- Mar 24, 2018
- 96
- 322
That right there is the type of mentality I hate the most, apologist who find any way to excuse a developer when they make mistakes instead of holding them accountable. It's the exact same reason companies like Activison,EA,Blizzard and Bethesda get away with the scummy shit they do because people like you are ready at the helm to defend them.I think it is time for me to butt in, I can seriously understand everyone's frustration against icstor, but bashing the guy isn't going to help speed up the process of an update, he has in the past finished a few games, he probably has a good reason for his delays, he probably works a real job and creates games on his spare time, or whatever the reason, I'm still certain that he has his reasons, maybe he has a lifeanyway, I would be willing to bet that most of you complaining are not even one of his patrons, correct me if I'm wrong, but please, stop bashing and concentrate more on what you think the story will be in the future, I have no problems with that, so, stop crying like little babies and wait like everyone else, life goes on and the update will be ready when it is, it's just as simple as that, no need to get a heart attack over this lol
So lets break down what you said "he probably has a good reason for his delays," The first delay came because of health reason so I won't fault him at that. The second delay came because he had the bright idea to add content that no one asked for. The third delay came as a side effect of the second delay so it's a chain reaction of fuckary. Now the next point "he probably works a real job and creates games on his spare time" Hate to break it to you bud but Icstor is raking in about 30k minimum a month add to the fact that he boldly said that he'd make this game his FULL TIME JOB when the goal was reached makes that statement obsolete. Then finally "maybe he has a life
We're on a pirate site you betting that people aren't patrons is like me betting that the ocean is wet. It doesn't matter if you are a big Dev or little if your tittle is AAA or armature this is life if you make mistakes there are bound to be people ready to hold you accountable especially if you claim this is your job. People like you who have excuses locked and loaded are the reason these devs never find ways to improve. Your doing no one a service standing in front of them with a shield ready to block all forms of negativity. Things like this build a persons character you can never get better if you never make mistakes or if you never own up to your mistakes.