VN - Others - NTR Phone [v0.23.0] [Shybox]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I love everything about this game, personally my favorites are Rachel and now Polly, I love how straightforward and honest Rachel is, and Polly was super realistic. You didn't see it coming till it happened, very super realistic, and the chat also felt real.

    I hope to see more of those 2, and hoping to see more toxic and dominating relationships.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Just rating the stories that are not behind the paywall which already leads to - 1 star. The stories are boring and well to short to build up any emotions. You start with a girl in 5 minutes you talk about sharing 5 minutes later it happens. Or you chose the other option which leads to no content. Comapred with AI art it just enough for 2 stars.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    ver 0.21.19

    I usually don't play NTR games but recently I can play only on the mobile so i picked a game that is more suited for mobile.

    The game structured real nice with conviniet skip buttons and "back to this message" button where you can scroll back to a specific message and play it out from there if you want to try the other route.

    The game overall is well written and has a lot of branching in the dialogue.
    It even could be pretty hard to find all the dialogue paths. I tried several times and I couldn't find all the images of each chat.
    The replaying of the dialogue is pretty easy and fast so it isn't a chore to try and find all other content.

    The art is nice and I would recommend giving the game a try.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    it's a good game.

    it perfects one of the most important qualities a game like this can have - don't be something that you aren't. and this game does that perfectly. you have a phone with a bunch of girls, all of whom are your girlfriends. (though i do have to mention that they're all essentially independent "stories" rather than your contacts. these girls do not interact with each other in any way aside from a very specific route.)

    you have all these girls and.. what's next? you get NTR'd, duh! and it's done perfectly! it's not drawn out, it doesn't try to blue ball you for episodes on end, it creates situations and encounters in which you're slowly (sometimes not so much) roped into either being a cuck or dumped.

    that's why i love this game so much. it has variation, and yet none of the variation is done in a bad way. it doesn't drag on or require some stupid prerequisite. you're given choices and, based on what you pick, that's what you're gonna get.

    all of the girls are unique, not only in terms of looks but what kind of girlsfriends they are to you. there's an obvious bimbo, a tradwife turned bbc lover, a goth gf, a cosplayer that is not as innocent as she appears and some others. it executes pretty much every gf trope out there and it does it well.

    a lot of people are gonna go about saying "oh but it's AI! AI so bad" no the fuck it isn't. this is an AI img game done right. the renders are simple but done well & fit the situation. the dev clearly puts time into creating each one to a point where sometimes it's hard to tell that it's AI-made. this both makes for a fun experience & makes it easier for the dev to push out fun updates more frequently. win-win in my book!

    anyways... at the end of the day, the game's only good if you're into NTR. if you aren't, please don't go about whining and kinkshaming, just play something else. for those who are into NTR - play it! it's great!
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Tried it twice and these are the reasons why I dropped them after a single character both times:

    The stories aren't interesting and every character has so many different paths with each only a handful of pictures and you have to go back and just hope you find a decent one the next time.

    And like I said, "find a decent one". they have a AI create CG for them and still can't make them look good even by AI standards.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    i think this game needs 6 stars like this the best phone game on my phone, maybe dev should make more phone games. i only wish characters story was long, too many stories to remeber, but very hot. hope dev add more games like to iphone too.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    this game is special in the NTR genre for having such great variety between characters that most people can easily find the story for them. Especially with the patreon stuff, the variety of the stories (although quality may vary) and how quickly the stories get into the NTR means its probably worth a shot to find the story you like best. so far, Amber, the horrible and manipulative girlfriend, is definetly my favorite, shes genuinely a mess in a way that i haven't seen in adult games. -1 star for aicg tho
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    • Art
    • User interface
    • The relationships feel shallow and rush straight into NTR without any real buildup.
    • The reasons for the cheating make no sense, so it's hard to feel anything about it.
    • The MC is just a total loser, making it hard to care about his story. He’d be way better off as a normal guy, not too weak or too strong.
    • The tension never really builds; it just jumps straight into betrayal.
    • The art is hit or miss, sometimes good, sometimes not so much.
    • The dynamic between the MC and the love interest is weak. For an NTR game, the relationship needs to be more fleshed out first.
    • And other issues.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has a lot of potential, allowing players to change routes and make choices that shape their experience. The ability to alter your path makes the story feel more personal and engaging, with each decision leading to different outcomes.
    So far, the game features some great characters with interesting personalities, but there’s room for more development. Adding deeper backstories, more interactions, and further character growth would make the experience even better. The flexibility of the system allows for endless possibilities, and it would be exciting to see more characters and storylines introduced in the future.
    Overall, the game has a strong foundation and could become even better with more character development and new paths to explore. It offers something for everyone, but adding more depth would take it to the next level.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a great game for cucks. I like the variety of different stories with all kinds of fucked up women who will cuck you, really allows for cucks to choose how they want to be cucked for the night.

    The art also isn't half bad, and the writing really makes up for it. The one thing I don't like is when a girl is actively being fucked is still texting you, which doesn't make sense to me because I like it when girls lose control. It would be cool if she just stopped texting completely.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I was initially put off by the format, but the content is surprisingly good. Writer makes good use of phone access/availability to sell the experience. Good selection of girls too; Rachel in particular was a highlight. Wish more of them got that mean, but the other girls have their charms too.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I cannot in good conscience recommend a finished work that uses AI art. But this is not a finished work, so I can give it a quick summary.

    [Free ver. 0.17.2]

    The imaginative design of the UI is the strongest point of the game. The whole story, or rather the collection of stories, are untangled exclusively through a phone screen, giving the reader a claustrophobic feeling of inevitability.

    As other people have mentioned, the storylines lack a strong buildup in the current version. I think it would be unkind to point it out as a negative at this stage of development. The foundations are solid and you can get a nice grasp of the dynamics of each relationship.

    I would welcome the option of turning off some kinks like penis humiliation, being able to customize the experience is always a plus for me.
    Likes: leavy
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a mixed bag, to my taste. On the one hand, the game's concept gives a lot of immersion, which is very important for an NTR game. On the other, build-up is lacking, and each route is quite short, even those that feel mostly complete. The game's strongest point - the phone simulation - also limits it to lack of scenes, which shouldn't actually be the case at all. No one stops the author from adding actual sex scenes with CGs outside of the phone, and just your normal VN interactions. Like, I want to see the MC interacting with the girl when she comes to his place, don't just read chat message and a screen. The same goes for NTR scenes.

    I don't know if those are just technical limitations, but I doubt it. Having phone conversations shouldn't be the entire game, but rather a gimmick which adds to other aspects of the game. Though I think the creator promised at least one "video" for the gal girl.

    Adding "outside of the phone" scenes would pretty much solve most of the game's problems.

    p.s. The "scene" where the MC gets beaten up by the black guy is so dumb, btw, I mean just go to the fucking police and ruin his life if you got beaten up. Dude assaulted you at your home, that's some serious fucking charges that could put him in prison where his bbc won't save his ass. The game allows you to dump girls, but where the heck are the revenge options? On another note, no author, AI ART isn't immoral or evil, get off your high horse. "Oh no, I spent my entire life learning how to ride a horse, it's so unfair that people invented cars, it's immoral."
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    It's an interesting concept. I honestly got really bored of it, and I wasn't really doing the deed despite the fact that the CGs are really hot. Don't get me wrong, the story was great (at least for the girls I tried) but this game would REALLY, REALLY benefit from a written guide.

    Giving it a 4 just for the art itself. I would normally give this a 3 since I didn't really enjoy the gameplay/presentation, but I liked the concept enough that I didn't mind.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    It's awesome for its ability to present the fetish in its different forms. I wish for more detailed and prolonged story lines for Lilith, the gal, and Rachel. The gal's red lipstick and red nails are great touch. Such details make the art.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall a really good game, high quality arts and dialogs are not bad, waiting for more!
    4 and not 5 - i think game should have more pics, for some chars it's like literally 5-6 arts and that's all. I hope it'll get better with development!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    honestly this might be my favorite game on this site, anyway these are the cons:

    the girls are just hot, like really really hot.
    the dialogue is easily my favorite. its natural, i love it. its hard to describe but yeah
    there are multiple facets of ntr and i think all girls cover almost everything. and how the choices affect on what ntr you want is amazing

    it is a ntr, if you are here for a sharing content, then you will have a hard time and might discover something on your porn habits lol. i mean one of the girls have a sharing path, but if your looking for exclusively nts wherein the girl still prefers you, then you will just be disappointed
    -there is no walkthrough so finding all routes is hard, there is not even a menu where you can check what route you do.

    play it, if you like the tags that is.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This is simply the best NTR game ever released. There are 5 branching stories to choose from, in which everyone can choose something for themselves. The stories are well thought out, well written, and so it's a pleasure to play. This is the only game in which I read all the dialog. They are quotable, relatable, and interesting. 100 out of 100
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Having the same pros and cons as most of the mobile device games this is a pretty fun game. I really appreciate how many different branches each character seems to have and the selections don't just change the dialogue but can change the outcome.

    I do wish there was a story arch that each character shared rather than what appear to be mini stories, they're fine on their own but to em for a gameplay element it would tie it in as a singular game rather than minigames. Not a negative, just a wish to ahve
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    WOW! This game started off running, and I hope the developer continues to maintain the pace. The art is aesthetic, while the girls go beyond just different visuals with their own unique style of kinks related to NTR to compliment their personalities. However, as others have written, the writing does need a little polish with some lines being inconsistent with the character tempo. Normally, smaller writing issues might be overshadowed by gameplay, but since this is a text based game the writing has to do the heavy lifting to separate it from a gallery viewer. Aside from this, having a timeline feature that shows branching paths would be an amazing addition to the game. Allowing for both players to know how much they're still missing out from the character, and provide a quick way to jump into a branching decision. The patron block to content isn't great, however, isn't exactly outside the norms of many adult content games.

    Overall a simple premise that the developer leverages to his benefit. I can foresee this being a hidden gem if not a notable name in the genre.