
Conversation Conqueror
Aug 4, 2019
No, you know that at that moment she does not feel very comfortable in that suit

In fact there is a route that I saw in the images where you kiss Josy and she is surprised, (Probably in the massive dik)
:unsure:You mean this ? Yeah, that is the Just Friends path, nothing to do with affinity or status.
BeingADIK 2021-05-02 20-50-17-84.png BeingADIK 2021-05-02 20-50-33-72.png

Yeah that's what I thought too. so cool.:cool:


Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
Excellent points for Quinn and Jill but at least in episode 7 DPC explicitly made it a point where characters beat Jill over the head at how stupid and naive she has acted and that she seriously needs to step up her game.

On my Neutral Sage route MC and Sage talk about the "rebound guy" issue early in the episode and state what they want. Sage says she is not ready for a serious relationship with MC yet after just breaking up with Chad but who knows in the future. The Halloween Party planning would only drive them closer together then they are right now as fuck buddies.
On Jill, I realize people point out her naivety; that's what I meant by lampshading. I just think that wasn't enough. Jill's story required a level of stupidity far beyond what could be reasonable in a young adult. I mean, what exactly does she need Bella's help for? Unless she thinks she won't be able to resist Tybalt's charms, why not have the dates ASAP then be done with it?

It's not like Jill can't say no (as all the blue ball jokes will attest). And she must assume Tybalt would take no for an answer, or there would be no point in agreeing to the demand in the first place. So what's the problem here? Really, it just comes across as a contrived idiot plot to slow down the romance while still making Tybalt the butt of every joke. Blech, no thank you. I'd much rather focus on her coming to terms with what it means to compete for the MC, even if that means a solo-Jill run winds up relatively drama free. I'd totally make a Jill-Josy run to play out that scenario!

On Sage, my point is that the "rebound guy" discussion only happens on the fuck buddy path. Which is sort of backwards IMHO: you'd think the MC who didn't want to cheat would be the one worried about being a rebound. Instead the fuck buddy's the one who's looking for something long-term. The non-cheater either turns Sage down flat, or he immediately fucks her then goes back to the party as if nothing happened.

I wasn't expecting anything formal on the non-fuck buddy path at this stage, but I figured there would be some discussion about what each of them was looking for in a potential relationship.
Last edited:


Feb 26, 2021
I can't agree at all; no matter how badly Quinn needed the money, there was no excuse not to tell Tommy and/or Rusty the HOTs were ditching so the DIKs could make other plans. That was Tommy's point, and on that point he was 100% correct. Not only was that Quinn's job (explicitly given to her by Sage), but it's the sort of basic courtesy any friend should do for another. Instead, Quinn ducked the responsibility leading to a completely predictable clusterfuck, then lashed out when people called her on her mistake.

Pointing out all the Tri-Alpha parties Tommy ruined is a bizarre defense, because Tommy has never had anything but contempt for the jocks. Are we supposed to take that as an indication Quinn hates Tommy and the DIKs? That seems unlikely, and yet here we are. Quinn would rather avoid a tough conversation than admit she might need some help - even when (as Tommy pointed out) there was no way to avoid that conversation permanently.

Quinn is completely in the wrong on this. I think that's precisely why she's so angry about it; it's hard to maintain her self-image as a cunning chessmaster when her pawns can easily point out her mistakes. Unfortunately, the only way Quinn seems able to deal with that dichotomy is to completely stonewall any sense of introspection and lash out whoever tries to help her make the connection.

And I think that says everything we need to know about Quinn. She's on some industrial-strength denial.
I did backpeddle on my Quinn simping from my original post when it was rightly pointed out to me that Quinn's actions hurt the DIKs' and the HOTs' reputation. I was looking at the scene from Quinn's POV which I still think she's correct about - she had no choice but to ditch the DIKs and go solicit the preps because she was short her dues. Tommy has absolutely no ground to stand on criticizing Quinn on anything she did, which is why she appears to win the argument with him, but anyone else from the DIKs or HOTs has ample ground to call her out on her shit obviously.

But put yourself in Quinn's shoes for a minute and consider - what choice did she really have? She had to ditch the DIKs or be short on her dues to some drug dealers. Telling the DIKs, and Tommy, wouldn't have changed the fact that the were getting ditched for the preps, and Tommy likely would have reacted the exact same way by feeling betrayed (despite doing nothing but fuck things for the DIKs himself) and starting shit with the preps anyway, possibly ruining Quinn's chances to make up her losses. Again this is playing Quinn's Advocate, she's clearly in the wrong as a drug dealing super-bitch, but Tommy ain't no better. He's a walking liability and Quinn looks out for #1, I wouldn't have told his junky ass anything either. Yeah she could have somehow cushioned the blow for the DIKs and HOTs but it was a tough position.

Given that the only way to help Riona is to fuck her, I'm hoping she'll be okay without our help, too.

And frankly, I'm skeptical this will make much of an impact on Quinn either way, unless the connection between her own actions and what happens to Riona is extremely short and extremely direct. Quinn's mental filter is too strong for any sort of indirect consequence to break through.
I don't think Riona will be okay even WITH our help, I think DPC is setting her up for a fall. Riona is super nice to everyone, non-judgmental, is getting her own establishing scenes, and is the poster-character for Quinn's drug and prostitution services. If anything goes wrong, and it will, better believe Riona's gonna take a hit. I hope we can save her from it cuz I'm a big fan of the character but yeah. I do think that something happening to Riona would impact Quinn a lot, at least from the proximity of the fallout.

Chad was an asshole, I'm not eager to defend him. But I don't think lunging straight to blunt, violent retribution is the best way to handle this sort of situation.

Besides, I don't understand why Chad deserves a beating for all his sins while Quinn gets the soft glove treatment despite her putting both Sage and Maya through a considerable share of shit on her own (and that's before her little pimping ring has been discovered - it can get much worse for Sage!). Quinn also uses drugs, uses the HOTs for her own benefit, allows beefs to get started between the DIKs and HOTs, and (unlike Chad) takes a personal pleasure in tormenting those under her control; you'll note that Chad does not flip off the MC when walking away (even if the MC remained silent during the hearing).

It's one thing to advocate hyperbolic beatings to fictional characters that happen to be assholes, but it's another to claim that only certain assholes merit that treatment. The only bigger asshole in the game than Quinn is Burke. YMMV, obviously, but that's how I see it.
You know why I'm favoring Quinn over Chad bro, it's cuz she hot af. No doubt Quinn is morally worse than Chad, I agree that Quinn is probably #2 or even #1 asshole in the game, if you don't go on her route she's Queen Cunt to some really cool people, including MC. I never claimed that Quinn shouldn't receive any retribution for what she's done, I'm not dilusional, I just wanna bang her. If Quinn were a man or not hot, I'd give her the Tybalt treatment ASAP. Truth is though, Chad deserves to get his cock kicked in by someone, nothing hyperbolic about it. Comparing him to Quinn doesn't lessen that fact.
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Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
Yeah, its gonna be almost impossible earn $53 in 2 turns.
Technically, it could be done. It would require all 9 DIKs work $3 jobs for both rounds. That would take some heavy reloading, but it can be done if the DIKs have the right stats. If they can work $4 jobs, it's even easier.

Really, it comes down to how high their Work score is; they should have decent other skills if they've been working on the mansion this whole time.


New Member
Oct 3, 2019
Does anybody know how to change the main character name(the one in the phone is correct already and pet names are correct too)?
The name of my mc is Bill but if discover a new scene and I replay it from menu it shows another name.


Apr 10, 2020
Well, my main route is Maya/Josy, exclusive so I've seen all the friendship Sage path stuff. And I've been hoping we would get another chance to date her properly when Chad finally broke up with her. That said, I was a little disappointed that the scene plays out as just an over-the-top sex fest with no real discussion of what else might happen between them.

I mean, I get that Sage likes sex, doesn't like introspection, and isn't ready to leap into a new relationship. But I would think an MC (particularly a CHICKish one) who didn't feel comfortable cheating with Sage would want something a little more involved than a very public roll in the hay with Sage. Maybe it's just me, but I think I'm slightly less enthusiastic about my planned CHICK Sage non-fuck buddy run now than I was back before I knew it would be possible.
To satisfy my curiosity I just did a quick playthrough as a CHICK MC without Sage as a fuck-buddy, only pursuing her when the choice is offered in ep 7 - and I have to say I didn't think it made a whole lot of sense, story-wise. I rejected Sage at every stage (really really hard to do, but I managed it) and only succumbed to her relentless flirting at the party in ep 7 -- at which point you still get the full 100% lewd scene with her, the same as if you'd been with her every step of the way as a DIK MC for the last 7 episodes. So barely any scenes with her, rejected her advances repeatedly, didn't comfort her when she was sick, yet you get the same result. The choice to pursue her and the resultant payoff just felt completely unearned and nonsensical, and it kind of diminishes all the relationship building you do with her on the DIK path, in my view.

It may make sense for DPC to do this, from a dev perspective, I guess he is both keeping Sage in the story for CHICK path players who have rejected her, plus he's giving players yet another chance to pursue her if they want. But narratively speaking, it really shouldn't have been possible to get Sage this late in the game if you haven't had those meaningful interactions with her over the preceding episodes. If DPC intended to have a non fuck-buddy Sage path, the track for that should have been laid with branching at an earlier stage.


New Member
May 2, 2021
I updated the gameto 0.7.2 and now when I load the game. I get end of episode 7. And credits starts loading.

How to proceed? Unable to play 0.7.2 version.


Feb 26, 2021
Does anybody know how to change the main character name(the one in the phone is correct already and pet names are correct too)?
The name of my mc is Bill but if discover a new scene and I replay it from menu it shows another name.
That's weird, have you used someone else's save or are you using the mod or something? Only thing I can think of is something's up with your persistent file. Maybe someone more familiar with renpy can help out.

Is there a way to reset just a freeroam?
Try an autosave? The game gets autosaved pretty regularly, open your save/load and click the a section. Shouldn't be an autosave too far back.


Engaged Member
Sep 3, 2020
Technically, it could be done. It would require all 9 DIKs work $3 jobs for both rounds. That would take some heavy reloading, but it can be done if the DIKs have the right stats. If they can work $4 jobs, it's even easier.

Really, it comes down to how high their Work score is; they should have decent other skills if they've been working on the mansion this whole time.
But he doesn't have 100% of the cleanup either, he's not going to be able to put all the DIKs to work.


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
On Sage, my point is that the "rebound guy" discussion only happens on the fuck buddy path. Which is sort of backwards IMHO: you'd think the MC who didn't want to cheat would be the one worried about being a rebound. Instead he's the one who's looking for something long-term. The non-cheater either turns Sage down flat, or he immediately fucks her then goes back to the party as if nothing happened.

I wasn't expecting anything formal on the non-fuck buddy path at this stage, but I figured there would be some discussion about what each of them was looking for in a potential relationship.
on Sage there's a big problem of time compression, which is unfortunately common to these stories.

everything has to happen from the training session to the party at HOTS, a parenthesis is opened and immediately closed, too quickly.

let's forget the problems of coherence of MC who asks for time and meanwhile inseminates half of the HOTS, that's the fault of the free will that DPC left us.

but everything remains excessively compressed. MC rejects Sage telling her that he thinks he's just a distraction from the pain of the separation from Chad (which is a bit of MC's infamous destiny), Sage gets angry but doesn't give him an answer there and then.

Then they meet again a few days later at the party and Sage explains to him that she understood him, that she can't promise him anything, but she assures him that she has no preclusion towards him for a serious story, and she's also willing to wait... 1 minute more or less

I had the same feeling of falling into a coma and waking up after days that I had in the fourth chapter... where after running and hiding everywhere, deciding to follow our heart, taking advantage of the courage that alcohol gives, we asked to remain friends with Josy and Maya (and at least there it was partially a choice)

then there is another aspect that, to tell the truth, basically calms me down while playing: the certainty that the dangers are decided by DPC, not by the story, so it is useless to be careful. having sex with Sage in the garden of the HOTs with Josy present (and even with her who should go to that garden) is safe, bombproof. but if we see a light flashing in the garden who knows who could be...
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Engaged Member
Jul 7, 2017
I may not express myself well, I said "infidelity" to the fact that josy was interested in MC since practically since they met and she was already with Maya.
In the same way Maya did it too, but I think I feel that Maya did it to feel protected next to him. She is not a girl who interacts a lot with people and by being close to him, she begins to feel very attached to him. (Here I may be going around the bush, relating it to real experiences, so I could be wrong)
When Josy comes back, Maya starts spending more time with her and I think she prefers her.
And now that they are separated again, Maya returns to MC's shelter.
I think it depended on what decision the player made in EP4. On the Josy/Maya path, Maya also enjoyed her time with the MC, but she was unsure about boys. Maya asks a lot of questions up until EP7. But in EP7, Maya loses all her insecurity and moves right up with Josy.


Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
To satisfy my curiosity I just did a quick playthrough as a CHICK MC without Sage as a fuck-buddy, only pursuing her when the choice is offered in ep 7 - and I have to say I didn't think it made a whole lot of sense, story-wise. I rejected Sage at every stage (really really hard to do, but I managed it) and only succumbed to her relentless flirting at the party in ep 7 -- at which point you still get the full 100% lewd scene with her, the same as if you'd been with her every step of the way as a DIK MC for the last 7 episodes. So barely any scenes with her, rejected her advances repeatedly, didn't comfort her when she was sick, yet you get the same result. The choice to pursue her and the resultant payoff just felt completely unearned and nonsensical, and it kind of diminishes all the relationship building you do with her on the DIK path, in my view.

It may make sense for DPC to do this, from a dev perspective, I guess he is both keeping Sage in the story for CHICK path players who have rejected her, plus he's giving players yet another chance to pursue her if they want. But narratively speaking, it really shouldn't have been possible to get Sage this late in the game if you haven't had those meaningful interactions with her over the preceding episodes. If DPC intended to have a non fuck-buddy Sage path, the track for that should have been laid with branching at an earlier stage.
I half disagree: I think it makes a lot of sense to be able to get Sage even if you haven't been pursuing her prior to this, simply because this is the first time she was genuinely "available" to be pursued properly. Prior to this she was either already in a relationship, or in the immediate aftermath of a miserable breakup. So if an MC liked Sage but wanted more than just a fling with her, this was the only chance he'd had to start something.

Where I definitely agree is that the emphasis should have been on start. Jumping straight to full on sex with Sage is not what I was looking for, though there is a case to be made for it. Even so, jumping to the exact same sex scene fuck buddies get was a definite mistake. It doubtless saved on render time, but it just ruined the pace of the relationship. That's what I found disappointing. DPC is usually a lot better about this sort of thing, almost to a fault.


Engaged Member
Sep 3, 2020
on Sage there's a big problem of time compression, which is unfortunately common to these stories.

everything has to happen from the training session to the party at HOTS, a parenthesis is opened and immediately closed, too quickly.

let's forget the problems of coherence of MC who asks for time and meanwhile inseminates half of the HOTS, that's the fault of the free will that DPC left us.

but everything remains excessively compressed. MC rejects Sage telling her that he thinks he's just a distraction from the pain of the separation from Chad (which is a bit of MC's infamous destiny), Sage gets angry but doesn't give him an answer there and then.

Then they meet again a few days later at the party and Sage explains to him that she understood him, that she can't promise him anything, but she assures him that she has no preclusion towards him for a serious story, and she's also willing to wait... 1 minute more or less

I had the same feeling of falling into a coma and waking up after days that I had in the fourth chapter... where after running and hiding everywhere, deciding to follow our heart, taking advantage of the courage that alcohol gives, we asked to remain friends with Josy and Maya (and at least there it was partially a choice)

then there is another aspect that, to tell the truth, basically calms me down while playing: the certainty that the dangers are decided by DPC, not by the story, so it is useless to be careful. having sex with Sage in the garden of the HOTs with Josy present (and even with her who should go to that garden) is safe, bombproof. but if we see a light flashing in the garden who knows who could be...
That final question, it is DPC who puts the danger and not our decisions, is something I thought when I got to my save DIK and Bella closed the curtain on me. I laughed a lot thinking about what my character CHICK did at the HOT party with barely a consequence (at the time I thought it was cool that Sage would score you 2 out of 5 if you fucked anyone else before her, it was a way to give some action-reaction to the freeroam).
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Engaged Member
Jul 7, 2017
as I said, the Solo Path I think will depend on who you spend more time with. They kind of drifting apart already, so if you spend more time with Josy you get closer to Her, Maya falls behind and vice versa. and if you spend more time with Maya , well you probably get to know her Dad a little bit better and sorry Maya but no I'm not intrested with dealing you dad more then I should :ROFLMAO:.
but yeah a possible scenarios is Maya Dad gonna be involved bigger if you on the Maya path
The Solo path will be opened devinitively. But you should not only consider the time with Josy and Maya, but also what the MC does with each individually.

That with the father will probably be so. I am only curious how DPC solves this for the Throuple.:unsure:


Oct 5, 2020
I can't agree at all; no matter how badly Quinn needed the money, there was no excuse not to tell Tommy and/or Rusty the HOTs were ditching so the DIKs could make other plans. That was Tommy's point, and on that point he was 100% correct. Not only was that Quinn's job (explicitly given to her by Sage), but it's the sort of basic courtesy any friend should do for another. Instead, Quinn ducked the responsibility leading to a completely predictable clusterfuck, then lashed out when people called her on her mistake.

Pointing out all the Tri-Alpha parties Tommy ruined is a bizarre defense, because Tommy has never had anything but contempt for the jocks. Are we supposed to take that as an indication Quinn hates Tommy and the DIKs? That seems unlikely, and yet here we are. Quinn would rather avoid a tough conversation than admit she might need some help - even when (as Tommy pointed out) there was no way to avoid that conversation permanently.

Quinn is completely in the wrong on this. I think that's precisely why she's so angry about it; it's hard to maintain her self-image as a cunning chessmaster when her pawns can easily point out her mistakes. Unfortunately, the only way Quinn seems able to deal with that dichotomy is to completely stonewall any sense of introspection and lash out whoever tries to help her make the connection.

And I think that says everything we need to know about Quinn. She's on some industrial-strength denial.

Given that the only way to help Riona is to fuck her, I'm hoping she'll be okay without our help, too.

And frankly, I'm skeptical this will make much of an impact on Quinn either way, unless the connection between her own actions and what happens to Riona is extremely short and extremely direct. Quinn's mental filter is too strong for any sort of indirect consequence to break through.

Chad was an asshole, I'm not eager to defend him. But I don't think lunging straight to blunt, violent retribution is the best way to handle this sort of situation.

Besides, I don't understand why Chad deserves a beating for all his sins while Quinn gets the soft glove treatment despite her putting both Sage and Maya through a considerable share of shit on her own (and that's before her little pimping ring has been discovered - it can get much worse for Sage!). Quinn also uses drugs, uses the HOTs for her own benefit, allows beefs to get started between the DIKs and HOTs, and (unlike Chad) takes a personal pleasure in tormenting those under her control; you'll note that Chad does not flip off the MC when walking away (even if the MC remained silent during the hearing).

It's one thing to advocate hyperbolic beatings to fictional characters that happen to be assholes, but it's another to claim that only certain assholes merit that treatment. The only bigger asshole in the game than Quinn is Burke. YMMV, obviously, but that's how I see it.

Chad could have quit the Tri-Alphas in support of Troy, that is true. But we don't know exactly what that would have entailed, so it's hard to say how easy it would have been.

It's clear Chad enjoys the jock culture aside from the homophobia; he seemed very eager to compete in whatever even is happening next year even after being tossed out. If we assume the homophobic culture of the jocks pervades the rest of the "weightlifting/bodybuilding/whatever" world, Chad resigning in solidarity with Troy might have prevented him from participating in future events - to say nothing of the heightened risk his relationship with Troy would come out.

Obviously it would be better for Chad to take a stand and begin to change that culture, but that's asking a lot for him to do on his own. I'll give mad props to anyone willing to do it, but I'll never blame anyone for wanting to avoid it when there are other, far less painful, options.

Which, IMHO, is basically the deal with Maya and Josy. Maya could simply come out and be with Josy openly, accepting whatever consequences follow. She chooses not to, because the risks are very high and she thinks she can endure the discomfort long enough to remove her father's threat and still be with Josy. Whether or not she's right, it's not a position that should be dismissed out of hand.

Likewise, Chad probably thought that he was in a better position to protect Troy by hiding their relationship and remaining in charge of the jocks than he was going public and being stripped of his presidency (and possibly ability to compete in jock events altogether). We'll have to wait to learn more about what happened with Troy, but I would not be surprised to learn he WAS trying to keep Troy safe from the other jocks.

Personally, I find the CHICK path more compelling because I find the resulting crude behavior and obsession with casual sex unpleasant. Simple as that. CHICK's still get opportunities for snark, after all.

The guide is correct: calling Sage is only mandatory if you're her fuck buddy. Otherwise it's optional.

That's the loophole I used on my Jill-centric run; just assume he didn't realize Sage was sick and thus had no reason to turn Jill down. Otherwise, as everyone has already said, ditching on a sick friend to have a spontaneous date with another girl (that could easily be postponed, as far as the MC knows) is a real dick move.

Really, DPC should have scheduled the date with Jill first, to make it a much less one-sided choice.

Yes, Jill is turning out to be a much less interesting character than it first appeared, which is a real shame. Virgin drama is tiresome IHMO, but the real problem is her egregious stupidity.

Tybalt has never made a secret of his elitist views, yet Jill still seems surprised at the contents of his anti-welfare presentation. Plus, she recognizes that Tybalt is blackmailing her to have dates with him and agreed to his terms... but apparently never realized that she'd actually have to go on those dates! It takes a week for her just to beg Bella to get her out of the mess she specifically volunteered for! Bella can lampshade it all she likes, that makes no sense.

I mean, I want to sympathize with Jill; making a sacrifice for a loved one is a classic trope. But this has to be one of the worst implementations of it I've ever seen. On top of that, the game makes it clear that Tybalt is zero (zip, zilch, nada) threat to the MC. He's an incompetent boob who's been nothing but a laughingstock for 7 episodes running, and his punishments keep getting worse! The way this game is going, if he did try to get the MC in legal trouble, Tybalt would probably wind up tortured by Jack Bauer on suspicion of terrorism.

Frankly, this has been a mess. I'm hoping Jill can recover if this blasted blackmail subplot finally dies, but it's sure taking its sweet time dying. :mad:

Well, my main route is Maya/Josy, exclusive so I've seen all the friendship Sage path stuff. And I've been hoping we would get another chance to date her properly when Chad finally broke up with her. That said, I was a little disappointed that the scene plays out as just an over-the-top sex fest with no real discussion of what else might happen between them.

I mean, I get that Sage likes sex, doesn't like introspection, and isn't ready to leap into a new relationship. But I would think an MC (particularly a CHICKish one) who didn't feel comfortable cheating with Sage would want something a little more involved than a very public roll in the hay with Sage. Maybe it's just me, but I think I'm slightly less enthusiastic about my planned CHICK Sage non-fuck buddy run now than I was back before I knew it would be possible.

On a similar note, it's odd that fuck buddies automatically want more with Sage this time out, without any say so on our part. Perhaps that would create too much branching even for DPC. It's clear the whole "rebound guy" issue is going to be a thing for a while. I guess we'll see what happens when Episode 8 rolls around and we the MC and Sage have time to explore their new relationship outside the heat of the moment.

To date there are no scenes that appear only if the MC declined to party at the Pink Rose. It's possible that could change, but my guess is you can safely party if you want to. The real question is why a CHICK would want to.

(The answer, of course, is Nicole, but the MC won't know that at the time. ;))

Josy can even have dialog on this. If the MC in the throuple "seduces" Josy, she'll admit:
View attachment 1175056 View attachment 1175057 View attachment 1175058 View attachment 1175059 View attachment 1175060
Interestingly, if the if the MC isn't on her path but still has feelings for her, she can say this instead if the MC "comforts" her:
View attachment 1175078 View attachment 1175079 View attachment 1175080 View attachment 1175081 View attachment 1175082

It's pretty clear Josy has very strong feelings for the MC despite her feelings for Maya. I think, in vacuum, she would choose Maya over the MC if it came down to it, because as she says, she doesn't want to be a cheater. But as we saw back in Episode 2, when things aren't in a vacuum it's not certain how she would act. If Maya keeps taking her frustrations out on Josy, she probably would choose the MC over Maya.

As I see it, that means the key to keeping Maya & Josy together is to help them find healthier ways to express their fears and frustrations when they can't be together. The real question is how to combine that with being a direct part of their relationship.

I sincerely hope it will be possible to end up with both of them; I'm going to feel really bad if I end up having to drop out of the trio (or worse, picking one of them over the other). I've played a lot of AVNs that offer multi-girl routes, but BaDIK is the only one that's actually made me genuinely invested in such a relationship to anywhere near this degree.

I *think* it will be possible if we play our cards right, but I'm not sure. I'm not even sure exactly what playing our cards right will be. Makes for a very nerve-wracking experience, but I certainly can't claim I'm not invested.

Nah, Josy's always been hands down the hottest girl in the game. She's just increasingly comfortable showing off to the MC. :)
I want the josy and maya route. But if for some reason, they have to separate, I would choose Josy.
I feel like I've connected more with her.

Now, looking at the images you are uploading of Josy saying that she still has feelings for MC. If we go to the episode where Maya and Josy decide to be just your friends, and then we decide to go accompany Maya, she also cries for MC, showing that she loves he too.

So, on that side, we could say that they both have feelings for MC, I can't be sure if they are stronger than the one they feel for each other, but at least we have the certainty that they love MC.

DPC, is preparing very well the route in which we have to decide on any of them.
What consequences will it have? we don't know, I just hope they aren't tragic like his first game
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