1. Maya also refused the money from the MC.
2. Quinn is not very good at getting things done. Yes, the Alphas are not at the Halloween party. But Quinn didn't actually plan that, just owe it to a happy coincidence from Arieth. The preps party would have been without the HOTs if Sage hadn't taken care of it. No, Quinn's errands are more by chance than as planned.
3. Vinny had a thing with Quinn once, we all read that. But we read something else. Quinn told Tommy so they are much better off without Vinny. In Tommy's opinion, Quinn actually got away with it better than he did. Given the fact so Quinn had something with Vinny shows us that Quinn was no exception when it came to Vinny either. It seems to me that Quinn found a new ally in Tommy, and then Vinny was dumped.
4. to become a DIK MC, the player must make decisions that can make him blackmailable.
5. I'm not writing to make Quinn not long for the MC. But given the fact so that Quinn, in my opinion, has her most intimate and vulnerable moment with the MC in EP7 when she snuggles up to him while he is unconscious/absolutely high or asleep, shows me so that she wants a relationship with a CHICK MC but wants to fuck a DIK MC.
DPC follows in my opinion a clear structure, which is recognizable by the CHICK LIs and Rusty. First will develop feelings, then fuck and finally enter into a relationship. On this way the MC influences the girls. The other way shows and Rusty. He fucked around a lot, but never discarded the thought of a relationship, but is eventually dumped by Micha. In terms of girls, Rusty was a DIK and got dumped.
I believe so that the same will happen between Quinn and the MC. So with Quinn, the MC probably has to be a DIK longer than with other Girls, but eventually he has to evolve into a CHICK to end up in a successful relationship with Quinn.
But play it however you want. These are just my thoughts.