RPGM - Completed - No Sexual Relationship Even Though Sharing a Room With a Slutty Married Colleague on a Hot Spring Trip [v1.00] [Hoi Hoi Hoi]

  1. 4.00 star(s)

    Penniless Degenerate

    Well, that was idiotic.

    Despite being a "NTRPG" like the author's previous games, the plot consist of you, the forever virgin of a protagonist whose only love in the world is his 5 bazillion hentai games and the Vtubers he superchat $5000 to, pushing other men to fuck the heroine for you because you hate society and women like the epic gamer that you are.
    So... you're basically NTRing yourself and ask others to do the NTR for you??? It's confusing.

    In case if it ain't obvious already from the world's most relatable protag, the game contains theme of self-hatred and loathing; like how FEMC was degenerated into a sex-loving slut after knowing how her first boyfriend cheated on her, and the MC himself who hates everyone for being "full of lies".
    You might be mistaken that he had a crush on the FEMC and became disillusioned with real women after knowing how she turned out after the many flashbacks regarding his and her school days, possibly taking potshots at misogynists who gets pissy that they missed the chance with "the one" and swear off women ever since... nah, both MC and FEMC do not recognize that they were schoolmates, in fact, they barely had anything to do with each other aside from the FEMC in-directly led to MC becoming attached to anime as escapism, nor do they strike up a relationship beyond just mutual fans of a magical girl anime. You basically just watch her cheat with a bunch of ghosts, the "cheating" aspect isn't even satisfying since you never got to see her husband in story, not even dialogue implying his existence, just a throwaway line that she "married a random dude" because she apparently doesn't deserve happiness or something???

    In a way, the title is accurate, but in the most boring way possible. The dev went out their way to subvert the audience's expectation in order to craft the most predictable plot in the world, while judging by its many lampshade would most likely be intentional... but it makes for disappointment rather than making the creator look brilliant.

    But, for a game that's barely even two dollars, the content and jokes are quite amusing for a game that doesn't try to take itself seriously. It's clear that the creator is just making this as a sort of filler project in between his newer games for the sake of entertainment. Everything about the geezers are some of the most funny part to me, especially the part where you get to throw 'em into the fireplace after you're tasked with taking them to the hot spring.

    ...speaking of which, I cannot believe the creator just wasted the hot spring premise on a joke game that barely touched on the public bath sex fantasy aspect, since all of the game's sex scenes minus one take place in the MC's inn room. That's like only eating at McDonald's on a world tour, c'mon.

    My conclusion? Funny game, but terrible for fapping. 3.5/5
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    moral of the story: anime is better than sex.(y)

    extremely short game, decent linear plot, nice art like always from hoi hoi hoi. I mean it's a short game so there isn't much more to offer, u cant even fap to this game, but the minigames were fun, not challenging at all.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Short and sweet. Gameplay mechanics are meh. Story is decent if predictable. Doesn't lean into the fetish aspects as much as one would hope unless your fetish is how disappointing reality often is. Just a fun interesting short story.