Unity - Chikan Undercover Agent Rina [v0.07 Trial] [Metamorphose]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Alright im writing this after finishing both of the "easy" lines that were available at time of review.

    This game is both amazing and kinda boring at the same time.

    GAMEPLAY (8/10)

    The design element of the gameplay is pretty interesting, I would say its a little awkward at first as the method in which you combat molesters is a little obtuse and the rhythm is a little weird, but for an h-game, even SEMI-interesting combat is a godsend to us.

    The combat is sooooo slowwwwwwww omg. It takes 20-30 mins for a single train ride, and if you fail late into one or finish one, you have ZERO interest to pick up from the beginning again because all your cool molester stopper abilities reset like a rogue-like, but you have to SLOWLY PICK THEM BACK UP AGAIN and i can feel myself aging in my chair.

    Also, its really grindy, if you fail at train mission even with higher experience gain, your only option to improve is really to spend the pennies of EXP it gives you on +10% when they tooch yor gazoonga. Wow cool :rolleyes:. You can't really mess up if you think about what you are doing for more than 5 seconds, so the only way to lose is to not get the skills you are looking for or the ones you want. You'll lose one train ride like really fast and be like "owah this one is hard" and then win it on the next turn because you rolled really lucky skill cards.

    CG (6/10)
    Yea the art is cool when it shows up every 20000 years

    anyway idk. 3.6 if i could give it, closer to 4 than 3 but it was a really boring fun train ride
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Not bad for a trial version! The general gameplay of slowly wearing down the mc as the ride continues works really well! The roguelike elements also gives this an interesting twist, but yeah, depending on early xp boost perks for successful runs does kinda suck. This trial also gets quite old, with things getting very repetitive quickly. Hopefully the final release goes well though, will be keeping an eye on this one!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent artwork, excellent gameplay (slight learning curve at the beginning) and I love this genre. The only change I wish I could make for this demo is to remove the censorship. I look forward to the final product!
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Review made on v0.07
    As an unfinished game, Chikan Undercover Agent Rina easily has potential to be 5/5 when complete, but I feel that most of the reviews right now are too focused on all-or-nothing with rating.

    Right now, the game is a 3/5. Great artwork, good animation, a pretty hot concept of playing around timers and lewd groping scenes. It seems like development is going well. It's probably the best train-riding game on F95 already. But IMO the game has problems that, if not fixed, will upset once the full release arrives.

    Longer Version:
    For H-content; I think it's important the finished game gets more "hardcore" content in terms of penetration and/or H-loss and more molestation variations. While this is currently a gooner's dream game, there's less that warrants... finishing. There's a to-be-developed hypnosis feature that should add more, but if future updates fail to deliver that H-content I think it'll be a less enjoyable game in longer play.

    There are technical and bug issues and especially translation issues, but it's to be expected early in development. It's playable and most of the translations are legible.

    The gameplay loop is fun, but also demands a lot of time for upgrading and unlocking. If the amount of grinding required to unlock and continue gameplay stays like it is now, the respect the game has for your time kinda sucks. It is a rogue-like, so restarts are expected, but it still feels rough. Assuming the H-content added in the future is good, I would call it a non-issue, but right now that's where my opinion lies.

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    Alright, with my negative concerns out of the way, let me finish by re-iterating my praise for the game in its great artstyle, good animation, and fun lewd content setup. As mentioned at the start, this game has high potential -- so I'm hopeful my concerns with the game will be addressed as development is completed. it will definitely be worth a play on release even if it has issues.

    If you appreciate this review, see my profile; I list all of my reviews in a comments thread. Thanks ☑
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Serious potential, great artwork, simple game play loop. The art and game mechanics alone bump it to a 5 star rating. My only criticism is that it's a little bit grindy. It takes a comically long time to level up barely any skills. Currently there are only 2 (out of the four lines) a available so more content will be added soon I'm assuming.

    I think everything has been translated with simple AI but there really isn't a story so nothing to be fussed about.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    For a demo, it's a five stars, it has two sections of the games available and keeps the scenes very low to keep your imagination running for what is to come.

    The game is fun, for now, feels like a minigame that could be in a remtairy game, but later, it will definitely make it's own name, the plot hasn't been revealed and a lot of the in-game random events are probably not as well.

    I can't wait to see what is to come.
    Likes: XZIZ
  7. 3.00 star(s)

    Donny Ranistvenich

    The game has great clean graphics and decent gameplay system. There' some unity buginess around choosing resolution, sometimes gameplay can become bugged.

    The gameplay system is a big loop of getting more power to resist gropers on a train. However at any time you can choose to make a few choice mistakes to put your character in some worse positions.

    However currently there is many hours of grind to accumulate points to level, but in the current trial version, there is very little end-game payoff. Noteably missing is 2/4 custom outfits and a hypnosis effect, and any more hardcore sexual acts. Currently I don't think it's worth playing the game unless you purely want to goon to the art for a bit (in which case, 100% go ahead).

    However if the end-game mechanics are implemented in a solid fashion then the game may become mostly worth the grinding and be a 4/5 or 5/5. I suggest wait to play till a 1.0 release of some kind
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game! Really fun game loop with decent talents and perks that you can choose of. Feels very roguelite which is rare for H games.
    But like often happens with jap games, they have some cool ideas but also a lot of jankyness. A lot of small details needs/should be fixed to make experience a bit better.
    For example when you level up window take few seconds to pop-up which i hate, it ruins immersion every time for no reason. Also there is a bit too much leveling overall. Getting perks is fun idea but sometimes you just get spammed with xp.
    Also game is very slow, i already feel like i replay first line way too many times while trying to reach to first boss. Farming points to unlock basic stuff takes slightly too much time, probably should be buffed by at least 30% so you dont end up playing just to grind all over.
    Some animations could be slightly faster, some more visible. Besides that this reminds me a bit mini-game from karryns prison, good work.
    Likes: XZIZ
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    holy shit its good. (if you love rogue-lites, which I do)

    tons a replayability. very hot MC.

    is it grind? or is it gameplay? yes. click double speed and just restart the game the first time if you get that weird dialogue box bug.

    it needs to be translated, but I'd pay for just more of this game. I'd love a special cosplay/halloween line. I'd pay for a christmas line.

    I'd really like an X-ray and for sex to be available. Maybe some kind of special defeat line? lose enough and your skills get swapped for Ero skills? that would be fun.

    hell of a game.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun and addicting gameplay loop. As others have said, basically a rouge-like turn-based game that all takes place on one screen. The progression of skills and difficulty is quite good, obviously still some balancing to do here at v0.07 but what is here is very enjoyable. You'll be using those skills to more effectively catch molesters and prevent yourself from feeling too much pleasure from their molesting... or don't :) Artwork and sound design are great.
    Hope to see this one fully developed!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I found myself staying up way too late while playing this game. Needless to say, it has a great gameplay loop, essentially an upgrade type game where you create a build in the train and get permanent upgrades after finishing a run with the points you collect. This does mean it gets grindy, but the scenes are completely within the grind, so it makes it worth it. The enemies all have their own ways of attacking, but the core loop is try not to let your pleasure get too high. I found theres plenty of ways to play and I highly enjoy the game and visuals, give it a shot. This one is definitely worth your time.
  12. 5.00 star(s)



    Corrupting the woman on try to act tough or catch chikan incident(s) and turning her into one of the victims are the best game concepts which I have a wet dream of and want to play the most referring my fetish!

    I dunno when this will be finished, but from the bottom of my heart, I want to throw as much money to the devs as possible and have it finished NOW!!
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Game is in early state of developing. Some features are: missing, not balanced or just not working. But the gameplay itself is exciting and pleasurable and art is very well drawn. Interesting thing to mention, is progressive difficulty system based on characters fetishes which you can save at every end of run.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has a lot of potential, it needs more erotic scenes, but its development is beginning. I have great expectations.

    I hope they raise the tone of the scenes and allow sexual scenes, the touching is fine, but if the rest needs to be increased, the suits look very good, I hope they can be unlocked later, it has some very minor errors, and they do not affect the game not at all.

    I hope the speed at which the train moves can be increased even more. either as a basic function or as a skill.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    A rather niche fetish, but it's cool. I hope the game gets expanded with more different things you can do. So far this is a sort of roguelike-style survival (lol), which is fun enough. Gonna look forward to revisiting it.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewing this early at v0.07, it's got a solid foundation but too grindy right now imo. The core gameplay is rogue-like, and it pulls it off pretty well. The translation is rough around the edges but workable. If the dev tones down the grind, adds more variation and story content this could turn out to be a must play (if you like the genre).
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Much like everyone else, I was also immediately sucked in.

    There aren't many other games that I can think of that so seamlessly integrate their H content into gameplay AND make it addictingly fun to interact with.

    It's such a relief not having to get into a "oh i want to see a scene, time to throw" headspace. It just happens naturally through normal gameplay. I also don't have to figure out how to work the controls in the middle of trying to enjoy a scene. I don't need to do anything out of the ordinary to get the things that I hope it gives me.

    It all just works.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    excellent performance on the turn based format with different archetypes of enemies, great replayability already on the trial version. I'm looking forward to seeing more of this creator. I know some people might twist their noses at this statement, but if you also find this game promising, consider buying it when it comes out. I know I'll do it to support their creator(s) if the game keeps getting developed like I believe it will.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Ahh it's one of those games where I spend hours and when I look at the time it is already dawn.

    The core gameplay is the same but it doesn't get very repetitive due to the unique circumstances according to Rina's various states of undress.

    Here's to hoping we reach 1.0 and so on! Art is hella goated and when voices are added, it will be the cherry on top. Hope we get penetration though, or I might have just not reached it yet(?).
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    [v0.07 Trial] Review

    A new masterpiece. It's just brilliant. Never seen a demo almost finished like this. Mechanics are just there and working when you meddle with the save file. General gameplay is fun and main character is so hot. "Female protagonist, train molester arresting" idea is new and it works flawlessly. The only con I can think of is the grind. Game is a bit hard without skills due to being a roguelite but I advise editing save files to gain skill points and remove the grind entirely. I am so eager to play 1.0.