She needs a full playthrough? No she doesn't. You're completely overlooking the fact you can do a solo focused route since the beginning missing EVERY other scene with other girls. Why would it all of a sudden need to be different in chapter 9 an onwards? There is no need for a dedicated episode for each LI moving forward.
You can make the argument there is 5 LI storylines and an "other" storyline since the beginning. Why would LI's all of a sudden need dedicated episodes?
Once again you're confusing DIK and CHIK stat to LI routes. The game isn't jumping from "2" main routes to 5+ since we have always had the 5+ LI routes since the beginning.
Ok lets face it... nobody knows about the plans DPC has for BeingaDIK and his future life or projects...
DPC wouldnt be the first and not the last DEV who is gonna do more than one project at once, and he wouldnt be the first or last who will not finish what he has started either...
I have to admit it... playing through the whole game again, it is obvious that the game is growing bigger and bigger and bigger... most of the time i wonder if its even possible to do all that work alone (i doubt it, he needs at least some help for some things...)
Each and every Episode is leaving us with more questions than answers... nearly every character in the game seems to have an deep story behind them and many things are connected in some way we just only can speculate about...
After this episode my concerns that this game will be finished someday in a satisfying state are very very big. I just can get my head around all the things going on in this game and how DPC will be capable to pull all that off to a good roundup and finish...
And its now 3 years in the making, if its true that DPC planned about 4 seasons with all around 16 episodes, than the game will go on at least another 3 years, or to be realistic way more than that, cause i dont think we will get more than one major big update a year from now on. The next bigger episode will be out halloween next year, i have no doubt about that. Before that we will get a short interlude, thats it.
The rumors that DPC is a little burned out about the project are nothing new, and he already confirmed it some way too that he wants to do something else...
Maybe the whole Project is taking its toll now and is growing over his head.
What concerns me even more is the money he makes out of it... to be frank, he doesnt need to work anymore with this kind of income. Hes making around 100.000$ a month just with patreon (and thats a very low guess, i would rather say it could be 200.000$) and is already tired of making the game... he just could do nothing anymore, just do some special renders once in a while to keep patreon alive and thats it... and if he is tired of making this game, this will likley gonna happen, and everybody know how often this happend around here, most VNs around here are abondoned. Even some real big ones with high income.
And in the past he wasnt really open about work-progress... everything was very vague, nobody had a clue whats going on... this will not change. (and is one of many reasons why iam not a sub at patreon for more than 1 payment to get the update)
If you ask me, DPC has just opened up to many sidestories... he has to cut them at half at least... dont drop them but make a short and fast closure to many of them within the next big update.
The Strippers, Riona, Camila, Jade, Cathy... they have to go if he wants to get on a good finish-road soon. Its just too much otherwise. Most of the content in the last updates are fucking-around-scenes with side-chicks... i like many of them (riona is my favorite) But there is just less and less time for the main-LIs and the whole Burke-Drug-Prostitute-story. DPC need to make space for that, and if he will not do it early in the next season iam very sure that the game will not find a good finish in the next 10 years. What will mean no finish at all.
Overall, my bet would be placed that BeingaDIK will never be finished... sadly... the project is just gotten to big for one person and DPC is not the kind of DEV who is looking for help. And if he is tired of the project and wants to do something else, with the money he has made so far and is making, there is nothing what could stop him from just abonding the project...
BeingaDIK is my favorite VN, but if you ask me, its to big now to get finished. Kinda like the Game of Thrones books ^^ We will never see another one