Others - Completed - Lost to Monsters [v1.0.1] [arthasla]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    It was interesting, and I liked it. It had a good design, and even though it was created by artificial intelligence, the artist used the AI tools well. Another point is that, although simple loop structures in programming were used, the categorization of stages was designed according to rank levels, and I liked this order.
    I would like to know about other games in this style that you like. Please recommend some to me. :)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Simple loop (in a good way) and very solid. I hope you make more games! There's a lot of potential here in the easy flow and intuitive UI. Thank you for posting. Still not sure why these need to be 200 characters, a good review can be short and sweet.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    As grateful as I am that this has any semblance of gameplay, it's still only a small step up from having none at all -- you are required to die multiple times to progress and your skill never comes into play. This repetitiveness mixed with the game's shoddy writing, which holds a shocking amount of grammatical blunders, makes the game feel very monotonous and stiff.
    It's the kind of game that you want to see the gallery of without actually playing. The main character is very hot, the scenes are serviceable (although short) and there's a lot of potential, as the AI art is surprisingly VERY good and consistent (I had no idea AI was this great) but as it is, it's pretty crude.
    3 stars because the main character IS fucking hot.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    I don't want to be too unfair because the creator already warns that it is only a test game, but yes, it is as simple as it seems, in 20 minutes you have it completed and it is made with AI, although I'm not going to lie, I normally don't like art made with AI, but in this case it is quite hot.
    I give it a 3 but not to be too hard
  5. 4.00 star(s)

    El Presidente

    Playing this game is like watching a competition between Cutty Sark and Thermopylae. It doesn't matter if the Cutty Sark will win or lose, the steam boat like the thermopylae will become the future. This demo, then game, show how it's possible to create convincing porn game with Ai assets and even if i love supporting artist, i must admit that this will generate more games, even for people not good with arts but good at programming.
    The gameplay is simple, it's autobattle , as the game say you will lose a lot but the only thing matter is the XP and improvement point you spent to make your girl stronger and move on.
    The ai is capable of putting the main girl in any situation and there are no horror picture like hands with 6 fingers or similar, overall the arts are good. So in the end the experiment is a success.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm astonished at how much I enjoyed this.

    The gameplay is as barebones as it gets, but having any gameplay at all makes this better than 99% of the daz static VN shlock on this website. The AI images are among the best I've seen and fit the game very well.

    I loved the random events and the MC losing clothes during combat. Shame to see its completed, I would've given this 5 star if there was some sort of clothing system and additional "choice based" (different scene and reward based on picked option) random events.

    Excited to see what the dev will do next.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    For an AI-generated art game, it is well-developed.
    The gameplay is simplistic, as an auto-battle it leads you to look at the scenes without punishing you for the scenes. loosing is part of the gameplay.
    Art is also OK, the proportions don't change from image to image like most AI art.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    People need to start reviewing games for the what the game is and the point of it, not for whatever they want to find in their ultimate h-game. If I found some free to play game on my phone, I wouldn't be comparing it to some AAA PC game.

    This is a practice game by a brand new Dev. This obviously doesn't give it a high score for just this purpose, but people should be reviewing the game with that in mind.

    Anyway, this is a very simple grinder game where you go to dungeons, it autobattles with a chance every so often to do a little burst damage, and you inevitable die, level up, and do it again. The art, although AI, is good and I like the protagonist, and the level up system was fine enough.

    What I liked about it most is its simplicity. Sometimes I want a very basic game with some good art, without getting bogged down in exposition or mechanics. There is no being "good" or "bad" at this game, you simple put in time and get h-scenes. Of course, I would of liked a bit more CGs per enemy, but again, need to temper my expectations.

    I hope the dev continues to work on more of these. One thing I would suggest is adding more clothes to the protagonist, so when they accumulate damage there is more of a substantial change to the armor. Of course, the gameplay mechanics could be fleshed out a bit more with items, skills, whatever, but I'd caution not to overdo it either. I think there is a market for quick games where you can sell them for cheap for a good 30 min to 1 hour play through, but have them on a short turnaround in production. It would get people coming back to check often for when you dropped a new title.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    good images that's about it,there isn't much else to say,the gameplay all you do is press[SPACE] to use fir ball when you have 5mana and the mc will do auto-attack,you lvl up 3 stats,strenght-stamina-magick
    you can max out agility(stamina) at 29 which will make the mc do very fast auto,then it's gg you beat the game
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I didn't think i'd like this game so much, honestly (specially considering it started as a way to learn the tools). It came out pretty good (i even liked the CG which are AI... a first for me).
    It is a little short... but i suspect just making it longer as it is would result in a lot of boredom (so it's the perfect length). If it had more stuff to do, it would be a really great game imo (and the developer seems to have the skills to make something more complex, so maybe there's the chance we'll see something more in the future... hopefully with the same main MC, she's kinda hot :whistle:).
    Normally for a game like this i'd give at most 4*, but give the game's roots and what the dev made out of it i felt like giving also the fifth star on good will and trust for their growth.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm astonished at how much I enjoyed this.

    The gameplay is as barebones as it gets, but having any gameplay at all makes this better than 99% of the daz static VN shlock on this website. The AI images are among the best I've seen and fit the game very well.

    I loved the random events and the MC losing clothes during combat. Shame to see its completed, I would've given this 5 star if there was some sort of clothing system and additional "choice based" (different scene and reward based on picked option) random events.

    Excited to see what the dev will do next.
  12. 2.00 star(s)



    game is an autobattler, you have no skills nothing, you just have str agi int attributes. str = dmg + hp, agi = speed. (and int is nearly useless). 0 story, 0 corruption, you just randomy start to attack enemies and they give xp, and when you die you will see 2 screensshots about them fking you... and a very short 1-2line description about each.

    not gonna lie, the art is nice, but it's done by ai. with no story no corruption no nothing, this game is not worth playing imo. it's too boring.

    the only reason it's not 1/5 because the art looks nice (even though it's ai) and it might have some future potential. if at any time this game is not ass, i will change my vote. this game might have a future if dev wants to improve it but as of now it seems he doesn't.
  13. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 704651

    Reviewed at ver 1.0.0:
    A short intro for a first time game with decent art, unfortunately the gameplay isn't quite there, with some oddly broken mechanics that may just come down to maths.

    Art 4/5: It may be AI but it's called well enough to suit the purpose. Nothing to complain about.

    H-scenes: 4/5: Good variety with two cgs per defeat, but it's all stills with no variance, fine but not 5/5.

    Gameplay 1/5: It's an autobattler so gameplay isn't exactly rocket science, however it's quite barebones and some mechanics are opaque enough to not be easily understood.
    Levelling is the main issue as some stats are brokenly overpowered while others are worse than useless.
    AGI at 29 shreds almost everything instantly with a 2 STR supplement and beats the game handily, but AGI itself runs into an error at 30 AGI and breaks completely (assumed because no cap is in place it goes negative but unsure).
    INT is actively detrimental past a certain point in the scale as the workings of it are as follows:
    - Magic regeneration is 0.01 per point so at level one you gain 1.01 mana per hit and at 25 you gain 1.25.
    - Exp is a linear 1-1 conversion i.e. 1 point = 1 extra exp
    - Magic damage also scales 1-1 starting at 5 damage.
    While this doesn't sound terrible, it is crippled by the fact that
    a) Exp requirements work on a different scaling system meaning after the first couple of levels it becomes harder to level despite the increased exp, and enemies get higher xp given per defeat at harder levels with no xp investment, so no real point.
    b) the actual regeneration scaling means it is effectively pointless until 25 levels are sunk in as you can't cast until you reach 5/5 mana, except this is actually 5.00 mana, meaning each of the hits are 1.00 increasing to 1.01, 1.02 etc. with no way to increase or stockpile mana this means going for mana regen is just a losing strategy as by the time you get to 4 hits = 5 mana, you've already hit the exp detriment zone with one less hit to show for it, while an AGI main is buzzsawing their way to the end of the game.
    Potentially to fix this it could be a modifier more akin to 0.1, with a cap at level 40, meaning you're getting the full magic meter per hit, and a 10 level investment would facilitate actual progress, or give the magic meter itself an increase in maximum mana. so you can stockpile instead.
    c) Unless you invest in AGI in the first place you are hitting painfully slowly, meaning the regeneration isn't there to begin with, and at 29 AGI you're hitting fast enough that you may as well have 400 INT in terms of regen, and things are dying fast enough anyway at 1 or 2 STR investment you don't really need magic.

    Basically tl:dr, cap shit and rebalance INT.
    Lastly some events past stage 1 are pointless, not sure why they are there.

    Overall it's got H, but it doesn't really feel like a fleshed out game. Cgs are good enough for a quick speed through but not beyond that.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    As a short test game to learn tools, I think it's very good. As a complete game, meh.

    I like the fact that scenes are unlocked on winning rather than losing.
    Simple autobattler. To finish the game, a score of
    - 13 STR
    - 25 AGI
    - 0 INT
    is enough to finish the game with only the final boss being able to land a single hit on you (and dying very fast). This may not even be the minimal statline to win the game, but clearly 0 INT is the way to go:
    the game is fast if you don't make the noob trap (that I did) on investing in INT.

    INT is a crap stat outside of the first few enemies, as it only adds XP in a linear manner (1 INT = +1 XP) where enemies give XP scores over 10 way before the mid game already (basically it's better to kill enemies fast with STR/AGI for XP rather than use INT).
    Also the mana charge, you need 27 int to be able to charge mana with 4 hits instead of 5. If you can invest 27 in INT, you are probably overleveled to finish the game anyway. And since mana charges from hitting enemies, AGI is then the better choice anyway as it increases damage per second from hits at the same time.

    Maybe as a balancing attempt AND to be an opportunity to improve the dev's skills, maybe have the mana increase automatically over time (with INT being more significant) rather than per attack.

    Good luck for the dev's next game. I think for a first shot, it was decent!

    EDIT: Actually, nvm what I just wrote. AGI is just imba.
    - 2 STR
    - 29 AGI
    - 0 INT
    is enough to finish the game without the final boss hitting you.
    You hit so fast, that you can just spam space for extra damage and you finish the game without getting hit.

    Also strange thing: at 30 AGI, your character doesn't attack anymore. That is very likely a bug on how AGI is coded and why it is by far the best stat.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Gave it a shot and despite the very small amount of content available at the moment, the game is captivating. The potential enemy of the game could be monotony, but the random encounters are enjoyable, as is the vibrant art. With further development of the concept and the addition of content, the game definitely has the potential to captivate and retain players. I’ll eagerly await the project’s development!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed this game. It's a simple auto-battler so you don't do much during the battles, but I did like how you would build your character and adjust the stats to help meet the goals (fill a specific enemy, kill lots of enemies, get more stat points, etc). The art style is right up my alley, if you like the preview pics you'll like the rest of the CGIs.

    I've excited about this dev because he created a good game without that even being his goal. Can't wait for his next project.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    For a demo the game feels very promising. I'd add a gallery mode, more randomising elements from the start (based on how many levelups you've got) and maybe some settings you could put for the autobattler.

    The AI art is very good but I loathe usage of AI which cuts one star from my rating.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Very good looking and promising game.

    It shows what enormous potential AI generated art has. No grind. Totally autobattle based on your stats increase.

    For the maker: As an hours long game I would gladly pay for it, for example on Steam.

    - Maybe add an auto loose function so you can always see of re-see a defeat scene

    - It would be cool if she can have torn clothes after being mauled, or if she can somehow sometimes survive defeat by being submissive, get a scene, and then continue the fights covered in degrees of cum

    - Maybe in the future add extra choices between battles: Fully heal and revover all stat bars at the cost of whoring out, being submissive, getting raped, and loosing your earned stat points for this run, or maybe some other currency that can be earned

    Personally I don't give a damn about storytelling in porn games, but I do find kinky, slutty, degraded choices very sexy. If you could bring her to life with some kind of choice now and then, costing one thing giving a scene and other benefits, that would really liven it up

    You are doing good by embracing AI, and it is nice to see a mature woman, instead of the often rather girlish types. In time we will see hundreds or thousands of AI games, so if you can make this a full blown game, I guess there is money for you to be made.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Kinda lazy start. The ai art is decent but that's it.
    There are no:
    - Audio
    - Gameplay (give us some choices: where to go, whos to speak, whos to fight. For it's not even a vn, it's excel file with pictures)
    - Story
    - Optimization (I can't see the 1/5 of the right side of screen)
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    For a demo I do not think it is terrible. I would recommend allowing the player more agency like allowing them to choose to attack or defend. If not, granting more experience so they do not have to see the same CGs would be fantastic. The art is fantastic. Animation/voice effects and more CGs per gameover would vastly improve player experience. I would like to see some story development. Why is this heroine killing monsters? Overall not bad, especially for a demo.