Hmm so finally got around to playing the new intro/story for Act 1 and man. Has really been toned down. Feels a lot less porn game and more so just game. The dark/horror and urgent feeling is pretty much gone. No dread about who's going to get brainwashed and raped next by old dude. No horror of random folks getting fucked into monsters.
I'm curious if it's going to ramp up later. Or is it a whole shift into a new and softer direction. Even as someone who leans more vanilla and would naturally jive more with the new story. I kinda miss the dark and fucked up nature of the original.
Thinking about the original game, most of that kinda... rape and brainwash aura came from Lord Dogeshuna, but he's not present in the game as of right now. The best thing I could say is that it's roughly equivalent to just chapter 1, which means that the depth of our involvement isn't that great (though there is the run-in with the Nymph cult who brainwash people into sex drones but I digress).
I don't think that the story will be necessarily 'less dark' since the Nymph cult has yet to play its hand (and the second Demon Lord isn't around yet), and at the same time, I don't agree that the it feels a lot less porn game and more so just game because the main story of this game wasn't super porn-game plot. The plot is very much a normal 'defeat the demons' plotline, it's just that one of the demon lords is a sex demon with sex powers(which considering the existence of succubi isn't necessarily even rare in non-porn games).
As for urgency... any semblance of urgency is introduced during chapter 2, pretty much, when you talk to the Voice and she tells you that 'if you don't stop the demons the world's gonna end prob'. Considering the pregnancy release ending with Kohaku, that's probably still a present thing, it's just not been stated out loud. People are still probably getting fucked into monsters, considering that Takuto(forgot his name, that one homeless guy) still gets turned into a monster in this version of the story, we just didn't see the scene for it this time.