VN - Others - Abandoned - Milftoon Drama [v0.35] [Milftoon]

  1. 1.00 star(s)

    Double cheeseburger

    genuinely the worst game i've played on this site. spent an hour trying to progress in any sort of way, just to find out through the walkthrough that every new action is tied to a random ass timeslot that you would have no way of finding unless you either waste a ridiculous amount of time trial and erroring your way through this shitty game, or use the aforementioned walkthrough. and at that point, you've made a BAD game. not even going to comment on the (admittedly) pretty artstyle, because i didn't get to fucking see any of it. not wasting any time on this, glad it got abandoned.
  2. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1666680

    Hell nah, this is one of the worst games if not THE worst games I've ever found on this site.

    First I saw this beautiful art and thought how unbelievable sad it is, that this is abandoned. Because you rarely run into so decent animated art! And then even with an incest theme.

    But holy shit is the whole game engine bad. There's often text that you can't skip and have to deathstare at words like "oh" for 4 seconds. Meanwhile the most generic and soulles, overused acousticguitar-while-we-clap-our-hands music is blasting in the back infinitely.

    And then the "quest" system.. in order to progress in the story, I had to turn off a heater for the bathroom. ONLY ON WEDNESDAYS!!!

    How the fuck is someone supposed to figure that out on their own? There is no ingame guide or hint system, nothing. And then you have to re-visit that bathroom at exactly 17:00. Like, what the fuck? And the switch is very tiny, I didn't notice it until I looked up what to do here.

    Even a monkey would come up with better game design ideas.

    After giving this 2-3 attempts (yes, I had to push me several times) and playing the first hour, I can say I absolutely understand this got abandoned.

    It's good that they cancelled this trash, this is so far beyond worse, any effort would be wasted into this framework of a "game".
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    probably the ultimate milftoon experience so far. just giant mommy milkerz everywhere and the stupidest reasoning for sex all the time. its like a dream come true. it truly is a shame for being abandoned as it is one my all-time favorite porn games.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    All the stars I give to this game are for Linda and the art style in general. Gameplay wise, is your typical point and click VN but with some added pointles gameplay mechanics in the early versions that thankfully the devs decided to abandon quickly. However, that's also a problem, as the game never realized its full potential in that regard because the devs were changing their minds as the game was being updated. This also affects the story critically, every other version something got retconned, at first Linda was for it and then she changed her mind and again and again. There's also a character that at first was Linda's best friend, then for a while, she was her sister, and then the devs decided that the MC just liked to called her aunt, but she was not really your aunt. They just couldn't make up their damn minds about anything in this game story, and it is an incoherent mess. But that's okay, I'm here for the mommy! Too bad, you have to get through a lot of pointless dialogue and are forced to bang some lesser chicks (Alicia's romance is cringe af) before you can actually get some mommy action. It sucks that the devs made it so linear and that you can't really make any choices in the story, or skip anything. It ended up being abandoned, and that sucks because Linda is a top tier wincest MILF and I would love to see more of her.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    really loved this game, and milftoons in general, wish it wasn't abandoned. same thing happens to most good milftoon series though. i really hope it gets a successor some day

    the game play could be a bit more straight forward but i rarely needed a walkthrough,.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Don't bother, it's not worth the insane grind.
    Seems like the dev thought that well drawn images are all it takes. Who needs decent gameplay, right?
    Glad this thing was abandoned. Not sure what the creator was thinking when he started putting this thing together.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Great, enjoyable aethetics. The lewd isn't as accomplished as the overall Milftoon design, but theres a fair amount of perersity.

    The writing is just awful. I didn't really enjoy myself.

    PS Trying to fill up the word count here, I gotta say, totally unrelated, Omuamua frightens me.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Every time this game comes to my mind i remember only Peggy and her bloody panties. If you are a dev don't waste time on useless filler in the form of side characters like Peggy...
    Of course there are countless more garbage scenes for which the dev wasted the grandma.
    The best scene is the blond girl cucking the MC's new girlfriend in the pool. Imagine if the dev made only scenes like that since the start...
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    I don't think I've ever seen a game where gameplay and art were so negatively correlated. The art blows me away, but I am not exaggerating when I say the gameplay leading up to the scenes manages to simultaneously be so repetitive, dull, difficult, and time-consuming that it literally feels less fun than doing chores in my house. At least when I vacuum the floor or make my bed I'm gaining something worthwhile in the end. This game's gameplay is like the equivalent of doing a chore at your aunt's house. You do a bunch of work for someone else and at the end of the day you have to come to terms with the fact that the labour you put in is nowhere near equal to the value you got out. Except in this case you realize that all that time spent searching around and clicking on characters and enduring shitty dialogue (which contains some of the worst spelling and grammar I've read since I graduated the third grade) is just not worth the little nuggets of gold that are the h-scenes. It's tragic really, given how good the art is.

    2 stars for the art.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice game m it's very much interesting with cool animations and it feels great to play the this game .I like these games so much. It creates sensation in the body. I will be very much happy if it's update will come in short span of time.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    It might be just me, but damn boring grind, clicking on pc to learn and go to bed until you reach 20 i believe, might have been a hit in the 90's, though i wanted to see some scenes.... Damn chame if you ask me, without that grind i think it would make a nice casual relaxing game.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I really hope the developers get back into this game, I really do. It has so much potential, true many were pissed at the fact that some story scenes were missing such as the girlfriend's first time, etc. But combines the side and main characters this was a masterpiece especially for using de big mouse art style it just WAOH!. I really do hope the game is back.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Well , it's since more 3 -4 years I support this game it's times to show my final verdict with 20 € pledge , 2018-2019 was the best period good story , regular update . Now it's more clickandpoint instead farming a bite money to buy some items for to complete your quest like the update 0.05 with the money system and studies learning , the quest story is short and the mc is become a d.... and also the msot negative point it's always focus on linda and gloria story content , not others girls jackson etc.... we can forget all of them sometimes we have news girls but just few scene with them that's all . The big problem is the big silence we have about this game , poor communication , poor content after more 6 weeks of wait for 10 minutes of gameplay , also we have too many delay a,d they don't want communicate anymore as excuse, what's unprofessional manner . if you pledge for 20$ it's don't worth it because now it's become every 2 or 3 month for each updates so it's make 60 $ for the hightest lvl backer per update , the most valuable is 2 $ or 0 don't waste your money if you feel disppointed like me after few years of loyalty with 20€ I feel betrayed . In simple they deleted their previous gameplay to make it short and simple for brainless people now ... Just clickpoint and drop
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Poor because the huge silence they been keeping with the pledgers its been huge and regardless of the reason of the main artist of the game to left for starting his own projects i guess its enough to say that
    Discreen Vision games talent went into another direction and honestly i hope he does well all alone.

    Now in regards chapter 1 til lastest before discreen vision decided to jump out the ship the story its decent and the jokes are cheeky and if you find yourself offended by the use of heavy words in the characters dialog then is not a game for you.

    TL;DR discreen games participation on Milf-Toon drama in providing his artistic talent was the sole reason of this game being getting afloat from my perspective since i knew of this game when i registered so now how things are now game its supposed to have a new artist but until that happens or not the game eventually may get the axe of getting either abandoned or with maybe resuming progress but not the one that people would like to keep supporting this game.
    Likes: Matao
  15. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 544897

    I waited a couple of years to play this game, because i enjoyed playing Milftoon Beach and i got hooked on the comic art and story. Personally, i think some years ago the quality of their content was very well made and definitely worth supporting.

    So, this game is different. The art is not even comparable to the content from previous years, the incest story has no suprises, the gameplay is actually quite bad.

    What struck me the most is, how i felt about the Milftoon brand and how much i enjoyed their previous work before this game was first released.
    This game is a huge setback for the brand itself and one evidence more how the users are getting treated poorly by the creators since Patreon became prominent.

    Nevertheless, i played all four parts till update 0.35 with some ups and downs but i forced myself to play it through. To say i am disappointed is quite an understatement, the game is made without any love to detail or any sophistication to impress the audience with something new. For over three years of development, it´s a disaster.

    Still, i wish the brand the strenght for change and motivation to enhance their quality of work and become legendary again.
  16. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 683121

    I like the art in this game a lot but I truly do not enjoy playing it. I will wait until the game is remastered and it is in one complete piece (from beginning to most recent update) to give it another shot.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    The Good:

    With Inusen as the main artist, the game has the best foundation to be an actually great game. His art style, obviously inspired by Disneys early style, helps the game trememdously and, while animations are rather lackluster, still manages to carry the game through the tedious developing process.

    Also, besides some incomprehensible time skips and rough story choices (a virgin beeing defloured offscreen in the mentioned timeskip), the story still manages to create some interest in the player who does not require beautiful writing or an epic/romantic story. This is a fap game, so I think a story can be considered good enough if it does not cause the player to question the developers sanity and provides a good base for further progression.

    The Bad:

    The game engine and gameplay. Good god is that bad. While there has been some improvements gameplaywise in the progress of the game (just compare episode 1 and 2 to episode 3), the game still suffers under bad performance, unintiuitive UI, missing hint-system, missing scene gallery, bad and outdated render gallery, forced auto-mode and a general lack of sense for good game design.

    An example? In one episode you need a rather small amount of money. The game provides a "cheat" to reach a soft-cap of money, but that is not enough to further progress. For this to happen, you need to go to sleep, skip time, check the backyard of your house for a detective to show up, talk to him and be lucky for him to give you the remaining money to reach the hard-cap. The same happens in episode 3, when you are required to retry a scene again and again until an event happens that you need to progress the game.

    So not only is this a sandbox nightmare, but also a grindy mess that is not even explained to the player. Use a walkthrough under any circumstances.

    The Ugly:

    Read the thread to get an overview of the developing process. That needs to be enough as it is not allowed to go into detail in a review. For whatever reason.


    Milftoon Drama is a bad game. Simple as that. And even the great art does not help it enough to even consider supporting them any further.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Good art and animations.

    Mediocre story, you can tell exactly what's gonna happen with a name like "milftoon" and if you've ever read any of those comics the game plays out exactly like that.

    The actual gameplay is very bad, most of the time I was just lost as to what I was supposed to do and had to use the walkthrough. Even with that, you can only do things at very specific times and days so sometimes you just have to skip through till the next day. This isn't a murder mystery game, it's a porn game. It shouldn't be that hard to figure out what you're supposed to be doing. Not great game design if I have to look at the walkthrough for every few minutes.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    I like this kind of animation but this game has a lot of issues. First of all, I can't imagine anyone passing first part of this game without a spoiler. It is impossible because some of the events happens only at the certain time and it is not possible to find them on your own. Second thing is a gallery. To put it simply it just doesn't work, so the only way to rewatch it is just to play again or just save a game before the scene is triggered, you can't save it during a scene. In last updates the game is more playable and you don't need a spoiler to pass it but this is tricky, they do not keep with their updates. Lets talk about updates. I do not support them on patreon or anything like that, so I may not be in a position to criticise them but still they can't seem to make last few updates in time. It was supposed to be an upadte per month and or last 3 ups it is more like an update for 2 months. In general, it has a great animation and I enjoy playing it but because of the things I mentioned before I can't give them more.
    Likes: Nero1
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Terrible unintuitive interface.

    The art is ok but nothing groundbreaking.

    IMO if you have to read a guide to play a game then it's a bad game.

    Don't waste your time on this, the game needs to be remade and modernized because as it is it's trash.