Rusty: "You fucked Heather again last night?"
Tommy: "Yeah, but sometimes, I just don't know..."
Tommy: "I tell her to deepthroat me and she just goes halfway before she starts to gag."
Rusty: "Ah. Yeah, some chicks can't do that."
Tommy: "Yeah, she's no Riona, that's for sure."
Rusty: "Oh, last semester there was that girl..."
Rusty: "...what was her name, again?"
Tommy: "Judith?"
Rusty: "No, not Judith... Jo-..."
Rusty: "Something Jo-..."
Tommy: "Joanne?"
Rusty: "Yes! Thank you!"
Rusty: "Man...that girl really knew how to blow that whistle."
Tommy: "You lucky dog."
Rusty: "Yeah, she really was-"