current version at review time is v.22-1 although i only played v.21 at the moment.
i find it hard to say much about the game since it's so huge but so shallow at the same time. as someone who paid for the substar for a little bit i have to agree with others saying it's way too early to give the dev that much money for this.
gunplay is fine, not good or bad but just fine. weapon customization really falls down to part quality and what ammo type you use which feels bizarrely trivial for a game that so obviously desperately wants to be a gun porn game like tarkov. the sheer amount of part tiers is enough to make my eyes bleed and once i had a fully structural gun it was just a matter of dumping it full of HMD boolets and spraying anyone i saw- not really interesting but at least not offensively bad or annoying.
speaking of annoying- the enemies. they're fucking ace snipers and apparently run track/field because they pop you twice and are on you before you even realize you were seen. i understand the game wants the player to be more cautious and stealthy or otherwise plan ahead for encounters but it's hard to do when you're spotted from 100 yards through enough foliage to obscure an elephant.
couple this with an unfuriatingly one-sided opportunity to "beg" the enemy not to rob you (they will), rape you (they will), or knock you up (they also will)- and the game boils down to just wandering through underbrush for 4 hours until some raider sees your pinky toe emerge from a bush and mows you down like rambo while delivering groan-worthy "threats" (ees that aul yew got? mai babooshka has bettur aiym than yew)
i don't even think the cyberware system is worth talking about either. visually it looks like a bunch of photobashed and/or ai-generated slop and most of it amounts to passive defense buffs for an overcomplicated injury system. the few techs that do something cost so damn much to use that you'll be seeing evil squid ghosts before you can even use them properly, and the only really useful ones are the time-slowing and enemy-spotting ones- ironic considering the enemies already all act like they have a fucking sandevistan with how fast they react and can see you no matter where you are.
the quest system is servicable but boring. remember the randomized "radiant" quest system from skyrim? it's that. "fetch me this part", "fuck 10 of this thing", "kill 10 of that thing"- even the few actually designed quests are basically just fetch quests with a little more dialogue. not to mention the game should be fun to play first before it asks you to run around and do all these things.
the map... god the map. it's fucking enormous and everything looks the damn same. the little paper map in your pocket is useless, you don't even have any kind of compass to orient with and there is way too much verticality to some of the levels for a single piece of paper to represent properly. there are no visible landmarks and the entire map is just an unreal forest mountain sandbox all throughout. getting up higher would be a good way to get your bearings and- oh wait, every enemy in the entire map just saw you and already hosed you full of bullets.
overall the game just needs more. not more map- we have more than enough to work with at this point. not more guns- but different guns. not more enemies or quests, but just more substance- it's just so damn boring and while the animations are impressive and fun to watch it's offset by having to towel myself off and chug 10 bottles of hand lotion before a literal barnacle-covered scavanging hobo would dare to fuck me (seriously bro, it's the fucking nuclear apocalypse why do the murdering rapist raiders have standards???)
there's a decent base to work with here but the dev keeps building out when they need to start building up for the game to get anywhere at this point.
i find it hard to say much about the game since it's so huge but so shallow at the same time. as someone who paid for the substar for a little bit i have to agree with others saying it's way too early to give the dev that much money for this.
gunplay is fine, not good or bad but just fine. weapon customization really falls down to part quality and what ammo type you use which feels bizarrely trivial for a game that so obviously desperately wants to be a gun porn game like tarkov. the sheer amount of part tiers is enough to make my eyes bleed and once i had a fully structural gun it was just a matter of dumping it full of HMD boolets and spraying anyone i saw- not really interesting but at least not offensively bad or annoying.
speaking of annoying- the enemies. they're fucking ace snipers and apparently run track/field because they pop you twice and are on you before you even realize you were seen. i understand the game wants the player to be more cautious and stealthy or otherwise plan ahead for encounters but it's hard to do when you're spotted from 100 yards through enough foliage to obscure an elephant.
couple this with an unfuriatingly one-sided opportunity to "beg" the enemy not to rob you (they will), rape you (they will), or knock you up (they also will)- and the game boils down to just wandering through underbrush for 4 hours until some raider sees your pinky toe emerge from a bush and mows you down like rambo while delivering groan-worthy "threats" (ees that aul yew got? mai babooshka has bettur aiym than yew)
i don't even think the cyberware system is worth talking about either. visually it looks like a bunch of photobashed and/or ai-generated slop and most of it amounts to passive defense buffs for an overcomplicated injury system. the few techs that do something cost so damn much to use that you'll be seeing evil squid ghosts before you can even use them properly, and the only really useful ones are the time-slowing and enemy-spotting ones- ironic considering the enemies already all act like they have a fucking sandevistan with how fast they react and can see you no matter where you are.
the quest system is servicable but boring. remember the randomized "radiant" quest system from skyrim? it's that. "fetch me this part", "fuck 10 of this thing", "kill 10 of that thing"- even the few actually designed quests are basically just fetch quests with a little more dialogue. not to mention the game should be fun to play first before it asks you to run around and do all these things.
the map... god the map. it's fucking enormous and everything looks the damn same. the little paper map in your pocket is useless, you don't even have any kind of compass to orient with and there is way too much verticality to some of the levels for a single piece of paper to represent properly. there are no visible landmarks and the entire map is just an unreal forest mountain sandbox all throughout. getting up higher would be a good way to get your bearings and- oh wait, every enemy in the entire map just saw you and already hosed you full of bullets.
overall the game just needs more. not more map- we have more than enough to work with at this point. not more guns- but different guns. not more enemies or quests, but just more substance- it's just so damn boring and while the animations are impressive and fun to watch it's offset by having to towel myself off and chug 10 bottles of hand lotion before a literal barnacle-covered scavanging hobo would dare to fuck me (seriously bro, it's the fucking nuclear apocalypse why do the murdering rapist raiders have standards???)
there's a decent base to work with here but the dev keeps building out when they need to start building up for the game to get anywhere at this point.