4.90 star(s) 37 Votes


Jan 21, 2020
Maybe I am retarded, but how do you get the most recent inna mouth scene for Pyeka? I tried following the guide and didn't get it, and I swear someone else asked but I cannot find it.


Oct 27, 2024
Tal vez soy retrasado, pero ¿cómo se obtiene la escena más reciente de la boca de inna para Pyeka? Intenté seguir la guía y no la entendí, y juro que alguien más preguntó, pero no puedo encontrarla.
[/CITA]What??? I didn't understand...when Pyeka eats you with her servant and they make love?


Jul 26, 2023
Maryen : i like you to Ok
Eliette : cute to like a sister
Sheina : angel to hot
Regina : OK to boff
Diula : eueeee to what
Naya : funnie to i lke you
Kendra : i hate you to why not
Nyxmax : hot to i want you to death
yakuu : i hate you to Ok
Madea : i like you to please be my wife
Pyeka : cool to ok
Bezvalline : so cute to i like you
Margarita : ok to yandere girlfriend
Vai klis : ok to my wife
Croixelle : ok to boff
Synanla : i don't know to i still don't know
Kive : ok to ok
Malka : boff to ok
Maids : i am ready to i want more
Queen : ok to strange woman i want to know more
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
List of Routes by the last time they were updated:

-Late February: Bezvallienne and Castle of Timfalme

-Mid February: Maryen and Vai'klis

-Late January: Sheina and Kendra

-Mid January: Kive and Nyxmay

-Late Decemɓer: Madea and Pyeka

-Mid December: Naya, Yakuu and Regina

-Late November: Margarita and Diula

-Mid November: Eliette

-Late October: Makla

-Mid October: Croixelle
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Oct 27, 2024
Maryen: me gusta que estés bien
Eliette: linda para gustarle una hermana
Sheina: ángel a caliente
Regina: OK a boff
Diula: eueeee a qué
Naya : funnie para que te guste
Kendra: te odio por qué no
Nyxmax: caliente para que quiero que mueras
yakuu: odio que estés bien
Madea: me gusta que seas mi esposa
Pyeka: genial a bien
Bezvalline: tan lindo para mí me gustas
Margarita: ok a yandere novia
Vai klis: ok a mi esposa
Croixelle: ok para boff
Synanla: no sé aún no sé
Kive: ok a ok
Malka: boff a ok
Criadas : estoy listo para querer más
Reina: ok a mujer extraña quiero saber más
The translation fried my brain, I tried to read it in English so I could understand it XD, I have to take English classes urgently.


Oct 27, 2024
El énfasis está en la lujuria, en Bezvallienne siendo más pervertido con el PC, en alimentarse de su deseo.
It makes sense to me that she wants him just for herself, she doesn't want to feel alone but she also doesn't want a commitment because she knows what will happen (the breaking point is if we choose to please her instead of challenging her ideals, which makes her cry) then she will see him as candy basically... I have to get rid of the habit of NOT PLAYING LINES THAT I CONSIDER BAD.
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4.90 star(s) 37 Votes