The dik status/affinity requirements are actually very loose. The game itself only has, as far as i can tell, two hard limitations so far:
1) you cant have Jade/Cathy AND the Josie/Maya relationship. (you will be forced to choose one or the other, which i dont think makes much sense because the Jade scene ends with you running out of her house, not staying the night. so you SHOULD be able to go see Jade AFTER convincing Josie/Maya, but BEFORE returning to Mayas dorm with them. This is actually my biggest complain about the game ultimately. There is room to allow both options, but the designers put a hard wall there that doesnt need to be there. Im considering even modding just to make this possible, though figuring out how to mod this game will take a lot of my time and headaches, so i dont know if i will. Maybe if there are some easy modding guide somewhere, i will check it out.) The only actual requirements to get Josie+Maya is to have neutral affinity (go chick for a couple major choices) and to have chosen to stay with Josie at her parents house. But having neutral affinity does not prevent you from getting dic status, thus does not prevent you from hooking up with any of the HOTs. and affinity nor status matter for bella and jill, just their reputation (make enough of the right rep choices)
2) you must be chic Affinity (major choices) to get Shower scene with Jill during the date. other then that I can not find a single thing that actually requires chic Affinity (not the same as Chic status which are only needed for a few Alternate scenes/ some Rep choices.)
besides those limitations, I was able to stay neutral affinity, while having Huge Dic status, and unlock at least one major lewd scene with every other character.
(alternate versions of a few scenes like the variations in who you stay with/go to after some of the parties require a save/reload to see them, but only a handful of alternate scenes in the game require a separate playthrough to change status to get like the very first scene with Josie, which requires dic +5 vs. chic (-5). but there are maybe 3 of those in the game?
Ultimately you can definitely unlock ALL scenes in a minimum of 2 playthroughs. (one aimed at Huge Dik straight out of the gate, and going after the teachers + HOTs + night club. the other aimed at Chic, going after Josie+Maya, might as well aim at Bella and Jill in this one too, since its easier to get their rep with chic choices)
so basically theres the SLUTS route, and the PRUDES route. and thats basically it.
However, many of the conversations have alternate text/speech when you are either Huge Dic or Huge Chic ive noticed. Jokes especially change in almost all cases. So thats fun

Getting to huge Dic (avoid Massive) by the first freeroam at college campus sets you up nicely. Hover in that Huge Dic range to really explore the game as fully as you can
anyways, if someone has put together a quick guide for setting up a mod environment for this and compiling, please post it and Ill consider altering the major wall between Jade/Cathy v Josie/Maya, since i dont think it makes sense anyway.