
Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
delete this before dalli or warscared read it
too late!

In my fan-fic thats the moment when Maya says "Hail Hydra" and Josy respond with "Hail Hydra"
i *censored* lesbianism *censored* Feminism *censored censored censored*

and thats my theory!

for people reading betewen the lines.... trust me its far more interesting in your imagination then anything i could come up with...
Wendy LOL. I'm rolling. Poor Derek. It would be even worse for him if it's Ashley and she doesn't know if it's Derek's or that she is having Anthony's idiot love child.
that reminds me of that musical movie about the Abba group where a woman as 3 possible baby daddies... that makes for an amazing story!

Now imagine that Ashley states that besides Derek and Anthony it could also be the MC`s because she sexually abused him during one of his drunken stupors?

Reckon the Mansion minigame needs a provision to budget for a lawnmower... or a BrushHog.
These fucker's are literally knee-deep
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in my Playthrough when i say that Nick and JB grab Tommy and throw him into the dumpster!
The tattoos that DPC placed on the guy in the last render are weird.

Especially the stars on the clavicles For those of you who don't know - having that tattoo on your clavicles means that you are a high-ranking member of the Russian mafia and literally protected by the Russian mafia code of honor (called "Ponyatiya" or "The Understanding"). Having those stars tattooed on you if you aren't a mobster is disrespectful and is punished with death.

The skull indicates a conviction for murder. The sharks on his neck represent that this person has stolen from the government or a large organization and also is an opportunistic and dangerous criminal with no concern about the punishment that is surely to follow.

I don't know if the guy is supposed to be Russian, though I doubt it. I just find it weird that DPC has chosen to use those tattoos on the guy.
so he is a voy, but you can have voy´s from Georgia or several diferent branches of Ukranian criminal organisations! the russian one´s tend to congregate teams around them but they are not known to share power and organise into much complex organisations since all voy´s are considered equals and therefore its hard to establish an hierarchy that everyone can fallow!

normally the way to create a more organised system is to have a top grandfather with several sons and grandsons each one leading their own teams and therefore the hierarchy is set by age where a poorer voy uncle can be stronger and more respected then a rich voy nephew! money for the russian mafia is a means not a way to earn respect since they technically come from 2 sets!

1st the old aristocracy that lost its land and went to the east to colonize and the dissassembled elements of the old anarchist movement that survived the goulag system by playing it... so anyone who was a voy by the 70´s and 80´s had survived what basically was extermination camps so they are top elite smart rutheless criminals! almost all russian novels portracting the 20th century who speak about jail speak about such caracthers without identifing them as such but they tend to be the criminals inside the criminal organisations who rape murder steal and always come up on top!

good catch, but do remember an emigrant voy works outside is enviroment in america and unless he as blood ties to a more complex organisation or an oath of loyalty (and that seldom works in the long run ... russian criminals ffs...) he will not be protected, mainly because needing protection is admiting weakness that puts into question if you are worthy of being a voy!

i think voy means lord although not sure!

The only way I can help you is for you to want to help yourself. Just accept our King Magnar in your heart and you will feel exalted. :Kappa:

What if DPC uses dalli_x and Warscared theories as an inspiration while writing though. :unsure: I've even heard that both were an inspiration for J. D. Salinger while he was writing The Catcher in the Rye. :KEK:

By the way Sallinger wrote spencer in an homage to me... long winded old man... fuck him!
Smartphones, cameras, sms, what the hell are you on about now? You make as much sense as your bungled name does. You know scared = afraid. I think you meant to type war scarred. Either way you fucked it up. :ROFLMAO:
its a joke about smartphones that you can so much with them that some people forgotten that they can also use them to phone others!

the rest was just a rant on how boring people doing boring shit is what allows you to have such a confortable and affordable life!

and yes most complaint about being poor but if you have never went hungry and have a roof over your head you already got it better then anyone up to the 19th century (including kings and aristocrats) and 99% of all human beings up until the 70´s and 80´s!

if you measure wealth per available calories for survival we are the richest civilization that as ever lived... nothing as ever came even close to how confortable and secure we are nowadays! but people just like to bitch about the 1% above them forgetting the 99% bellow them!

He means colonialism and smartphones are a package, you can't accept one without the other, so is both or neither of them. It's on the terms agreement when you buy a smartphone.
i put my answer to you in spoilers because you always get me into trouble, straw man me 1st and then someone takes the political and historical interpretation to fuck me over and have my posts deleted and me banned for a few days!
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dalli_x and Warscared theories are so next-level that they break the Space-Time Continuum and appear in the past, present and future. The prophecy states that the day the three dalli_x's meet, it will be the end of the World as we know it. :Kappa:
the prophecy also states that i can end it! but why are you afraid? there is nothing there stating that just because change comes it will be worse... ofc it also does not state it will be better it just states that it will be diferent!

In context, the line is meant to suggest Quinn is considering putting Maya on her menu if Maya passes her HOT initiation (with its explicitly sexual tasks). Quinn is hinting at a way for Maya to get free tuition, but she isn't going into the details until she thinks Maya can handle the requirements. Quinn is also waiting until she'd have some incriminating evidence with which to blackmail Maya in the future, since at this point Maya needed to show Quinn the proof from her scavenger hunt.
thats a good read on the situation!

in my view Maya could do just 1 wealthy donor and be done with it (or once a semester depending...) but what Quinn wants is for her to work fulltime and not just to get the tuiton money, considering that Camilla only does gloryholes it means girls keep their choices open but for quinn to maximize her income she must get them to work!

So the tuiton is just the hook and sinker to get the girls in but she makes nothing out of it! for her to turn a profit girls must work, preferably doing drugs since then she can pay them in drugs and pocket the diference increasing her income even more! hell if the girl is willing to work and sell drugs Quinn would be doing massive profits with less danger! thats why escort girls sell coccaine triple the profit from every single mark!

VNs are full of bad dads, disappearing dads, incest dads, NTR girlfriend stealing dads, and mostly dead dads. But I will die on this hill: Neil is the best dad.
i have a joke that its genetic and the reason why so many dad´s in VN are missing or dead its because since its genetic everytime one of the assholes as a male son he goes like... fuck my life, i am gonna be cucked or ntr éd by this motherfucker, hell no time to go for cigarets, or fuck this shit HONEY, WHERE´S THE TOASTER? I AM GONNA TAKE A BATH!

Men with some sense these days, had surgery done, so no slut can ever pop a kid out of us.
A similar procedure exists for women (reversible and painless too like the men's).
The refusal to see that she's more at fault for expecting the many guys to be the ones trying to avoid it, is staggering. Although with that kind of ridiculous mentality spreading, I only encourage men to have the procedure very early, or simply avoid women altogether these days.

If a slut decides to sleep around this much, and never take any precautions herself, or request it from her partners, there's no way she's not more responsible.

Allowing men to go bareback and cum inside so many times, or even seeking it at this point, lays the fault on her more than on the poor guy that shot the unlucky shot. Crying it's the men's fault, is just ridiculous and laughable.
thats very mysoginistic of you!

you know an abortion costs like 100 bucks right? you know a girl can call a dude she fucked in the last 2 months and ask for support for an abortion betewen 500 and 2000 dollars right? she is not being irresponsable she is being financially cunning!

Also any man that fucks a known slut is at least 10% gay... a small part of sperm goes into the woman and stays there so if she is a massive slut when you fuck a slut you are fucking 5-10% of a male!

its also the reason why after 25 years of marriage your wife is more like your sister then a wife... you already share 10-25% of your dna! in some situations you and your wife share more dna then you and your kids (mainly if she is a cheating whore...)!

Probably the incident with Mona convinced her that it is impossible to blindly and thoughtlessly offer free tution. Apparently, after that trick of Mona, Burke spoke rudely to Quinn, and therefore she decided to play it safe and prevent Maya from becoming a sister of HOTs.
Therefore, she wants to see proof of the task. Here I'm not sure why she needs this video. Or to make sure that Maya did not fulfilled sexy tasks and then to convince others sister to should not be accepted Maya into the HOTs. Or for blackmail. On the other hand, Quinn is clearly surprised that Maya has completed all the tasks from the list.
In fact, if you think about it, it leaves a good maneuver to create an arc of redemption for Quinn. She knew from the very beginning that Maya was not suitable and did everything so that she did not pass the tests and did not join the HOTs.
have you considered that perhaps the tasks are like the dik tasks? she uses them to see how far someone is willing to go and sacrifice but in the end it all comes down to if the "sisters" are satisfied!

maya issue would always be that Quinn would never be satisfied by the reasons you stated but all other girls could have probably skiped 1 or 2 tasks and aslong as the sisters where satisfied they would be accepted!

if it was not the case why do them in teams of 2? if failing any of the tasks was reason to refuse entry then they should have been attributed individually based on the personality of the pledge and how the current leadership saw them integrating into the sorority! alot like the military based on menthality and skills some people are imediatly sent to officer school and others to special force boot camp after evaluation!

i was sent imediatly to the military academy and my field months where spent with the comandos they analysed my psychiatric matrix and decided i was meant to lead the crazyest of the crazyest into suicide missions... good to know my godfather wanted me dead...

dalli_x another interesting question.. If Bella trully hates the DIK`s as much as she says... why would she choose to cut the MC`s hair as she saw Tommy using it? Is she sub consciently attracted to a DIK player and therefore projected onto the MC what she believes is sexy and attractive and therefore wanted to turn him more like tommy?

Because she knows tommy for sure! she probably even saw his twit about her as a librarian liking it dirty, and then she goes and turns the MC into a 2nd tommy? even weirder if she is dating the MC...

from her point of view how can she rationalise it? how can she excuse herself if the MC is datting Jill and she turns him into Tommy, because i suspect the relationsip and dynamics beteween Tommy and Heather is a known affair... does she secretly resents Jill and therefore tries to give her an unbalanced abusive boyfriend...

she could have picked JB or even Rusty´s haircut but she picked Tommy specific one, why?

Im still very sad there was no Jill deepthroat.
yet, good things come to those who wait!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
I never tried so, before trying it, I thought about askin' here in case someone knows and save me the trouble. What happens if you don't complete the housing reform (don't know if it's the right word, but you know... fixing it)? Like, missing a room or not managing to buy the windows? Thanks and cheers.
Rusty sells his car and does not boink Mischa!
Jill's not a lesbian though.
yet a lesbian you mean, forgetting where you, are are you?
in this site all women are lesbians and the ones who are not will soon be, even she is 95 years old!


Engaged Member
Sep 27, 2020
I never tried so, before trying it, I thought about askin' here in case someone knows and save me the trouble. What happens if you don't complete the housing reform (don't know if it's the right word, but you know... fixing it)? Like, missing a room or not managing to buy the windows? Thanks and cheers.
Rusty sells his car to Derek's dad.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
I've heard there's a surgery for those problems :ROFLMAO:
yeah but surgery like on the breast implants comes at a cost of sensitivity to the area that can go from 50 to 80%! you really want to reduce the intensity of your orgasms?

fucking hell there is a danger that if you over do it and loose 80% of your sensitivity (meaning limp dick syndrome or no shooting syndrome included among st many other side effects) you have less pleasure fucking than after the surgery, than from a regular jacking off session since actual sex is 4 times more intense then the average jack off session (ignoring married couples because ... reasons, couples are complicated and their answers or brain tests are not reliable!)

thats one of the things that i never understood with women breast implants or husbands who want their wifes to have them! if you trully love your wife why would you cut off her pleasure so she looks nicer? shouldn´t your goal be that she feels better and enjoys herself more while with you? because if big breasts in your wife is more important than her pleasure i´m not sure on what to tell you!

as for why women do it? i guess its because they feel that without them they can not get the men they want... but then again most women think themselves ugly never realising its the flaws that they abhor that normally allows their men to fall in love with them! whats there to love in the perfect woman after 3 months of dating her? nothing, its her flaws that enable you to create an emotional connection besides sex, so that gapping tooth or the freckles that make your girlfriend who she is? thats what you trully love and thats what she hates about herself... humans are complicated i guess!

Jesus christ dude it was a joke.
It was supposed to be only a joke. I really thought they were talking about the game (about the DIK-o-meter). Sorry if it was a serious issue.
does not mean we can skip an opportunity to learn!
Last edited:
Mar 26, 2020
yeah but surgery like on the breast implants comes at a cost of sensitivity to the area that can go from 50 to 80%! you really want to reduce the intensity of your orgasms?

fucking hell there is a danger that if you over do it and loose 80% of your sensitivity (meaning limp dick syndrome or no shooting syndrome included among st many other side effects) you have less pleasure fucking than after the surgery, than from a regular jacking off session since actual sex is 4 times more intense then the average jack off session (ignoring married couples because ... reasons, couples are complicated and their answers or brain tests are not reliable!)

thats one of the things that i never understood with women breast implants or husbands who want their wifes to have them! if you trully love your wife why would you cut off her pleasure so she looks nicer? shouldn´t your goal be that she feels better and enjoys herself more while with you? because if big breasts in your wife is more important than her pleasure i´m not sure on what to tell you!

as for why women do it? i guess its because they feel that without them they can not get the men they want... but then again most women think themselves ugly never realising its the flaws that they abhor that normally allows their men to fall in love with them! whats there to love in the perfect woman after 3 months of dating her? nothing, its her flaws that enable you to create an emotional connection besides sex, so that gapping tooth or the freckles that make your girlfriend who she is? thats what you trully love and thats what she hates about herself... humans are complicated i guess!
Jesus christ dude it was a joke.

Ashley young

Active Member
Dec 4, 2017
Did anyone here choose the 'reject everyone' option at the end of ep 8? I feel like that its the best option to take for a pure DIK run, being the mega frat boy and fucking around.
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