Ok I looked at it, right now it is just a character creator for girls. Which is fine.
As you must already know, a house is build brick by brick! But yes, I try to have a great girl creator before moving forward, I want every step to be as solid as possible.
With that said though, it would be nice to have the following features.
1) Zoom, like with the scroll wheel to zoom in and out at any time.
2) When you pick a roots hair color, let you apply the same color to all the hair if you want with a single click or toggle.
3) nail and toenail polish same thing. Ability with a single button push or toggle to make them match.
1) It wouldn't work very well with dropdown menus, but mouse controls have been reworked in 0.0.3, and camera controls will certainly be revamped soon. You need a camera that lets you watch your creation from way more angles.
2 & 3) That's a GREAT idea! Thank you, those toggles will be implemented in future updates!
It is a very indepth body morph system, I just wonder how well will it work once there is things to do with collision etc.
I'm moving so many thing along with morphs, and I still have a lot to work on. Once the entire adaptative animation system and collision system will be done, I will certainly make a toggle in the Settings Window to show the lines of my invisible work haha.
Dev (and all): How is this different/better than
The Klub? In The Klub you can create fully custom characters along with sex animations (solo, 2p, 3p, and 4p), and you can save characters and poses (animations) and share those with other folks. You can even create scenes with dialogue, camera movement, animation transitions, facial expressions, etc. It's a pretty comprehensive game.
It might be my fault, maybe I didn't make my goal clear enough (despite having tried my best, numerous times haha). Do you know the game "The Movies"? It was a great game but it was lacking freedom, but it was very user-friendly. I thought about that game while working on the scenario creation part the other day. I will come up with examples this time.
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Also, I would like to say that comparing my project which emphasizes easy and playful access to an old game that needs two installations + mods to work is quite a stretch. It would be like comparing vanilla Sims to Modded Skyrim. Lucid Lust is all about being easy and user-friendly while offering as much customization and freedom as possible.
Focusing on all topics at once is more often than not a bad idea.
For most projects I would agree with you, it's never a good idea to try to do everything at the same time. That's precisely why I'm making this project step by step, starting with the girl's creator, then the male, then the outfits, and finally the scenario.
But, cause there is a but, in terms of "topics", I will not focus on anything. Until the scenario creator is fully functional, there will be decals and items of ALL sorts, scars, skin marks, and 100+ custom options to pick from in most categories. YOU, players and creators alike, will make your own topics. Lucid Lust will bring the tools for anyone to make anything, like I already said, you can even make horror stories or humorous scenarios if that's more your thing. To show an example of what you can do, I will certainly make an entire scenario when v1.0 will come out, it will certainly make use of ALL the possible parameters (so "X Genre allowed" on/off, relation variables, custom names and nicknames, random variables like "time of the day", etc.). But I hope that once at v1.0 the community will be ready to create amazing things with Lucid Lust, on ANY topic!
Wouldn't it be better to use base64 encoding or similar instead? Currently your format looks like it can be damaged by HTML processors on some sites/boards.
Although the girl creator is not finished yet, there are already millions of billions of possibilities (just think about the custom colors haha). I made my own encoding to have the shortest codes possible, any existing method would be less optimized than mine.
Also, I understand your concern about the format of the characters, but if a site/board doesn't allow Unicode 1.1 (which was invented in 1993), then that site/board shouldn't exist haha.
Eyebrow; A slant slider (for angle)
Eyebrow2; Option for darker/more opaque eyebrows (they're quite faded).
Eyes; Actual eye color adjustment, tinting of color, etc. (If possible. If it seems difficult, I would skip that for now and just add moreouvertureorifices
color options).
Eyes2; It's possible now, but for ease of use, I recommend an "eye squint" slider, to close/open the eyes more as a default.
Body; Ability to tweak the waist:to:hip area, so that they can transition better. For example, if the waist is thinner, but the hips are wide, you'd want a slider between the two to put in the middle to have them transition a bit more smoothly.
Mouth; Closed/open lip slider, allowing the ability to close the gap between lips if it's present. (Being able to adjust sides, top/bottom, for this would be useful).
Tongue; smooth it out a bit, right now it looks like the girl ate a pound of sour candy and the citric acid ate her tongue!
Overall review/opinion so far:
Wow! So far, it's great, I love the UI, the game is very responsive and simple. The characters look great. I can't wait to see the future of this game.
I'm in love with the plan depending on how user friendly/easy it will be to create these "scenarios" that are mentioned.
Eyebrows have been highly improved in version 0.0.3 (which will go Public this Sunday), and they are now way more opaque.
Eyes color adjustment wouldn't be possible with how I implemented them. I have two choices: 1- revamp my shader and make the color adjustment happen 2- create many more presets. For now, I think I will go with number 2, I will also make some fantasy eyes and lenses when I will get the time.
Eyes opening slider will come, it's already planned to be a Scenario slider, but since many people are requesting scenario features inside the character creator I will implement them here too (eyes and holes opening to be more precise). Also soon enough, clothes will make their comebacks inside the character creator mode.
For the
Body, I did my very best to accommodate every demand, but such a morph would make both clothing fitting and the upcoming adaptative animation system a true nightmare to work on. I still hope most people will find the body customization possibilities good enough.
For the
Mouth, I'm not sure to understand your second part. There is already everything to sculpt any possible lips. And for the first part, there are some Scenario's mouth sliders (4 to be exact), I could also implement them inside the character creator but I don't want the character creator to be filled with useless things.
Tongue Normal Map/Height Map are sh*t lmao, it's pretty much like many other things, I put them there cause it's better than nothing but I have to work on them later on to perfect them. Don't worry about the tongue, the tongue will become a great tongue! I will also make it more customizable, but I have to find tongue photos haha.
"responsive and simple" is all I'm rooting for! Thanks a lot for your feedback!
I'll be waiting around to see what happens with LL in future updates.
I hope you will always be around, you helped a lot with all your early feedback!

Also FYI, I'm working on
larger nipples for v0.0.4