For me, this one is difficult to rate...
Objectively, from a practical "consumer" perspective, 3*.
- The art is ok, not my typical preference, but it's easy on the eyes, not unappealing, so it's ok.
- The story is...chaotic, and at times difficult to follow. There's only a couple paths/stories, so not much "choice" in how this story plays out.
- Indicates a NTR/"sharing" path, but it's definitely more "cheating/NTR" (which is not my typical preference) than anything "consensual" between the BF-GF. But, this story does something a bit different, which makes it intriguing (see 5* explanation below).
- Overall, I don't think it's bad, not what I would call "good" from a general consumer perspective, so in this rating system, it's average.
Why am I rating 5*?
TLDR: There's a deeper, probably hidden, brilliance and genius to this story, writing. It's unclear if it's on purpose or happy accident. It certainly is not for the "average" reader, consumer looking for a simple "porn" story, but for some, it's there if they want to see it... And maybe I'm reading too much into it, or seeing something that isn't supposed to be there, but that's how "art" works.
-The combination of art and the simple music track, made this feel like a dream one has between sleep and waking up... or in those moments of deep introspection where one grapples with the complexities and pitfalls of their own desires and fantasies...
-The chaotic story (unclear if done intentionally or just a happy accident) fits into what can happen in the human mind during "dream" or thoughtful states. Your thoughts focus on one thing only for so long, then jump to something along the same track, then something else, then you realize you're drifting and try to bring your chaotic thoughts back on to the original track. The story seems to mimic that process. You're working out one thought, why you're having it, why is this in my head, why do I like it, or do I? Then you remember this other event, that might be related. Is this why I'm thinking this now? Maybe. Oh, yeah, this other thing happened, too. Is this part of it? Wait, what was I trying to figure out? Ok, let's get back to that...
- There's a not so obvious genius to the characters (again, unclear if intentional or accidental, but I really like it). The MC isn't a loser wimp, he has (or not) this fetish that he's conflicted, confused about. He doesn't know how it started, how it developed, or even if he really likes it or wants it. It's something he can't control, but wants to, or at least understand. There's an element of arousal about it, but also a conflicting dislike for it. In trying to sort it all out, he confides in (or not) a few people close to him, in particular a friend (Mallory) and the GF (Ariana).
- Mallory reacts like a decent friend, shocked, playful, a little derogatory, in an attempt to figure out what the heck is going on inside the MC's head.
She comes across as one part/aspect of the MCs mind/psyche regarding his fantasy/fetish in trying to sort it out. She initially leads the GF Ariana in one direction (thinking it's what the MC/BF wants or what a "cuck" with this fetish really is), but after a very close experience with the MC's nature/character, realizes it wasn't the best advice, and starts questioning her own and the GFs actions.
Ariana, is the "reformed" slut GF. She seems to represent another aspect of the MCs psyche, but also her own character. She's confused, too. How does she play into this fantasy for her BF.? What is it he really wants? What's too far? What's not far enough? Is this weird? How does it make me feel about him? And what about her own mind? Is she really doing this for the BF, or is this what she really wants and using the BFs fetish as the excuse?
Part of her knows what she's doing, how she's going about it is wrong, and probably not what the BF really wants, or is it? But, she likes it. She also really loves the BF, doesn't want to lose or hurt him. She's struggling with trying to juggle the best of both worlds without losing either, but slowly starts to realize, she's made mistakes and now risks losing the "best" part, the BF... It's great to see this type of character have such an internal conflict, that's a mirror and/or worst case scenario of the BFs conflict about his own thoughts and desires... It's also interesting to see her go back and forth between blaming her actions on the BF and confronting the very real, and likely possibility that she's actually responsible for actions, which is why she's trying to avoid accountability by hiding things from the BF, whom she doesn't really want to hurt or lose, or does she? She certainly doesn't like it when others show interest in her BF... Wait, is this what he feels? It's so confusing for her, but is she finally starting to understand the BF?...
Again, probably not for everyone or even most, and I might be reading more into it than intended, but "art" works that way. The "viewer" sees what others don't (or can't) and something different than what the artist intended.
Any way, I certainly understand why many won't "like" this one. But for me, this one has a deeper interpretation than just a good "porn" flick...
For me, this is a work of art...whether it's meant to be or not...