So I was going through episode 10 again, seeing what’s different if the MC never tells Jill, and Jill never tells Bianca, about Matthew and Olivia. So far, it seems we get no Bianca time. At all. So… if you’re worried (or hopeful!) Bianca might make a move on the MC, now you know what variable turns all of that off.
What we also get is just one fuck scene with Jill. It’s in the tub at the preps’ mansion. It’s a nice scene, as Tremolo tries to teach Jill it’s not just okay, but kinda essential, to tell your partner what you want. But it reminded me… of how very little relationship sex Tremolo actually gets.
Some episodes take place over a day; some three weeks, like this last one which went from Halloween to Thanksgiving. (Well,
one week if it’s Canadian Thanksgiving, but it’s probably not.) In all that time, Tremolo fucks Jill once.
Once. It’s a brand-new relationship, they’re both totally hot for one another… and they fuck once. Makes
no sense.
I’m in a new relationship myself. If we only got intimate once or twice since New Year’s, she’d worry I was plotting to break up with her, but lacked the balls to say anything.
Now yeah, maybe there are fuck scenes we’re not seeing. Maybe he’s plowing Jill twice a day; they would do it thrice but every time they try it in the morning, Tybalt’s loud angry incel weeping in the next room kills the mood; but we’re only shown the one time. Maybe… but definitely not. Otherwise Jill wouldn’t still lack confidence during their tub fuck.
all the paths, Tremolo is tapping ass with his lady twice an episode, max. Or even less; there’s no Jade escapade in ep 10. He’s a horny, virile teenager;
must he resort to tomcatting, or Derek-level bouts of masturbation? Seems so.