VN - Others - Completed - Harem Party [Final] [Tactics]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is the prime example of too much text for too little substance.

    There are a lot of things to like here, the scenes are good, the art is good., the characters are good.
    I actually really like the bad endings, they are a lot bettere than most, usually being more of a "tainted" outcome, rather than a game over.

    But the amount to read through to get there is just not worth it.

    It took me more than a week to complete, not because of the length, but because I kept getting bored.

    It's right on the edge to a Nukige, it certainly has a premise like one, but there's enough here that I think the game should be called more than a Nukige.
    But unfortunately that "more" is stretched so incredibly thin, thatit just got boring.

    There are some scenes, both h- and non-h that are worth experiencing, but neither of them work while skipping the story, and reading it is not worth it.

    Do not recommend.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    As an eroge game for fap just a 2.5 but if you after a good story with a good balance of story telling, character development and humor a 4.5.

    Visual Novel with multiple paths. The 3 good endings get you with one of 3 main Heroines and completing all 3 gets you the Harem extra content. Is also 3 not so "bad" endings that end before final battle after extended war. Gallery and scene replay unlocked after completing first good ending

    There is no animation but lots of H content with a variety of styles (though predominantly anime).

    Though the characters and story appear ridiculous and some obnoxious at start the story quickly develops into a ripping yarn and each path and two endings for each are all great stories. The humor is often over the top but still doesn't detract from the story. The development of characters is wonderful, and as you break through their shells you will find yourself drawn to them all, even the masochistic arrogant bully of a sorceress.

    The writing is a bit of a frankenstein's monster. The sex scenes and story clearly not written by same writer (I actually think the game was a lot more romantic initially then then a lot of H scenes added or rewritten by another writer that nowhere near as skilled). One writer basically has all the heroines as slut bimbos totally ignoring character and motivations built up in story and has MC as masochistic self centred dick, yet story builds them all up as caring deep characters all prepared to sacrifice themselves for others with MC not wanting to reject anyone as cause of indecision rather than wanting to tap everything.

    In the end I actually just spammed through sex scenes and just enjoyed art and story. For and eroge game the poor writing of sex scenes probably deserved a lower rating but I gave it a 4 because I loved the story and presentation of game.