Yeah,Quinn is gone forever,
and is now living in hiding after a gender reassignment surgery under the name Quinton,
so if you like to be fucked from behind by a junkie transgender,
perfect choice for you
Yeah,Quinn is gone forever,
and is now living in hiding after a gender reassignment surgery under the name Quinton,
so if you like to be fucked from behind by a junkie transgender,
perfect choice for you
1- Quicksave at the start. Throw a Fastball. Savescum until you hit a cup the first time.
2- Always focus when it's the opposition's turn(Even if you hit 100%).
3- Always select fastball to save AP. (At the start you might miss a lot, but eventually fastball will become effective with Focus' boost)
4- If the opp succeds and you have 2 remaining cups, then use bounce ball until you run out of AP.
5- If you lose just quick load
I have 15+ saves, every single one has minigames on, every single one had beer pong on the ep10 party. I think I had to use the 5th step only 4-5 times. It's not "ethical" by any means, but it works
I have never lost a match. Teasing is your friend. 3 teases in a row and the a 1 focus and whatever shot you wanna do. Only thing that chances is the amount of time it as that is pretty random if it hits or not. But you keep your opponent down.
I have never lost a match. Teasing is your friend. 3 teases in a row and the a 1 focus and whatever shot you wanna do. Only thing that chances is the amount of time it as that is pretty random if it hits or not. But you keep your opponent down.
Do we know or does anyone have any suspicions on who the three students are that Stephen hooked up with? Or does it come out down the line , just curious to add a bit more back story to it
Do we know or does anyone have any suspicions on who the three students are that Stephen hooked up with? Or does it come out down the line , just curious to add a bit more back story to it
If we do the math...There are four girls that are in the "Free tuition" category that we know of before Camilla, Mona and Maya get involved.
Quinn (duh), Melanie, Sarah and Riona.
It's likely that Melanie, Sarah and Riona are the three girls but I could be wrong on that. We don't know when that fight of theirs started, so it could even be former HOTs that have since graduated. But I doubt that, the number 'three' is just enough for all the three HOT girls minus Quinn.
If you have the option of staying at the Panty Party instead of going to Bella's you can get the 2nd meeting with her. I know it can happen on Sage's path, and I think Bella's was the other one where you go the choice to stay..
Do we know or does anyone have any suspicions on who the three students are that Stephen hooked up with? Or does it come out down the line , just curious to add a bit more back story to it
If we do the math...There are four girls that are in the "Free tuition" category that we know of before Camilla, Mona and Maya get involved.
Quinn (duh), Melanie, Sarah and Riona.
It's likely that Melanie, Sarah and Riona are the three girls but I could be wrong on that. We don't know when that fight of theirs started, so it could even be former HOTs that have since graduated. But I doubt that, the number 'three' is just enough for all the three HOT girls minus Quinn.
I could definitely see Melanie and Sarah but I also had arieth in my head for obvious reasons haha could of been a slow week for him and he just sort of went fuck it when in Rome haha
Yeah,Quinn is gone forever,
and is now living in hiding after a gender reassignment surgery under the name Quinton,
so if you like to be fucked from behind by a junkie transgender,
perfect choice for you
If you get lucky and ball is on your side the first shot. If the opponent miss the first time and you can tease em down and its over for them then you can have multiple flawless runs but yeah this is where the random factor comes in. But yeah easily finished of people without loosing clothes quite a few times.
If you have the option of staying at the Panty Party instead of going to Bella's you can get the 2nd meeting with her. I know it can happen on Sage's path, and I think Bella's was the other one where you go the choice to stay..
Sorry for the delay, there was a lot to cover. But let's get to it and talk about Episode 11. I can't call it a shitshow because the material is by no means shit, but man this was a mess of discordant ideas. It starts with Riona being literally tortured (off screen, thankfully), then spends the bulk of its runtime with the MC gunning for the stupidest college antics he can manage - except when he pontificates on his role in destroying Sage's family (if applicable). Then we get a cliffhanger that interrupts a medical crisis to tease us with the reveal of Bella's Secret Room(tm) one last time.
Seriously, what are we supposed to make of that progression? I don't think this game has any idea what it's supposed to *BE*. It wants to have its cake and eat it too, but it lacks the discipline to pull that off. The game is replete with sexy porn skits, but they are constantly being upstaged the Oscar-bait drama. Meanwhile the dramatic weight is all sizzle no steak because the game is 90% sexy filler by volume. The game talks about big things, but nothing actually happens until the cliffhanger, and experience has shown us the revelations will be underplayed in the subsequent episode. There are a few paths that hang together better, which helps a bit, yet even in these paths the MC mostly killing time. Things happen to him far more than he causes them to happen - and that's despite the MC making concerted effort to take action this time around!
I think this game has a fundamentally flawed idea of what it means to branch in a game. The update, as has become typical for BaDIK, is *colossal* - but so many of the branches are cosmetic rather than being a consistent tool for role-playing or content filtering. The choices we make are constantly being reflected back at us, but the scope of those reflections is bizarrely myopic. The big party in this update, for example, is specifically designed by the MC to be what Tommy would want as a sort of pick me up; the fact that the MC can specifically state disapproval of Tommy's lifestyle somehow does not interfere with his ability to get the update's groove on. Later on, the MC can potentially ditch said party to hang out with the main LIs (indeed, he'll do so automatically in some cases), but only after he gets a sexy pic from them. They react as if that's a sweet thing for him to do, even though needing to host the party was his reason for not being there in the first place. And all of this regardless of the MC's affinity, mind you! It feels like the game muddled its metaphor halfway through.
It doesn't seem to have occurred to Dr. Pink Cake that giving us the option to join either party from the start might have been both simpler and more meaningful branching than the labyrinthine system he constructed to blend the two together behind the scenes. As a result, the game feels EXTREMELY uneven: when DPC's view of the MC and his motivations line up with your own, the game can be tremendously satisfying; when those views diverge, it can be confusing and infuriating.
All of this is my appropriately longwinded way of saying that while I don't think Episode 11 is a bad update, I didn’t enjoy it much and I have every reason to believe that trend will continue. The good parts - for me, anyway - are outweighed out by the sheer mass of glitzy filler that just does not satisfy. If your vision aligns more with DPC's than mine, odds are you'll enjoy this update more than I did, though I dare say you'll still be left with some headscratching moments.
But let's get down to brass tacks, which means we should move the rest of this discussion to spoilers.
There's no question that my distaste for the content on the Maya/Josy branch colors my view of the episode, but I still think there are a lot of problems with the basic layout of the story and the time spent on different branches. The game is trying to do much at once, and some of the threads don't mix well with others. On top of that, a lot of the plot points and LI development feel stagnant despite the mountain of glitz surrounding them. Episode 10 managed to restore a little of my enthusiasm for the game, this one knocked it right back down. I think we're going to have to wait for Season 4 for any real development.
tl;dr A tonally incoherent episode that is either taking itself way too seriously or not nearly seriously enough. We do finally get some answers and there are fun scenes, but it feels like everything important has been left for the next episode to develop - with no guarantee it will.