1. Plastic surgery actually increase their devotion and fear IF you have proper training. (Use the links at the bottom of main page to access your weekly focus and select the necessary trainer. You get bonuses for each, but the most important are medical and hacking)
2. If they are virgin & ambivalent fuck them. Will increase devotion. Then restore their virginity and fuck them again. Do not "use their holes" - will get bad quirks. Use 1 separate action for each orifice.
3. My "business tactic" goes like this. Buy slave, (auto)apply rules according with her devotion, health condition, weight, asset size, etc, drop her in clinic. After her health issues are solved, she appears in penthouse automatically assigned to "rest" with improved devotion and acceptance/fear. If she's still in dark purple (hateful) drop her in cellblock. If cellblock is inactive (fear too high) drop her in SPA. If she's yellow (accepting or ambivalent) & virgin go to #2.
If after that she becomes light purple go for light surgery: removal of body hair, eye correction, liposuction, breast reshaping, etc. If you have proper training (master) in medicine, her health will be minimally affected AND her affection towards you will increase with each procedure. Do plastic surgeries for as long she's in green (top screen, 1st sentence - "surgery recommended"). When it turns yellow send her back to clinic for one week - assuming your rules have a health component (put on curative when health is lower than say 50).
After you are able to do invasive surgeries (narrowing shoulders / pelvis etc) she's basically good to go. I put them on public service til they reach "masterful entertainer (100)" then on whoring til they become "masterful sex slave". Then I drop them in brothel and forget about them. From there the rules assistant take care of the small adjustments in their diet, drug / hormone administration, inevitable increase / shrinking in their body assets, pretty much everything.
4. I'm more than glad to provide help.
It's actually fun to talk about the game, because I hit a point where there is nothing more I could do. All the future societies I wanted are adopted, all the Arcs are under my control, the corporation cant be extended more because will start register loses and the army + mercs are fully upgraded. Can't even buy more slaves because all the sexual services are +150% covered. And I honestly can't bring myself to start over because it was a fkn long way to reach this point. Going for a new game plus is also out of question. would be tedious to sort 100 slaves to pick the ones I want to keep... and PC age will not be reset - so I see no point in that either.
Btw, English is my 3rd language.

So stop apologizing, I know exactly what you feel about trying to say something and people understanding the opposite.