I can confirm that cheating via Console or Save Editor is not detectable unless it leads to something that would be impossible in a normal run, like setting your money to more than the maximum or being on two paths at the same time, or being on Quinn's path with a Chick affinity, and so on.
Anyway, that's not automatic. DPC would have to put in his next releases some "if" clause that check for anomalies.
As per Episode 10 the only mod that causes a forced quit is the
old release of
Scrappy mod (Scrappy updated his mod after the forced quits were reported as Episode 10 was released - or at least so I've been told here).
But you can avoid that anti-ScrappyMod test by setting a couple of variables to None via Console or Save Editor, or even patch your own code by removing the few code lines that perform that tests.
Saves made with Sancho mod installed work fine on unmodded games provided you use Sancho's save fixer. This is true as per Episode 10. But, of course,
there's no guarantee that in upcoming Episodes DPC won't add specific checks to specifically target Sancho mod! And since Sancho is no more active (at least not on
this forum...

) in that case you'll have to patch your code by yourself or to wait some othe user to publish a patch.