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Hello there you wonderful and super wholesome people!
Another week, another progress update!
Let's jump right into the games again!
I've been getting in a super good workflow again which makes me very happy. I was mainly writing stuff and making renders for the next prequel chapter. As you might have guessed, the event where Rei revealed who her cousin is will be a little longer than usual and it will end up with a cute little animation in the end. Can't say more, but what I can say is that the dialogues they will have is going to be something I have never really done in any of my games before. Rei already knows a lot about the MC, Bethany and Sabrina. But she barely knows anything about Jessica and, even more important, about MCs father and his new family. She is interested to hear about how the parents of the MC divorced and why Sabrina feels the way she does regarding their father. I think I did a decent job so far, where the MC tells her basically how it all started and where him and his father are standing relationship wise now. Keep in mind that Karla and the twins are already a thing there, but that basically only the MC and Bethany know about it, so it's going to be an interesting little event when the MC ends up telling Sabrina about it. Still, I personally feel like it's good to give the MC a father that is not an asshole for once. He will also talk about Jessica, but won't mention that he suspects that Jessica might have feelings for him, since he isn't sure about it yet. This day is going to be super long because I feel like the prequel needs those days from time to time - I will change stuff a little up. So you wont go through every weekday or something like that but I will rather make it so certain days in university are interesting and then the weekend has interesting stuff again. In the evening of the first day you're going to spend some time with Lea and her mother, as you can see in todays render! And I can promise you that Chapter 2 will be even longer than Chapter 1, and that it won't take nearly as long to release.
I also worked some more on the main game again, basically connecting a few strings during the dialogue the MC has with Rei to the current time, where Karla, Caroline and Emily ( His step ... Landlady ... and two... Half roomates... ) are already thinking about moving to the new house. Right after the event you have with Sabrina you will go to Sarah, as you know if you played the snippet, and this event will just be as long as the little snippet you played. Like I said, Chapter 4 will be huge, which will be needed after the extremely long wait you guys had to endure. And don't worry, it's not like I will keep waiting it out forever. I'm already looking for people that did amazing jobs recreating daz3d characters so I can set a date in my head where I will say fuck waiting for the police woman to admit that she is wrong about that SSD drive and just recreate the characters. But for now, I still like to stick to what I said and wait to see if things will look better in a few months. I hope you guys understand that.
Regarding My New Family 2 I'm kinda stuck at the moment, creatively. I know that a lot of you amazing people are waiting for this and I can 100000% promise the first (long) chapter will release sometime this year. You guys know that I always want to give the best "first impression" on releases, that's why I was so happy that you guys love the prequel that much. It means that I will continue to release longer updates etc, even if it means work on the update might take a little longer. It's totally understandable and 100% fair if you don't want to wait that long for updates or game releases though and I would never be mad if you decide to stop to support me and move on to other games. Never feel the need to keep supporting even though you're not really enjoying my work anymore ( or how I work in general ).
And I think thats it for now, people. Nothing new regarding the case yet so I'm sticking to my lawyer who said "No news is good news". If anything comes up I'll let you guys know as soon as possible though! Until then, stay awesome!