Review as of v1.7;
It is a bit of a pet peeve of mine when people review what clearly are very early builds of a game. It is better to put development feedback in the thread rather than just jump to review such an early unfinished build of a game
Anyway my review here is simply to provide an alternative perspective to the other reviews here. I normally don't review early development builds for the reasons mentioned above but in this case I felt I had no choice due to the high quantity of other reviews here of this unfinished game
In its current state I would highly recommend the game especially for those who love pixel animated female protagonist sidescroller h-games. This happens to be one of my favourite genres
Now the game is very clearly still early on in development there are only a few enemy types in the game so far and most of the levels feel quite empty as a result as one would expect when the game is still so unfinished and early in development
But you can clearly see the groundwork is there for future content and each update is gradually filling the level with content
In terms of the content that is there it is very high quality. The h-animations are top quality when it comes to pixel art. The sex animations are fully animated and have multiple stages to them and better yet you even have x-ray view of your character status to look inside her womb to see the impregnation/egg laying etc growing as well as the cum filling her up. This is a neat touch
Most sidescrollers treat the sex as kind of an extra component of the game rather than having it have any actual consequences. The best female protagonist sidescrollers make the h-combat a core part of the game and PASEC is no exception to this. Some enemies have game overs if they successfully grapple you and you don't break away on time. While others impregnate you or lay eggs etc. The latest update even has added a kidnap mechanic to some of the enemies
This is the kind of stuff I love to see in my sidescrollers. The h-scenes are not treated as just an added bonus but as a core part of the game design and everything else revolves around this
H-content aside. The combat is smooth and you do have a chance to break from from enemy grapples rather than just instantly being grabbed. There are multiple weapons to find and unlock. Some are treated as hidden items that require you to properly explore the maps
The maps have event triggers as well so going specific places or doing specific stuff unlocks specific combat events and there seems to be the foundation as well for story events too down the line
I would normally say this game has a lot of potential but honestly in terms of the core design and gameplay it is all there already so the potential is already achieved all we are waiting for now is just the content to be developed but feature wise we can already see there is a great h-game here already with solid combat, good level design (pending more content to fill it up with) and great h-animations and h-combat
I look forward to seeing what kind of content continues to be added to this game and I hope many of the people who were so eager to put a negative review on such an unfinished early development build will be equally eager to come back and change their reviews once they see how this game continues to be developed and how it is once it has more content in the game
Now if you read this and have played the game and think to yourself "Oh I don't get why Chloe loved the game so much" then my only question to you would be; "Have you ever played any other female protagonist pixel sidescrollers?" For me it is right up there along with
Outcast Tribe,
Gamer Struggles,
Mystic Knight Maya,
Happy Heart Panic,
Syahatas Bad Day, and
Lab 1 & 2
And with all the examples mentioned above it is worth noting they are all at different stages of development from also being in early development to being fully completed games. None of them including Lab 1 & 2 were any different from PASEC when they too were in early development. The first build of Lab had one level and 2 enemies and you can see how far those games have come by the time they released
So if this dev sticks with it and people give this game a chance to actually be developed it can turn into something equally great as the examples I mentioned above. It already has features that even the completed examples I mentioned don't have such as the x-ray womb vision and impregnation mechanic. Syahata is the only other one with the x-ray womb but not to the same quality as what PASEC has. With Syahata it was simply based on total times the character had sex whereas with PASEC it is directly linked to the h-animations and enemies you actually had and your pregnancy status
So even compared to the completed games above PASEC already has some great innovation in the genre