VN - Ren'Py - Family at Home Remake [Ep.4 P3 v4.3.0] [SALR Games]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    The fact that games like these get so many 5 star reviews is the reason I've completely stopped trusting the ratings on this site.

    This game is abysmal, the renders are so freaking bad, visually it might be on the better end of honeyselect graphics but the posing of the renders are so stiff and have no effort put into them, not to mention the over exaggerated boob sizes. Don't even get me started on the writing, it feels like Google translate was used to translate this game, the amount of times "she" and "he" get mixed up is unbelievable.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Ok so I felt like this game was ok at times. The models are exaggerated but it works. The story was straightforward enough even if it dragged on for me. The flashbacks don't help after awhile either. For one, some of them are depressing with "butterflies" being killed etc. The other thing is it gets kind of annoying.

    The real downer though and why I only rate the game 2 stars is the stupid lesbo action between the Mom and Ana. Ana basically won't take no for an answer and takes the mom in the room and the typical shit happens. How is this a harem game? There are lots of women and all of them seem to want to jump the Mc. The drug being pumped into the house is part of it but a bunch of them seem to have feelings for the MC.

    There are some talks about feelings and whatnot that work ok. Out of nowhere though the writing becomes the typical "alpha" nonsense. "take it bitch" etc, etc.

    Even the cousin who has a GF starts a rivalry over the MC. Suddenly Ana is making her own harem. You might as well dump the romance and the MC and just make a friggin NTR game/ I don't know why Devs think an LI fucking a woman behind the MC's back isn't NTR but it is. There just isn't a dick.

    Anyway, whatever good points the game had went out the window at that point.

    2 stars seems fair. If you want a real harem game this isn't it. If you want the typical shit/lesbo/NTR game this is the one. It's just a mix of fake romance filler with lesbos being the endgame. There aren't any choices really so it's also a point A to B type game.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    this is peak and I dont get how so many people complain about it when its so hot and well animated when it matters. All characters are hot and I found it kinda funny how there is just one single point & click element in the story to add this tag lmao
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Interesting, intriguing, unexpected. It seems that the virus changes not only the main character, but also his mother (by the way, a very interesting topic for plot development). The author who creates the best!
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    The renders/animations are absolutely awful.
    The story makes NO sense at all.
    The language can't even be called english.....

    I don't understand how anyone can give this game more than one or two stars. It's a ridiculous game....
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    This may be a remake, but it only improves in a few aesthetics.
    The biggest problem about this saga is still there, though. Which is no other than the plot building and the writing. We could turn the blind eye with the bad "Engrish" and even the bad "Spanish". But still the horrible plot hangs in there, with the atrocious premises and the delirious pretensions.
    Things like the MC knowing INSTANTLY that the source of the problem is his Aunt's husband is totally hilarious, the same way his cousin instantly knows that there's a laboratory under the house. Some may be clarified in the future, but it feels more like it would don't.
    Also, one of the hugest flaws, is trying to convey a hard deep feeling story while at the same time mixing it with a sex raunchy driven story next to it.
    That only makes the "deep feeling" part to be sensed as cheap corny soap opera like, and not a truly marking story. Which turns the whole plot out as a big time bologna, which could work in a comedic frame, but not in one that pretends to be serious...
    I don't give the project a 1 star because at least i see some effort specially in the sex scenes, with added sounds and the good animation (which is a HS engine achievement) but yet deserves some recognition.
    The rest is quite horrible, I recommended this DEV some time ago, to read some good authors writings which would help to improve his poor plot building, seems like the recommendation fell into deaf ears...
    PS: I don't get how there's people giving this game 5 stars, they must be "paid actors" because it makes no sense at all...
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I've revising my previous 2 star rating as the developer did actually read my review and addressed almost all of the prior issues. In fact, I do regret some of the things previously written and applaud the developer for taking an active role in making the game more 'appropriate' to the venue. The biggest issue that I would have at this point is the perceived redundancy, which given the number of current characters, may not be able to be resolved given the story.

    Once again, I apologize for my initial 2 star review as if I had known that the developer would have heeded my complaints (as opposed to most developers) I would have probably been more encouraging and less critical in my initial statement.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    A good Joe

    Amazing animations and the best curvy women which this site and these types of games always lack. A good amount of content also was released. I will be wating to see how slow or fast the updates are but the story was ok but the women are great.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Some choiches
    most of the story is the same story as the first two games of this serie
    Renders are good
    no bugs
    Would be better as a sandbox with more choiches and more areas with different woman then your family
    Likes: SALR
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    I guess it is a case of be careful what you wish for. Game compared to the original is much better fleshed out in story, characters are deeper and things are portrayed better on screen for new fans to follow the plot. The characters have also been revamped so visually they almost all look much better - all in all a really good rework.

    Also like how devs had addressed a common criticism with the first game - too many characters who just come and go. Here Belle the Cousins girlfriend is an active part of the narrative now and even the neighbour who i forgot existed in the first game is sticking around so it not gonna be a direct telling of the old story from that alone. Not that it was gonna be either - none of the characters feel so one dimensional anymore.

    However this has come at some negative changes as well - there are SIGNIFICANTLY less sex scenes now. In a game where the women are being drugged with a gas to lose all their sexual inhibitions in the past the MC was a cocky little chad who fucked everyone in sight taking advantage of that... here? It is a much slower burn even in the face of girls desperate to be fucked by him. With some that maybe makes sense - like the Aunt would resist better but with likes of Belle... here you grind against her and regret it (as the MC is a bullied weakling) and feel like shit afterwords, before - you tap that hard.

    Another is the change of certain characters personalities in the revamp - Amelia was your main ally in the first game and a confidant in the first game. Here she is an angry, isolating moody goth (likely to contrast Venus). The sister is another who is barely recognisable from the first game - she was i would argue the amongst the nicest family members but here she is potrayed as a selfish and jealous bitch (she was my fave character before, she aint no more).

    I think if this is the first time playing the game you are in for a wild and well recommended ride with a story feature some big twists and turns. I cannot say i completely agree with some of the changes but overall as a package it is a better game overall sans a much bigger lack in sex content. Also removed is the NTR stuff (which wasnt all that bad first time around as you could interfere but some of those scenes were spicy such as the Trans cousin fucking his bitchy sister to show her who was boss). Speaking of Trans cousin - she is now a toggle option so also avoidable completely if you so desire.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    It may not be the best game on the site. Actually, it's far from it. But the amount of improvement that this remake introduces over the original makes it worthy of 5 stars. It's a huge improvement, but then again, as Captain Price says, "it's not hard to improve on garbage". Nonetheless, it still deserves the 5 stars, IMO.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game! This remake definitely looks better than the previous version. Characters are pretty good as always. And plot too. Hope it will keep getting better and better. Keep up the good work dev (y) .
  13. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1124497

    Gameplay: 1/5, the few choices feel redundant other than the Maya Futa choice. They could all be removed and I'd actually feel better about the game.

    Story: 3/5, an interesting-ish story that is not being represented properly due to bad pacing. The MC also develops both way too quickly and way too slowly. This could be corrected by making him less of a wimp from the start. His maladaptive daydreaming I would also like to see some semblance of a notice or small hint it's a daydream. It's really jarring to be ripped out of what is a good scene to find out "it was all a dream bro"

    Characters: 3/5, Lacking in depth so far, and I'm not particularly interested in any since we find out nothing about them or their backgrounds. The scenes are also lacking quite a bit.

    Dialogue: 3/5, Some translation errors and Spanish remains in the english translation. This leads to some large bits of confusion.

    Art: 5/5, Extremely nice art, some of the best cg models on the site. All of them look very unique.

    Overall: 2/5, The game lacks in story pacing and proper character development, we are very suddenly thrust into this grand plot with no real lead up. The overall content can be finished in under an hour as well. I may come back to revisit this game when it's completed, but otherwise I have no interest at this moment.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    tks you dev. lm really like your game. it' s so hot. special this remake. it's interest with much lady than before. Hope you stay healthy to keep this game and more game you planed. Hope there will more milf and grandmother. Tks you so much. ( sr my bad eng )
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Really love the thick models. I also like the pacing and the story. I was like thrown of at that beginning but the MC was just dreaming. I want to play more but I heard that dev lost his files and his work is put on hold :(.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The models all look gorgeous, there's a compelling mystery, great music, aphrodisiac gass... Nothing not to love here.
    The author has a great sense of cinematography and knows how to push Honey Select to create a unique feel that stands out from other entries that also use HS.
    Keen for the next chapters.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Wouldn't rate no less than 5-stars! Let me just say, this is my favorite genre, and I couldn't be happier than when I find a game that's different from all the others. Family at Home is definitely original in its design and style. There's no senseless grinding for hours on end, just to see boobies. No, in fact you enter into the good stuff rather quickly, but it's well written, and equally entertaining so it doesn't feel rushed. It's a fast paced game, but it doesn't feel rushed. If that makes sense.

    Salr games has gotten even better with these breathtaking animations, everything feels like 4k IMAX boobies and booties! Mesmerizing Milfs, and very provocatively dressed, lingerie, Stockings, high heels, it's what I look for in these games.

    This game is interesting, entertaining, stylish and sexy. Even the musical score is good, I definitely recommend it.

    Thank you, SALR Games and Goodluck with this amazing game!!
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    I enjoy playing family at home 2 so I thought I would give this a try. Models look good, women are thicc. Story seems ok so far. What knocked off 3 stars for me is free roam/point & click was added. Just a lot of useless clicking to get where you need to go instead of just going there automatically. Played for a few after it went into click to go, then I just quit. Too much useless clicking. A poll is supposed to be taken at some point asking if we prefer a normal VN, or click roam
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    This isn't just a spit and polish job. The story is richer, the costumes are better and the asses are (even) bigger than the original. The dialogue is mostly up to the standard of the sequel, but there's a persistent anomaly with genders (s/he confusion) which is most offputting. Personally, I'd rather devs didn't go all Henry James on us. Better they spent their precious energy on developing new ideas than fiddling with old ones. But this remake has been invested with grand designs, including a kind of 16:9 in the screen size, while retaining an air of stilted unreality which is the signature of the series as a whole. Like the MC, best not to think about it too hard and focus on the asses.