[ILLUSION] AI Girl and Honey Select 2 - Card Sharing Thread

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Active Member
Apr 1, 2020
nextgen 1.8. link please
Beta of 1.8 is currently free on his Gumroad page . Worth checking out if you're unsure why you guys might consider occasionally paying for a mod. This one's amazing ;)


New Member
Nov 2, 2018
Hey all, seen some really great work by users on this thread. I was wondering if anyone was interested in taking a shot at making Gisela from the Blackadder comics.
If I've posted in the wrong thread, I apologize and mods, please feel free to delete my post.
I've attached some files for reference if anyone was interested. Thanks.


New Member
Oct 2, 2017
I am not using Studio. 90% of the time in the game I create or redo cards. :) It's more interesting to me.
I mainly use DHH. I tried to switch to the Graphic mod several times, but each time I returned to DHH. It is not possible to create a preset with the same clarity and natural lighting in the character creator as in DHH.
In the screenshot above, you got it almost like in DHH. No idiotic fish eye, clear, not overexposed picture.
Same for me. I've tried for multiple times to use Hanmen Next gen but I don't really like GraphicsMod. Tried once again yesterday with the 1.8 and gave up again. I just can't make it look consistently good. I'm losing a bit in texture quality and subsurface scattering but even after a long time of tinkering, many different presets, many different skybox or static lights, it still doesn't look right. You can somewhat make it look good for pictures from certain angles but that's about it. Everything just looks unnatural and unrealistic for me even with the higher quality assets and higher quality lighting. I'm consistently going back to DHH and have already changed my Hanmen chars back to standard to use in DHH.


New Member
Jul 8, 2020
Like I said, it's practice really. DHH is great because it's a quick fix, it makes scenes look great with very little hassle, for that it's perfect. But GraphicsMod is hands-down a lot more involved, but with more interesting results, plus it's a requirement for using Hanmen's skin mods, so I kinda had to learn to do what DHH presets do and learn to duplicate the results very quickly manually :)

All of my posts above were done while I was creating/modding the girls - I like to change up the lights and colours and work on them in them in very artsy conditions. Helps my process haha
Excuseme, how can I import cubemaps to Studioneo?


Jun 17, 2020
Chun-Li and Cammy HS2 by Cunihinx, my edited card just below (Street Fighter session)
- Chun li Mods
- Cammy mods

Desktop Screenshot 2021.02.18 -
Desktop Screenshot 2021.02.18 -

HS2ChaF_20210218103221610.png HS2ChaF_20210216193351899.png

2021_0218_1128_06_828.png 2021_0218_1121_34_596.png
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