This is actually an option that exists. You should be able to find it in the options.
The fastest speed I believe was called "instantaneous" or something like that?
If only there was an option to keep moving in the direction you want to go instead of tapping the button every bloody step. My finger starts hurting after a long dungeon crawl.
R8 fixes some of the grinding issues.
Monster Lure & Morbul allows you to increase or decrease the encounter rate. Guess some psycho would like more combat but ever 2-3 steps is a bit much for me as is, spend 10 minutes in the dungeon and almost killed 1,000 enemies

If it wasn't for the super rare monsters I wouldn't even bother with Monster Lure. Would be nice if there was Exotic Monster Lure which would increase the appearance of seeing rare monsters while deterring the riff raff.
Flashbang, Smoke Ball, & Explosive Bomb might have some use but I can't figure out how to get any of them to work. They don't show up like the potions do
Nothing seems to been done with controller support yet. Using an analog stick to move in 3D space would be nice. Press up and it keeps moving up until it hits a wall instead of tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap.
Farming minigame at least lets you use the arrow keys, not sure why the dungeon doesn't allow the same thing, but it doesn't work with a controller.
It didn't take long to seriously out class Liliruca and she's mostly been with me the whole time. Really there should be some way to raise allies stats else they become worthless quickly. Maybe gift them equipment or something I don't know but her stats are in the Es while I'm SSS and I would assume she should have at least got a quarter of my greatness since she was beside me the whole time. Treat them to dinner and let the food effect their stats. Seen it done in a
Nursery Slime which gives a reason to gather ingredients, cook, and watch the girls eat different things.
With only one girl per playthrough a New Game+ option would be nice. I guess a VN mode would be nice but then again I like getting a bit of money through grinding so the game doesn't assume I'm poor well unless the dev doesn't take the time to check how much money the player has first.