
Active Member
Apr 30, 2018
Hi guys, to be honest i'd like a Drpinkcake's patreon but not for ever because I'd like to leave whenever I want, is there a way or a patreon is like a diamond?
You can cancel the patronage whenever u want.
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Nov 15, 2018
Well, I'm going into this with open eyes this time, that being said, I'll ready the torches if Pinkcake offs one of my favourites. ;)

I hope you are jking, giving five stars without even playing the game is almost as bad as giving a game a 1 star review because it includes a kink you don't like.[/QUOTE
Hi guys, to be honest i'd like a Drpinkcake's patreon but not for ever because I'd like to leave whenever I want, is there a way or a patreon is like a diamond?
Can cancel Patreon subscription or change amount donated at any time. Giving this one more update but if only two paths open to play are complete asshole or complete floor mat I will be cancelling my own subscription.
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Nov 15, 2018
Well lots of bells and whistles but if it doesn't get heart in next update I cancelling subscription. The main character actually has great starting point but only real paths are total asshole or complete floor mat. I tried behaving in balanced manner as situation requires and have yet to find any rewards. Josy needs asshole responses to get relation points but you need to be a floor mat to progress so maybe that is as close as we can get to balanced path. Seriously though get angry/petty or bend over and present your ass for reaming are 90% of choices. Only mini game tried was brawler ad it is joke. With cap of 5 money and unsure how readily available it is makes knowing best way to invest a joke...seriously 1-5 money limit and no information on just how much used for.
Maybe I had to high an expectation after acting lessons and because disappointed haven't really been able to play this for more than ten minutes at a time so maybe once settled in college it might catch me


Nov 15, 2018
This a Midnight Paradise clone?
Hardly since both only just released and under development for ages.

One is a complete wanker that booted out of college and forced home, while one is good kid leaving home to go to college and become a complete wanker (or floor mat). Though could question the frat house ame been taken from Melody as Albert is a DIK. This has way more content and better rendering though not so sure on plot and story so far.
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Well-Known Member
May 24, 2018
Hate to be one of those guys.. but when is the next update? And where can I find out about ETA for future references..
*P.S im not a patreon.. YET


New Member
Sep 19, 2018
can anyone explain me how to unlock scene 5 and 6, i played once as a dik and once as a chick and couldnt manage to unlock those scenes, did i do anything wrong ?


Si vis pacem para bellum
Apr 4, 2018
Methinks those are the 'Eat out' scenes you get when ordering 'take away' from Quinn.


Dec 1, 2017
One of my new favorite games. The renders are awesome, the story is fun and interesting, the characters are believable, and it has a very high replay value. Thanks abs now I should try your other game :).
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Staff member
Apr 5, 2017

This week I've worked on free-roam and static renders while also posing and rendering animations.
It's mostly been all about rendering long animations and I have multiple animations that are almost complete (about 500 frames worth).
The render queue is looking very healthy, 18 animations are in the queue (11 are completed).
There are many animations left to pose/render and even polls that will decide some of them.
We're looking at an update with somewhere around 40-60 animations. Since I have rendered 11 animations in 2.5 weeks, you'll realize that it's still early in the development cycle; it will likely speed up once the longest animations are completed. Please remember, this game isn't Acting Lessons. It's bigger and much more ambitious; it will also take longer to develop each episode.
For static renders, the current count is somewhere around 200 and the script is pretty much in the same state as last week, but more polished; coding free-roam takes a lot of time.

Today a poll closed that decided who will get longer animations in Episode 2, Cathy or Jade.
It was very close, but the winner was Jade!
Here are the results:
Jade 52% (355 votes)
Cathy 48% (325 votes)

I will soon launch a poll that I look forward to a lot for Episode 2.
This poll will also impact Episode 2, more than any other poll so far.

Polls that remain are main character in special renders, animation polls, HOTtest girl poll, cosmetic polls and more.

Next week I hope to release the first preview of Episode 2: Maggot brothers.
Other than that I will be busy working on a mix of animations and static renders.

After seeing the results of the patron survey regarding voice acting in Being a DIK, I have decided to postpone voice acting until I can afford it.
When and if that time comes, I will likely add it all at once for the entire game. But until then, I need to save up funding.

Have a great weekend, DIKs!

Dr PinkCake

Max Ben

Jun 14, 2018
hey guys please tell me someone the song name when she say him i'm in relationship and they good bye to each other....tell me song name or if someone have song then give me link thanks....BTW!! i like the love story of the both i haven't play too much but still nice story like i wanted from always


Jan 21, 2018
@Max Ben on Dr Pinkcake's Discord channel there is a Jukebox room with all songs to stream and title/artist ( if this helps )
4.70 star(s) 1,632 Votes