About the choices:
You have the choice to tell Josy OK, and not THIS IS A DATE!
You have the choice to tell Josy I was just about to call you, and then when she asks you did you miss her (you was with her yesterday), you can tell her that you are just checking up on her and ask her "what about your boyfriend", you have the choice when she sends you a picture with the miniskirt to tell her the she looks beautiful in it, and not to tell her to send you another one with her ass on it, you have the choice to not send her msgs to asks her if she is looking forward for the date, or that you are looking forward to the date..., you have the choice to not draw dicks on Steve's portrait, also you have the choice to not take money from your father, and take more from your boss, or less from your boss or nothing at all if you draw on Steve's portrait. You have the choice not to sleep with Josy when you return, you have the choice to not helping Maya with her scavenger hunt just for the tuition AFTER SHE TELLS YOU THAT SHE IS INTO GIRLS, also you have the choice to remove her leg on the movie night, to ask her about her boyfriend and many more choices... just like this... also you have choices not to call Josy to talk about flowers and wine... you can just go back home.
So yeah... choices matters

and there is choice for everything...
Also you have a choice when you see Isabella with the ring, and crying after the second encounter in the Library to not pursue her anymore... you also has a choice that you can tell her "It's foggy" and not "I remember our first kiss" Then you have a choice to Thank her, and not to kiss her...
You have the choice to not get involve in strip path / 21+ club path / drug path / Quinn's restorant and more...