female with dominant personality, the entire thread will be people complaining about "ThE GaMe LoOkS gOoD bUt Is RuInEd bY "X" cHaRaCtEr" and the dev fearing these guys that doesn't actually contribute to the game will make that in the next update the character will have a great revelation!!!! Actually, you see, she is extremely submissive but in the past she had very shitty relationship with some small dick loser and made her like this and now she needs a good dicking and she will become "Empty Head Bimbo Nº842" of the MC Harem
I had to do a lot of research into a lot of fetishes for my game(in sig) and one of those was S&M, and one thing few know is that few are simply one or the other, and even fewer will only have sex if their fetish is involved.

In one scene, you have your yuri S&M scene, with the blonde girl as the M and black as the S

But the blonde girl can also be a mistress

And take the lead during sex

Meanwhile the black girl is down for a romantic kiss

And being on the bottom during sex
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Active Member
Oct 17, 2018
Japan has a weird phobia of physical contact during sex. Their idea of cowgirl is always that "taking a poop in the woods" pose for the girl, and their idea of missionary is always the guy holding her legs up and her with hands on chest.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 26, 2019
Japan has a weird phobia of physical contact during sex. Their idea of cowgirl is always that "taking a poop in the woods" pose for the girl, and their idea of missionary is always the guy holding her legs up and her with hands on chest.
That's for porn and it's mostly for visuals, if they did it in a more natural position you wouldn't be able to see much of the woman's body because the two would be more pressed together. So, they use unnatural positions to make sure the audience can get a good look at her the entire time.
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Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
That's for porn and it's mostly for visuals, if they did it in a more natural position you wouldn't be able to see much of the woman's body because the two would be more pressed together. So, they use unnatural positions to make sure the audience can get a good look at her the entire time.
And then blur the genitals so that you can't make out penetration clearly...


Bear chaser
Game Developer
Mar 23, 2019
This thread must be the bible of F95, it's a good lecture for me since I'm only on the planning stages of a sandbox game. If only I could participate...but in the gay sub-genre there so few games that I cannot identify a trope, at least not yet.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 26, 2019
This thread must be the bible of F95, it's a good lecture for me since I'm only on the planning stages of a sandbox game. If only I could participate...but in the gay sub-genre there so few games that I cannot identify a trope, at least not yet.
As a game developer myself here is a piece of advice. Write interesting characters with flaws and insecurities people can identify with, if you make the audience like your characters enough, then you really can't do anything wrong. As for fetishes, write what you know, write what turns you on and don't cave to pressure to add X or Y fetish if you don't have that fetish, otherwise it won't come out very well.


Active Member
Jul 20, 2018
This thread must be the bible of F95, it's a good lecture for me since I'm only on the planning stages of a sandbox game. If only I could participate...but in the gay sub-genre there so few games that I cannot identify a trope, at least not yet.
Tropes are generally things to be avoided. It means that thing has been done to death. And if you do want to use the trope you will have to tread carefully to not become generic game #3084
I mean I'm so sick and tired of dead parents syndrome that if a game mentions it in the description I already lower the quality of the game in my mind by a lot and I probably don't want to play it.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 26, 2019
Tropes are generally things to be avoided. It means that thing has been done to death. And if you do want to use the trope you will have to tread carefully to not become generic game #3084
I mean I'm so sick and tired of dead parents syndrome that if a game mentions it in the description I already lower the quality of the game in my mind by a lot and I probably don't want to play it.
You don't need to avoid tropes tirelessly. Fact is, there is a reason they became tropes and continue to find success in games: people like them. While many tropes exist simply because of bad or uncreative writing, often times a tired old trope used in an interesting way can make people enjoy the game more.

For example, in my game, I twisted some tropes and used others to create a scenario where:

I took the typical anime holier-than-thou blond with drills and followers(normally associated with femdom)

And made her into an unapologetic hardcore masochist

She ended up being a fan favorite, because she retained that assertive and domineering personality as she demand to be abused. The constant contrast between how she asked and what she was asking for kept her interesting. Even if subversion is as tired as the tropes you're supposedly subverting, applying it only to her interactions made her more interesting as a character even if what she was doing wasn't all that unique.

So you get lines like "A normal blowjob is boring, I wanted you to fuck my throat like an animal, but that was pathetic, my throat barely hurts now. So, we're gonna try it another try and if I can still talk afterwords then I'm not going to do it anymore."
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Oct 21, 2019
At this point everything that is in any adult game is a cliche ... all the scammers that are trying to make money out of nothing (the developers) are doing literally the same thing over and over again. Plot ... assets ... events ... UI - everything is the same.
Some family ... some school ... some house ... over and over again :) To get this fat pile of patreons and check in on the whole adult game thing. There is a time when it does not matter how many hours someone left the pc to render the next 200 images - they are the same as the ones from the other 1000+ wanna be developers.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 26, 2019
At this point everything that is in any adult game is a cliche ... all the scammers that are trying to make money out of nothing (the developers) are doing literally the same thing over and over again. Plot ... assets ... events ... UI - everything is the same.
Some family ... some school ... some house ... over and over again :) To get this fat pile of patreons and check in on the whole adult game thing. There is a time when it does not matter how many hours someone left the pc to render the next 200 images - they are the same as the ones from the other 1000+ wanna be developers.
Well, there is a reason why koikatsu games always occur in a school: 90% of the assets involve school. All the maps are in or around the school, most of the items are textbooks, pencils, lockers, etc.

Though, if you want to see a cuckquean focused game then I'm really the only person to come to, though I don't have a patreon.
5.00 star(s) 2 Votes