I can understand that. I would never want to meet my birthparents if I were adopted because they decided they didn't want me. In this case, the mother died during child birth. A normal person would ask about their mother before receiving an inheritance regardless of the relationship with the extended family. Normal question "Dad, what's mom's maiden name?", "What's mom's favorite color?", "What was she like?", etc... It shouldn't take a diary you receive at 19 to inform you of your mother.
His father showed symptoms of depresion everytime his mother was brought up. To the point of MC not caring about his birthday because it was his mother's death anniversary.
Yeah, MC learned to not ask about her. It was him and his father againts the world.
Perhaps it is not necessarily because of bad writing why this update and or game feels sour or bad to some, but more because of a culmination of our strong passion and personal investment for the game and its characters. I think that says a lot about how believable the characters are and how fleshed out they are. Being a lurker for so long watching the conversations, they are insanely colorful and entertaining with the many back and forth between defending LI's and theorizing. Whilst I personally think ename144's and shazba's perspectives on the current state of the game and its history is the best of the best when it comes to mainly negative and positive analyses respectively. It is such contrasting takes with similarities that makes me think this, it is wonderfully entreating at least, lol.
There is certainly an argument to be made about how a lot of mishaps could have been prevented with more clear and concise writing, but some months back, I stated that I felt my personal mishaps came from looking at the game in the wrong perspective.
Being in a (crazily) small minority of the people who has legitimatelyfailed all LI's, (except for Sage, it is VERY difficult to actually fail Sage. At least, that is how I feel) I find my playthrough to be somewhat unique, but not very exciting. I'm willing to share it nonetheless in short pieces for the sake of my point; the perspective of the game.
(Warning, this post is, unreasonably at best, long.)
Summary for TL;DR: I came into this game thinking that my choices were going to be far more influential than they actually ended up being, which caused me to act how I would act as if I was actually there in MC's shoes as opposed to controlling a character with their own personality. This was a mistake. Why? Because I started ending up in situations I would have never ended up in if it were me, and I wouldn't have to be forced to make certain choices in those said situations that caused uncharctersitic mess ups on my part. It is because of this why I felt upset, because I played this game as if it was me and not controlling someone else that I can influence the personality of, that will in turn directly impact the decisions that they make, as opposed to the decisions I would make.
I downloaded and i started but game crashes when the mc says he must be feeling guilty as hell. If is there anybody played and solved the issue can you please guide me through aswell?
Not knowing much about his mother is something i can accept : MC really care for his dad, he saw how his birthday affected his dad and choose to not ask about his mother in order to not cause pain to his father. About not knowing her family name you can interpret that as a way to reject his mother family something like "they don't want us ? I don't need them"
I came into this game thinking that my choices were going to be far more influential than they actually ended up being, which caused me to act how I would act as if I was actually there in MC's shoes as opposed to controlling a character with their own personality.
I think you are exactly right on that a lot of people forget that it's remain a game very limited and that while you influence MC you don't control him
Hi, this might have already been answered, but you know how quickly this thread moves. I have 2 questions:
1. If I've previously used scrappy mod on the last version, does this cause the patch for the most current version not to work? I cannot get my patched version to work this time around.
2. When will the DPC official walkthrough become available for the most recent episode?
The addition of new girl in the end came out of the blue (heh). I can only guess he is adding her so late in the game to make sure people playing a single save, have some content to play every 6 months despite the route locks. Because the whole exclusivity thing surely reduces the amount of content one would expect in an update.
Which begs the question why not save the route locks for later, closer to the finale? Maybe she is plan b for people who picked others but don't want to keep playing manwhores until the very end.